Page 22 - Rubrik 2022 Benefits Guide
P. 22


        Travel Assistance Program                                Financial Wellness

        If you’re looking for peace of mind while traveling, consider   BrightPlan is a financial wellness solution to provide you
        the Travel Assistance program. It offers toll-free emergency   with comprehensive financial planning support during all
        assistance to you, your spouse, and your dependents 24   market conditions and stages of life. With BrightPlan you
        hours a day, seven days a week when you’re traveling 100   have access to:
        miles or more from your primary home for 90 days or less.
                                                                    ƒ  A sophisticated financial plan to achieve your most
        Business Travel Accident (BTA)                               important financial goals
                                                                    ƒ  Advice on existing investments, such as 401(k)
        AIG Travel Guard BTA insurance offers coverage in the       ƒ  Access to speak with a fiduciary Financial Advisor
        event of a medical emergency, or accidental death or        ƒ  An automated Smart Budget and spending analysis
        dismemberment when you’re traveling for business. In        ƒ  Financial education tailored to Rubrik benefits
        addition, this coverage includes:                           ƒ  You can get started with this benefit by visiting

           ƒ  24-hour worldwide business travel protection for or downloading
            employees, their spouse and children (when traveling     the BrightPlan app and enrolling using activation
            at the expense of Rubrik).                               code: rubrik
           ƒ  Travel assistance services                         BrightPlan is available to you at the discounted rate of
           ƒ  Emergency medical evacuation                       $10/month. This benefit can be canceled at anytime for
           ƒ  A benefit for lost or stolen personal items        any reason.

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