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Additional Benefits

     •     Plum Benefits
             o   Exclusive, cost-free employee benefit that saves you time and money – providing you with
                 access to hard-to-get tickets and discounts on great seats for theater & arts, sports,
                 concerts, family events, and more.
                    ▪  Use your email address as your username
                    ▪  Use company code MLB to access discount benefits

                    Click here to see the Plumb Benefits brochure for more information

     •     MLB Store Discount
             o   25% off at the MLB Flagship Store with your employee ID.
             o   25% off all purchases made on by visiting
                 Please note this is for employees only – this code should not be sent outside of the

     •     Discounted Gym Memberships
             o   Town Sports Clubs –
             o   Equinox

     •     General Motors Supplier Discount
             o   Employee Discounts on new GM vehicles

                  Click here to see the GM Supplier Discount brochure for more information

     •     T-Mobile Wireless Services
             o   Discount on rate plans and devices

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