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Tuition Reimbursement
To support your educational development, Baseball offers a tuition reimbursement program. You are eligible for the
program after you complete one year of full-time service. Under the program, the costs of tuition and books for
courses directly related to your present job may be reimbursed at the lesser of 100% or up to $7,000 per academic
year. The eligibility requirements are one year’s continuous service with Baseball prior to commencement of the
course; and satisfactory completion of the course (Grade C or Pass). Any dollar amount that exceeds $5,250 will be
considered taxable income.
Auto & Homeowner’s Insurance
The MetLife Auto & Home Group Program is a voluntary insurance program that offers auto, home and other personal
property insurance with these special advantages:
• Free, no obligation quotes available online or over the phone for your auto, boat and home insurance,
including renter’s and condo insurance, and excess liability coverage
• Group discounted insurance rates
• Multi-policy discounts
• Convenient payroll deductions for your premiums
Click here for details on the Auto & Homeowner’s Insurance
Commuter Benefits Program – BRI Worldwide
To save you money on transportation and parking costs, Baseball offers you the opportunity to enroll in a Commuter
Benefits Program. This program allows employees to pay for eligible commuting costs through automatic, pre-tax
payroll deductions. There is no annual enrollment period, so you can sign up or make changes whenever you choose
– online or by phone. All it takes is a quick online or phone order to get your transit pass delivered to your home every
month and/or set up direct parking payments. There is also the option for the BRI Beniversal Card, which holds pre-
tax money that gives you the flexibility to purchase commutation orders in different qualifying facilities. In 2021, the
Commuter Benefits pre-tax deduction limit has been raised to $270 per month.
Click here for Commuter Benefits Program details
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