Page 65 - 2023 Hickory Crawdads - Benefits Guide_Neat
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general, claims must be filed in writing with Highmark Blue Cross Blue Shield.  Any claim
                   that does not relate to a specific benefit under the Plan (for example, a general eligibility
                   claim  or  a  dispute  involving  a  mid-year  election  change)  must  be  filed  with  the  Plan
                   Administrator at the address set forth in the ADDITIONAL INFORMATION section below.  A
                   request for prior approval of a benefit or service where prior approval is not required under
                   the Plan is not a “claim” under these rules.  Similarly, a casual inquiry about benefits or the
                   circumstances under which benefits might be paid under the Plan is not a “claim” under these
                   rules, unless it is determined that your inquiry is an attempt to file a claim.  If a claim is
                   received, but there is not enough information to allow the Claims Administrator (identified in
                   the  ADDITIONAL  INFORMATION section below) to process the claim,  you will be given an
                   opportunity to provide the missing information.

                   If you want to bring a claim for benefits under the Plan, you may designate an authorized
                   representative to act on your behalf so long as you provide written notice of such designation
                   to  the  Claims  Administrator  identifying  such  authorized  representative.    In  the  case  of  a
                   claim  for  medical  benefits  involving  urgent  care,  a  health  care  professional  who  has
                   knowledge  of  your  medical  condition  may  act  as  your  authorized  representative  with  or
                   without prior notice.

                   You  must  make  initial  claims  for  benefits  under  the  Plan  in  writing  to  the  Claims
                   Administrator at the address identified in the ADDITIONAL INFORMATION section below.

                   The ACA requires the Plan to comply with additional internal claim and appeal procedure
                   standards and offer claimants a new external review option.  The new external appeal option
                   is  available for certain  final adverse  benefit  determinations  that  do  not  relate  to  failure  to
                   meet the eligibility requirements under the Plan. Specifically, an external review is available
                   if the final adverse benefit determination relates to a (a) medical judgment as determined by
                   the  external  reviewer,  or  (b)  rescission  of  coverage.  If  your  claim  for  benefits  has  been
                   denied and you received a final adverse benefit determination in response to your subsequent
                   appeal,  the  notification  of  final  adverse  benefit  determination  will  provide  instructions  on
                   how to request an external review.  You may also contact Highmark Blue Cross Blue Shield
                   or the Plan Administrator for more information on how to request an external review.

                   Statute of Limitations.  A claim or action (i) to recover benefits allegedly due under the Plan
                   or by reason of any law, (ii) to enforce rights under the Plan, (iii) to clarify rights to future
                   benefits under the Plan, or (iv) that relates to the Plan and seeks a remedy, ruling or judgment
                   of any kind against the Plan or a Plan fiduciary or party in interest (collectively, a "Judicial
                   Claim"), may not be commenced in any court or forum until after the claimant has exhausted
                   the Plan's claims and appeals procedures (an "Administrative Claim").  A claimant must raise
                   every argument and/or produce all evidence the claimant believes supports the claim or
                   action in the Administrative Claim and shall be deemed to have waived any argument and/or
                   the right to produce any evidence not submitted to the Administrator or its delegate as part of
                   the Administrative Claim.  Any Judicial Claim must be commenced in the appropriate court
                   or forum no later than 24 months from the earliest of (A) the date the first benefits were paid
                   or allegedly due; (B) the date the Plan Administrator or its delegate first denied the claimant's
                   request; or (C) the first date the claimant knew or should have known the principal facts on

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