Page 8 - 2022 Benefit Guide Lund
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Supplemental Health Insurance

     •  You                                                 Coverage Summary
     •  Your spouse – under age 70 (at the time of enrollment)  •  No medical questions or medical tests
     •  Your children – to age 26                           •  Benefits are paid directly to you
                                                            •  Do not need to be enrolled in a Fives Health Plan
     Wellness Benefit (Accident and Critical Illness Insurance)  •  Portable – may continue the policy after employment ends.
     •  Benefit payable of $50 for you and spouse each and $25 for   Log on to: for more
       child(ren) for completing a health screening test.
                                                             information or call 1-877-236-7564 and reference
                                                             Compass Supplement Insurance Plans

     All Compass Supplement Plans provide reimbursement to help cover your out-of-pocket medical costs: deductible, coinsurance, etc

     Compass Accident Insurance                              Compass Critical Illness Insurance
     Accident Insurance that helps protect you and your family from the   Critical Illness provides a lump-sum payment if you or a covered
     costs of unexpected injuries and events resulting from a covered   family member is diagnosed with a covered medical condition
     accident.                                               and meet the policy and certificate requirements.  Examples
                                                             include: Cancer, Heart Attack, Stroke, Coma, Kidney Failure and
     Examples of services eligible for benefits:             certain diseases.  (see benefit summary for full details)
     •  Hospital and Emergency Care due to an accident
                                                             Benefits Payable:
     •  Common Injuries – lacerations, burns, concussion
                                                             Employee:  $10k, $20k or $30k policy
     •  Fractures and Dislocations                           •  Employee must enroll in a minimum $10k policy, then spouse
     •  Surgery, x-rays and physician exams due to the covered   and/or children may enroll for any level of coverage.
                                                             Spouse: $5k, $10k or $15k policy
                                                             Child(ren): $5k or $10k policy
     •  An additional 25% benefit if covered accident is the result of
                                                             Cost:  Employee and Spouse premiums are based on age bands.
       an organized sport activity
     •  Includes hospitalization due to a sickness           See benefits at a glance.

     •  Benefits payable vary based on the services provided due to the
                                                             Log on to: for more information
       covered accident. (see benefit summary for complete details)

     Compass Hospital Insurance                                             Accident Insurance Premium

     Hospital Confinement pays a benefit if you have a covered hospital,          Semi-Monthly
     critical care or rehabilitation facility stay.
     Benefits are paid for the following:
     Daily Benefit Amount:          Initial Confinement Benefit:
     •  Low Plan: $200              Low Plan:  $1,000
     •  High Plan $600              High Plan: $3,000
     Hospital Benefit: 1x daily benefit up to 30 days
     Critical Care Benefit: 2x daily benefit up to 15 days.
     Rehabilitation Facility:  .5x daily benefit up to 30 days

      Above is a brief summary of the insurance.  Refer to the brochures and certificate of coverage for complete
      provisions, conditions of benefit determination, exclusions and limitations.  The Accident, Hospital and Critical Illness
      Insurance is issued by ReliaStar Life Insurance Company, a member of the Voya family of companies.

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