Page 17 - Touching All the Bases
P. 17

401(k) Savings Plan – Fidelity

        If you were hired on or after January 1, 2016, Baseball will make annual contributions to the 401(k) Plan
        on your behalf for each year that you work through December 31st after you have reached your Plan Entry
        Date. The percentage of your base pay that will be contributed will be based on your length of service with
        the company. You become 20% vested in the employer contributions per year with full vesting after five
        years of vesting service.

        You may also join the Major League Baseball 401(k) Plan and save pre-tax or post-tax dollars through
        automatic payroll deductions. Your 401(k) account grows with the combination of tax-sheltered
        contributions and tax-deferred interest. Here are some of the plan features:

        You may contribute from 1% to 100% of your annual salary, up to the annual IRS maximums for the year.
        If you are age 50 or older, you may also elect to make additional “catch-up” contributions to your account.
        You invest your savings among a number of mutual funds administered by Fidelity Investments, including
        the JP Morgan SmartRetirement Funds. You also have access to hundreds of other investment options
        through Fidelity’ Investments BrokerageLink.
        Low interest loans are available; you pay the interest back to your account. (You may take only one loan at
        a time.)
        You are always 100% vested in any money that you contribute to the 401(k) Plan.

                              Click here to go to the Fidelity homepage

       Pension Plan (for employees hired on or before December 31, 2015)
       During your career at Baseball, you may earn a benefit under a defined benefit pension plan, which is fully
       funded by Baseball. Your benefit will depend on your years of credited service under the plan and your final
       average earnings. You are eligible to participate after you complete one year of service. You become vested
       in your benefit 20% per year with full vesting after five years of vesting service.

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