Page 72 - Trident 2022 Flipbook
P. 72

What You Will Pay

          Common Medical                Services You May Need               Network Provider      Out-of-Network       Limitations, Exceptions, & Other
                Event                                                        (You will pay the   Provider (You will         Important Information
                                                                                  least)           pay the most)
         If you have a test   Diagnostic test (x-ray, blood work)          20% coinsurance      40% coinsurance     Copayments, if any, do not apply to
                              Imaging (CT/PET scans, MRIs)                 20% coinsurance      40% coinsurance     Diagnostic Services prescribed for the
                                                                                                                    treatment of Mental Health or Substance
                                                                                                                    Abuse. Precertification may be required.
         If you need drugs    Generic drugs and Formulary Brand drugs      30% coinsurance,     Not covered         Up to 31-day supply retail pharmacy.
         to treat your illness                                             $20 minimum / $100                       Up to 90-day supply maintenance
         or condition                                                      maximum copay per                        prescription drugs through mail order.
         More information                                                  (retail)
         about prescription                                                30% coinsurance,
         drug coverage is                                                  $40 minimum / $200
         available at                                                      maximum copay per
         www.highmarkbcbs.                                                 prescription
         com/find-a-                                                       (mail order)
         doctor/#/drug.       Non-Formulary Brand drugs                    50% coinsurance,     Not covered
                                                                           $20 minimum / $100
                                                                           maximum copay per
                                                                           50% coinsurance,
                                                                           $40 minimum / $200
                                                                           maximum copay per
                                                                           (mail order)
         If you have          Facility fee (e.g., ambulatory surgery center)  20% coinsurance   40% coinsurance     Precertification may be required.
         outpatient surgery   Physician/surgeon fees                       20% coinsurance      40% coinsurance     Precertification may be required.

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