Page 34 - Draken Intl. 2022 OE Flipbook
P. 34


        HIPAA Privacy Notice (cont.)                            Michelle’s Law (cont.)

        Personal Representatives: You may exercise your rights   Michelle's Law requires the Plan to allow extended
        through a personal representative. Your personal        eligibility in some cases for a dependent child who would
        representative will be required to produce evidence of   lose eligibility for Plan coverage due to loss of full-time
        his/her authority to act on your behalf before that person   student status. There are two definitions that are
        will be given access to your PHI or allowed to take any   important for purposes of determining whether the
        action for you. The Plan retains discretion to deny a   Michelle's Law extension of eligibility applies to a
        personal representative access to your PHI to the extent   particular child:
        permissible under applicable law.
                                                                 Dependent child means a child of a plan participant who is
                                                                  eligible under the terms of a group health benefit plan based
        If you believe that your privacy rights have been violated,   on his or her student status and who was enrolled at a post-
        you have the right to express complaints to the Plan and   secondary educational institution immediately before the
        to the Secretary of the Department of Health and Human    first day of a medically necessary leave of absence.
        Services. Any complaints to the Plan should be made in    Medically necessary leave of absence means a leave of
        writing to the contact person named at the end of this    absence or any other change in enrollment:
        Notice. The Plan encourages you to express any concerns       of a dependent child from a post-secondary
        you may have regarding the privacy of your information.        educational institution that begins while the child is
        You will not be retaliated against in any way for filing a     suffering from a serious illness or injury;
        complaint.                                                    which is medically necessary; and
        Contact Information                                           which causes the dependent child to lose student
                                                                       status under the terms of the Plan.
        Please contact Human Resources for all issues regarding
        the Plan’s privacy practices and your privacy rights. You   For the Michelle’s Law extension of eligibility to apply, a
        can reach this department at:    dependent child’s treating physician must provide
                                                                written certification of medical necessity (i.e.,
        Michelle’s Law                                          certification that the dependent child suffers from a
                                                                serious illness or injury that necessitates the leave of
        Federal legislation known as “Michelle's Law” generally
        extends eligibility for group health benefit plan coverage   absence or other enrollment change that would
        to a dependent child who is enrolled in an institution of   otherwise cause loss of eligibility).
        higher education at the beginning of a medically        If a dependent child qualifies for the Michelle's Law
        necessary leave of absence if the leave normally would   extension of eligibility, the Plan will treat the dependent
        cause the dependent child to lose eligibility for coverage   child as eligible for coverage until the earlier of:
        under the plan due to loss of student status. The        One year after the first day of the leave of absence; or
        extension of eligibility protects eligibility of a sick or    The date that Plan coverage would otherwise terminate (for
        injured dependent child for up to one year.               reasons other than failure to be a full-time student).
        Florida Blue currently permits an employee to continue a   A dependent child on a medically necessary leave of
        child’s coverage until age 26, if that child is enrolled at an   absence is entitled to receive the same Plan benefits as
        accredited institution of learning on a full-time basis, with   other dependent children covered under the Plan.
        full-time defined by the accredited institution’s       Further, any change to Plan coverage that occurs during
        registration and/or attendance policies.                the Michelle’s Law extension of eligibility will apply to
                                                                the dependent child to the same extent as it applies to
                                                                other dependent children covered under the Plan.

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