Page 3 - 2022 SoFi - Part Time Benefit Guide
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Where to Find Help

            We hope that this Benefits Guide will be a resource to use throughout the year for the services and benefits
            provided and offered to you as a valued SoFi employee.

            Benefits Mall in Workday                             Employee Benefits Helpline

               ƒ  Carrier contact information, including websites   Our Benefits team can answer any number of
               and phone numbers                                 questions you may have, including:
               ƒ  Helpful plan information & supporting             ƒ  Benefit Plan Information
               documentation                                        ƒ  Carrier Information
               ƒ  Enrollment and Life Event Instruction Guides      ƒ  Claim Assistance
               ƒ  Benefit Plan Summaries for health plans, disability     ƒ  Benefit Administration Assistance
               and life insurance, employee assistance programs,
               flexible spending accounts, and more              Phone: 866-486-0346
               ƒ  Visit the Workday Benefits Mall                Email:

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