Page 99 - Tampa Bay Rays 2023 Flipbook
P. 99

How to enroll online
                Tampa Bay Rays
                Enroll :  November 15th—December 16, 2022

               Step 1: Click to Enroll

                 Type the link below into a web browser to enroll:


               Step 2: Register for an account and create password

               You will need 3 pieces of informaƟon in order to
               x  Your Last Name (as it appears in the census)
               x  Either your full SSN or the Last 5 Digits of your
                  SSN   (If 5 digits does not work, please try your
                  full SSN)
               x  Your Date of Birth: mm/dd/yyyy

               x  Once you register, you will create a logon and

               This logon and password will allow you to access
               the self-service site at any  me during the enroll-
               ment period. A er you click ”register”, the person-
               al informa on page will display. If you forget your
               user ID, the email address you provided will allow
               you to retrieve your User ID.

               Step 3: Navigate Past Personal Informa on Page

               Personal InformaƟon Page

               x Your personal informa on can be changed at this screen,
                if necessary.
               x At the top of the screen, above the personal informa on
                header, a Contacts Link is available in case you need as-
                sistance or have any ques ons.  The “Contacts” link is
                available on every screen.
               x At the bo om of this page, you will see a Con nue
                Bu on that will allow you to go into the Benefit Summary
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