Page 15 - 2022 AEO FT HO Book CAN ENG
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• Any other amount that you could claim for a medical tax credit on your tax
return. You can claim these expenses even if your health or dental plan
doesn’t cover them. See which expenses the Canadian Revenue Agency
(CRA) allows.
If you’re a new hire: Your HCSA deposit for the year will be lower (pro-rated). How much
you can get depends on when your coverage starts within the plan year.
Any unused funds in your HCSA at the end of the year will be carried forward to the
next year. Unused funds will only carry over for one plan year and will expire at end of the
carry-over year.
Emergency Travel Assistance (ETA)
Your Emergency Travel Medical Coverage
A medical emergency while travelling can be a frightening and costly experience.
But with your Manulife group benefits plan, you’ll have the protection you OPTIONAL BENEFITS
need — and you’ll have access to the expertise of our emergency travel assistance partner,
AZGA Service Canada Inc. (Allianz Global Assistance) any time, 24 hours a day. Allianz
Global Assistance has one of the world’s largest emergency travel assistance networks
and can help you and your family through the difficult time.
If you’re hurt or get sick while travelling outside your home province, ETA is there
to help you and your family. When you phone the number on your card, someone is
there to help. They can also arrange a wide variety of services for you.
Here Are Just a Few Ways They Can Help
• Help you find a doctor or hospital
• Arrange and pay for your flight home for medical care PLEASE NOTE
• Make arrangements for family members travelling with you
An EMERGENCY means an
• Coordinate claims for all medical services between your provincial health plan, acute illness or accidental
your Manulife health plan, and any other group or individual health plans injury that requires imme-
diate, medically necessary
Your ETA plan also includes a telephone health advice service. Allianz Global Assistance treatment prescribed by a
can help you in other languages, not just English. doctor.
What to Do in a Medical Emergency means any reasonable
You, or someone with you, must call the Allianz Global Assistance 24-hour operations medical ser vices or sup-
centre before receiving medical care. The toll-free numbers are on the Travel Card. plies, including advice,
Any invasive and investigative procedures (e.g., surgery, angiogram, MRI) must be treatment, medical proce-
pre-authorized by Allianz Global Assistance, except in extreme circumstances. If you dures or surgery required
don’t contact Allianz Global Assistance, your claim could be reduced or declined. as a result of an emer-
gency. When you or your
Stay in touch with Allianz Global Assistance throughout the medical emergency until family member has a chron-
they confirm that you no longer need to do so. Please give Allianz Global Assistance your ic condition, emergency
hospital, hotel, or other local telephone number where you can be reached. ser vices do not include
treatment provided as
par t of an es tablished
management program that
existed before leaving
your province of residence.
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