Page 1 - 2022 New Relic Newsletter
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       November 1 – 12

        Explore Your Benefits

                                                          What’s New for 2022?
        From a competitive pay package and
        ongoing professional development to               Company 401(k) Match Increasing to $5,000: Step up your
        keep you at the top of your game — to             retirement savings! Beginning January 1, 2022, we’ll match an
        incredible health care that supports your         additional $1,000 of your contributions, which puts the total
        total well-being — to tons of paid time           employer match at $5,000 per year.
        off to recharge — to the little things like       Dental Plan Annual Maximum Increasing to $2,000 per
        free swag and NRgize funds, New Relic             year: That’s another $250 to put toward your pearly whites.
        provides a total rewards package that’s
        designed to meet your evolving needs. Use         More Inclusive Family Formation Benefits through
        this opportunity to explore all of the great      Carrot: There are many ways Relics may seek to expand their
        rewards you get for working here, with the        families. Carrot will better serve our diverse global population
                                                          by covering more of them, including adoption, egg freezing,
        aim of enhancing your total wellbeing in          sperm and egg donation, surrogacy and more.
        the year ahead.
                                                          Changes to Cigna medical plans: The deductibles and out-
        Key Dates                                         of-pocket maximums will be separated for in-network and
                                                          out-of-network services. Although there will be increases to
                                                          some of these deductibles and out-of-pocket maximums, they
        This is your once-a-year opportunity              remain competitive with the marketplace. In 2022, New Relic
        to review and change your benefits.               will contribute $1,000 to a Health Savings Account (HSA) for
                                                          individuals or $1,800 for employees with dependents. Please
               Open Enrollment Begins:                    refer to the benefit guide for the specific changes.
              Monday, November 1, 2021
                                                          MetLife Voluntary Legal Benefit: During your lifetime, you
                                                          may need legal help more often than you think. Enrolling in
                                                          this benefit will get you unlimited support for personal legal
                Open Enrollment Ends:                     matters such as getting married or divorced, wills/trusts,
              Friday, November 12, 2021                   estate planning, identity theft, traffic offenses and more.

              Your choices are effective:
            January 1 – December 31, 2022

                                                          Kaiser HDHP Plan Discontinuation: If you’re currently enrolled
                                                          in the Kaiser CA HDHP plan, we encourage you to review and
                                                          choose a medical plan option for 2022; otherwise you will be
                                                          enrolled in the Kaiser HMO plan at your current dependent level.
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