Page 60 - Touching All the Bases
P. 60

0 4       Estimate your F S A Expenses and Tax Savings

            M E D I C A L E S T I M A T E
            Estimate out-of-pocket medical services for you, your spouse, and your eligible dependents.

               G E N E R A L  E X P E N S E S                S P E C I A L T Y  E X P E N S E S
               Office visits/doctor’s fees                   Emergency  room/hospital bills  $
               (actual cost if deductible applies  $
               or total copayments)
                                                             Hearing aids             $
               Immunizations/vaccines   $
                                                             Specialists or alternative medicine
               Laboratory fees/X-rays   $                    (Acupuncture, chiropractor, physical  $
                                                             therapy, specialists fees, etc.)
               Over-the-counter drugs and medicines  $       Surgery                  $
               Prescription  drugs      $                    Other expenses           $

               S U B T O T A L          $                    S U B T O T A L          $
               V I S I O N                                   D E N T A L
                                                             Cleanings, exams, fillings,
               Corrective eye                                                        $
               surgery and eye wear    $                     and procedures
                                                             Orthodontia             $
               Eye exams               $
                                                             X-rays                  $
               Prescription  glasses   $
                                                             S U B T O T A L         $
               Contact lenses          $
               S U B T O T A L         $                     T O T A L  E S T I M A T E :    $

            D E P E N D E N T  C A R E E S T I M A T E    T A X S A V I N G S  E S T I M A T E
            Estimate out-of-pocket expenses related to non-  Estimate your total annual tax savings.
            medical care for your dependents.

                                                          A. Total medical estimate (see plan
                                                            highlights for the maximum limits that may apply)
               D E P E N D E N T  C A R E  E X P E N S E S
                                                          B. Total dependent care estimate (see plan
               Adult day care          $                                              $
                                                            highlights for the maximum limits that may apply)
               Child day care or in-
               home dependent care                        C. Total expenses (line A + line B)  $
               Nursery school          $
                                                          D. Tax rate (enter what you pay in total for
                                                            Federal, State, and Local taxes. If uncertain,  $
                                                            use 30% of your gross salary)
               T O T A L  E S T I M A T E :    $
                                                          E. FICA (includes Social Security and Medicare)  $
                                                          F. Total tax rate (line D + line E)  $
           Use our free FSA calculator to help estimate your
                                                             E S T I M A T E D  A N N U A L
           expenses:           T A X  S A V I N G S (line C x line F)  $
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