Page 7 - Impact XM Canada Benefits Guide 2022
P. 7

Your Long Term Disability Plan

          LONG TERM DISABILITY INSURANCE                                 Long Term
         Long term disability insurance is an important part of your
         financial security.                                             Disability           Benefit
         On your disability, Canada Life will pay you the Long Term
         Disability insurance benefit, based on the formula included                          60% of monthly
         here and your annual salary.                                                         earnings to a
                                                                         Formula              maximum of

                                                                                              $5,000 per
                                                                         Waiting Period       month
                                                                                              119 days

                                                                                              24 months own

                                                                                              occupation, any
                                                                         Termination          occupation
                                                                                              thereafter to
                                                                                              age 65

         Your Life Insurance Plan

         Life insurance is an important part of your financial security,    Life Insurance    Benefit
         especially if you support a family.
                                                                                              100% of annual
         On your death, Canada Life will pay your life insurance                              earnings up to
         benefits to your named beneficiary. If you have not named a
         beneficiary or there is no surviving beneficiary at the time of                      $50,000
         your death, payment will be made to your estate. Your           Basic Employee  maximum,
         employer will explain the claim requirements to your
         beneficiary.                                                    Life                 reducing by 50%
                                                                                              at age 65 and
                                                                                              terminating at

                                                                                              age 70
                                                                         Dependent Life  Spouse: $5,000

                                                                         Insurance            Child: $2,500

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