Page 2 - Trident 2022 Flipbook
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          Benefit Basics & Eligibility        3 - 4
                                                           Rangers  Baseball  LLC  (the  Texas
          Payroll Deductions                      5        Rangers) are committed to providing you

          Your Medical Coverage                   6        with a comprehensive benefits package.
                                                           These  benefits  are  significant  and  an
          Your Prescription Coverage              7
                                                           important         part     of      your       total
          Medical Plan A & B Plans             8-9         compensation.  They  provide  valuable

          HSA Account Information (HSA)         10         protection for you and your family.

          Medical Plan D                        11

          Flexible Spending Accounts (FSA)      12
                                                           This  benefits  guide  will  help  you  learn
          Dental Coverage                       13         more  about  your  benefits,  review

          Vision Coverage                       14         highlights  of  the  available  plans  and
                                                           make  selections  that  best  fit  your
          Additional Benefits                   18
                                                           lifestyle and budget needs.
          Glossary                              20

          Important Contacts                    21

                                                           The Rangers reserves the exclusive right
          How to Enroll in Your Benefits        22
                                                           to  terminate,  amend  or  modify  plans,
          Federally Required Notices            22
                                                           coverage,  and  costs  of  Employee

                                                           This guide is only a summary of benefits.

                                                           Where discrepancies exist between this

                                                           guide  and  insurance  documents  or
                                                           policies, the documents or policies will


        2023 Rangers Baseball LLC (the Texas Rangers) Benefit Guide                                            Page 2
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