Page 7 - Watermark 2022 Benefits Guide Non-CA
P. 7

Medical and Pharmacy Coverage

                                     CONSUMER DRIVEN PLAN
                                                                      SELECT PLAN               ENHANCED PLAN
                                        (HDHP WITH HSA)

         Medical Plan Provisions   In-Network   Out-of-Network   In-Network   Out-of-Network   In-Network   Out-of-Network
                                       Associate Only: $750
         Company contribution to HSA   Associate + Spouse: $1,000   Not applicable   Not applicable   Not applicable   Not applicable
         (Individual/Family)        Associate + Child(ren): $1,000
                                         Family: $1,500

         Annual Deductible
                                  $2,800/$5,600   $5,000/$10,000   $2,500/$7,500   $5,000/$15,000   $1,500/$3,000   $2,500/ $5,000
         Out-of-Pocket Maximum    $6,000/$12,000  $10,000/$20,000  $6,000/$12,000  $10,000/$30,000   $4,000/$8,000   $8,000/$16,000
         (Includes Deductible)
         Preventive Care         Covered at 100%    40%      Covered at 100%    50%      Covered at 100%    40%
                                                  Amount you pay after deductible

         Primary Care Provider
         Office Visit                 20%           40%         $30 Copay       50%        $25 Copay        40%

         Specialist Office Visit      20%           40%         $60 Copay       50%        $50 Copay        40%
         X-Ray and Lab                20%           40%         $25 Copay       50%        $25 Copay        40%

         Inpatient Hospital Services   20%          40%       $500, then 30%    50%           20%           40%

         Outpatient Hospital Services   20%         40%           30%           50%           20%           40%

         Urgent Care                  20%           40%         $50 Copay       50%        $50 Copay        40%
                                                                 $250, then 30% after plan
         Emergency Room                      20%                                                  $200 Copay
         Pharmacy Provisions       In-Network   Out-of-Network   In-Network   Out-of-Network   In-Network   Out-of-Network

         Retail Pharmacy (up to a 31-day supply)
                                  $20 Copay after
         Generic                                 $20 Copay*     $20 Copay     $20 Copay    $10 Copay     $10 Copay
                                  $40 Copay after
         Brand Preferred                         $40 Copay*     $40 Copay     $40 Copay    $25 Copay     $25 Copay
                                  $70 Copay after
         Brand Non-Preferred                     $70 Copay*     $60 Copay     $60 Copay    $40 Copay     $40 Copay
         Mail Order Pharmacy (90-day supply)

                                  $40 Copay after
         Generic                                                $40 Copay                  $20 Copay
                                  $80 Copay after
         Brand Preferred                                        $80 Copay                  $50 Copay
                                   deductible*   Not Covered                 Not Covered                 Not Covered
                                   $140 Copay
         Brand Non-Preferred          after                    $120 Copay                  $80 Copay

        Note: This is a summary of your coverage only. Please refer to your summary plan description for the full scope of coverage. In-network services are based on
        negotiated charges; out-of-network services are based on 110% of the published Medicare rates.

        * Associates electing the Consumer Driven Plan will need to satisfy their deductible before the pharmacy copays can begin

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