Page 23 - PetVet 2022 Master Benefits Guide_FINAL Version
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Empyrean Mobile App
You can return to Empyrean at any time throughout the year after your
enrollment period to:
1 2 3 4
Review your benefits details Update your contact Update your beneficiaries Visit the Company
and plan summaries for information, if (those named in your plan Corner for updated plan
information on deductibles, applicable. who will receive payouts and supporting
copays, out-of-pocket for certain coverage, such documents.
maximums, etc. as a life insurance policy).
In the Resources and Company Corner in the Empyrean system you access supporting plan
information, carrier benefit summaries, prescription drug formularies and information on
important tools and resources. You can find this resource on the main menu of the Empyrean
website listed below!
Introducing EmpyreanGO
From the convenience of your phone or tablet EmpyreanGo will allow you to review current benefits, employer
resources, and enroll in benefits – including adding dependents, updating beneficiaries, or uploading
supporting documents.
How Do Employees Access EmpyreanGO?
EmpyreanGO is available for IOS/Android platforms and is found in both
the Apple App and Google Play stores. The EmpyreanGO app is
accessible to you in 3 simple steps:
1. Download the app by searching for EmpyreanGO.
2. Search for your employer’s name (a list will start to auto-populate
after three characters).
3. Log in utilizing your credentials used for Compass.
Contact Empyrean
Phone: 800-615-2632