Page 6 - 2022 Benefit Guide Bronx
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Medical Plan Benefits

                                                                     Take Advantage of Preventative Care
            Manage your health plan online at
 ; then download the APP                                Covered 100% In Network
                                                            •  Annual  Health Exam (over age 4) – one per calendar year
                                                            •  Well Child Exams:  per calendar year
                                                                - 8 visits, birth through 12 months
       Why have an account?                                     - 6 visits, 13 months through 35 months
       •  Check your coverage, deductible and claims information.     - 2 visits, 36 months through 47 months
       •  Find A Doctor or Hospital and compare providers.  •  Screenings:  one per calendar year each for mammogram, pap
                                                               smear, PSA and endoscopic
       •  Compare quality and costs for hundreds of services – from
          MRI’s to surgeries and doctor visits.             •  Immunizations per ACA and age requirements such as:  flu
                                                               shots; shingles; tetanus; HPV; required vaccines birth – age 7.
       •  Set up text alerts                                   Covered through a network pharmacy or physicians office.
                                                            •  Prescriptions such as: contraceptives; generic statins (age 40-
       •  Most features are also available on your mobile device.  75); some generic aspirin; smoking cessation >age 18 limited
       •  BCBSM APP:  obtain a virtual ID Card.                to 180 days

       Choose the Right Place for Care                        Manage your prescriptions
       Your health is important.  Knowing what your options are to
       get the care you need, when you need it, could save you time
       and money.  Avoid more expensive options such as urgent
       care and emergency room.                             Your prescription (Rx) benefits for the BCBSM plans  is
       o 24 Hour Nurse Line to ask general medical questions at   provided by Express Scripts. Use your separate Rx ID Card
          1.800.775.2582  (no charge)                       for prescription benefits.
       o 24/7 online healthcare through BCBSM.  Video chat with a   •  Check out the list of  drugs covered at 100% as allowed by
          physician (when your primary physician is not available)   ACA. Includes many generics for health conditions such
          for minor illness from your phone /computer.        as asthma, diabetes, cholesterol lowering and high blood
          Fee: $10 PPO or $49 CDHP                            pressure.
           Mobile:  download BCBSM Online Visits App        Prescription Benefits:
           Web:                      •  Formulary and Price Comparison:  log into your account at
           Phone:  1.844.606.1608                    to review the prescription
                                                              formulary or compare prices to find cheaper prescriptions.
       o Your Physician for routine, regular care and virtual visits.
          Fee:   $25 or $35 copay for PPO; network price for CDHP  •  Maintenance Medication: Save money by  ordering
                                                              maintenance medications as a 90-day supply, available at
                                                              most retail pharmacies or convenient home delivery.
       Blue Cross Health & Wellness                           Prescriptions must be written for a 90-day supply.
       Your gateway to resources to help you get healthy, stay   •  Specialty Medications:  Provided by Accredo. Log into
       healthy or manage an illness. Log in and click on Health &   express-scripts or call 800.803.2523 for services.
       •  Check out Blue365 for health/wellness discounts
                                                                       After your effective date of coverage
       •  Digital Health Assistant – six online coaching programs   For more information or to locate a provider or pharmacy,
          help you make small changes to improve your health  create your account online at.
       •  WebMD Health Topics – search for a variety of health   Website:  www.
          topics, procedures and surgeries                  Have a question call the Client Service Center:
                                                             BCBSM:  800-752-1455             Express-Scripts: 844-826-5572
       Refer to the Summary of Benefit Coverage and Benefits at a
       Glance for additional coverage and limitations.

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