Page 7 - 2023 SpecialtyCare Puerto Rico Benefit Guide
P. 7

2023 Benefits Guide

        Medical Plan Provisions-Triple S

                                                                              Triple S
         Plan Provisions                                                    In-Network

         Annual Deductible (Individual/Family Maximum)                        $0/$0

         Out-of-Pocket Maximum  (Includes Deductible)                     $6,350/$12,700

         Primary Physician Office Visit                                     $10 co-pay

         Specialist Office Visit                                            $15 co-pay

         X-Ray and Lab                                                         75%

         Hospital (Regular/ Partial)                                           $50

         Major Medical                                                         50%

         Emergency Room Care                                                   $75

         Retail Prescription Drugs
         (30-day supply)

          •   Generic                                                       $5 co-pay
          •   Brand Preferred                                               $20 co-pay
          •   Brand Non-preferred                                         70%, max $100

        Dental Plan Provisions-Triple S (through medical)

        SpecialtyCare offers you dental coverage through your medical coverage with Triple S.

                                                                                     Triple S
         Plan Provisions                                                           In-Network

         Diagnostic and Preventive Care:                                              70%
         Includes cleanings, fluoride treatments, sealants and x-rays
         Basic Services:                                                              70%
         Includes fillings, periodontics, scaling and root planing, and oral surgery

        Note:  This  is  a  summary  of  coverage  only.  Please  refer  to  the  summary  of  benefits  coverage  for  complete
        information.  In-network  services  are  based  on  negotiated  charges;  out-of-network  services  are  based  on
        Reasonable and Customary (R&C) charges.

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