Page 16 - Watermark 2022 Benefits Guide Non-CA
P. 16

Voluntary Plans

        Accident Insurance                                          Hospital Indemnity Insurance

        Accident Insurance provides benefits to help cover the      Hospital Indemnity Insurance provides a fixed lump-
        costs associated with unexpected bills due to covered       sum payment that can help cover hospital expenses
        accidents, regardless of any other insurance you have. If   not covered by insurance, or to pay for expenses
        you purchase coverage and are hurt in a covered             while you, your spouse/same-sex domestic partner
        accident, you will receive                                  and/or dependents are in the hospital.
        a cash benefit for covered injuries that you may spend as     Coverage is guaranteed during open enrollment;
        you like.                                                    there are no medical exams or tests to take
         Coverage is guaranteed during open enrollment; there       Pre-existing conditions do not preclude applicants
          are                                                        from coverage
          no medical exams or tests to take                          Affordable High/Low options available
         Pre-existing conditions do not preclude applicants from    Benefits paid directly to you
         Affordable High/Low options available                     This coverage is available through MetLife.
         Benefits paid directly to you
                                                                    Identity Theft Protection
        This coverage is available through MetLife.

        Critical Illness Insurance                                  Identity Theft is designed to protect your identity
                                                                    and assets through identity, credit and social media

        Critical Illness Insurance provides cash to help pay for    monitoring. Enrolling your family extends protection
        both medical expenses not covered by your medical plan      to anyone in your household. The plan includes:
        as well as day-to-day expenses that may start to add up –    Identity and credit monitoring
        like rent, mortgage, car payments, etc. – while you are ill.    Annual credit report and monthly credit score
        With Critical Illness Insurance, if you are diagnosed with a   tracking
        covered illness, you get a lump-sum cash benefit, even if    Social media reputation monitoring
        you receive other insurance benefits.                        Digital wallet storage and monitoring
         Benefits are paid directly to you                          Full-service identity restoration
         Individual, spouse and child(ren) coverage options are    You have a choice between PrivacyArmor and
          available                                                 PrivacyArmor Plus.
         Covered dependents receive 50 percent of your basic
          benefit amount and 100 percent of the Wellness            This plan is available at a low monthly group rate,
          benefit                                                   which you can pay through automatic payroll
         Coverage is portable                                      deductions.
         Benefits include these covered conditions: heart attack,   This coverage is available through Allstate.
          stroke, invasive cancer, coma, paralysis and more

         Coverage does not replace any other group medical
          benefits. Instead, it is designed to supplement present

        This coverage is available through MetLife.

             Register for the MetLife MyBenefits Portal to access plan information and file claims for these MetLife plans.

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