Page 3 - Hickory Crawdads 2022 Flipbook
P. 3
At the Hickory Crawdads, you have access to a variety of benefits to provide financial wellness for you and
your family. Please read this guide to learn more about your benefits, and make sure to enroll within the
timeframe allotted by Human Resources (the first 30 days of Employment and annually thereafter).
Eligibility Employee Eligibility
All full-time employees are eligible for these Benefit The Rangers offers the opportunity to enroll or
Programs. Full time employees are employees who work a change benefits for the following:
full-time work week of 30 hours or more on a regular basis. New Hire or Rehire
Annual Enrollment
Part-time employees who work an average of 30 hours per Family Status Change
week in a 12-month period are eligible for medical insurance, Promotion to Full Time Status
but are not eligible for any of the other Benefit Programs
listed in this packet. You will be able to change your benefit
election(s) within 30 days of the event as long as
Benefits for newly hired employees are effective on the first the change is consistent with your qualified life
day of the month following the month they were hired. event. You will be required to provide supporting
Example: John Brown joins the company on November documentation.
20. If elected, his benefits begin December 1 . Only
exception, if hired on the 1 , benefits begin on that day. Benefit Selections are required within 30 days.
Your 2022 benefits will take effect on January 1, 2022 and
will remain in effect until December 31, 2022. Remember
that you may only change coverage if you experience a
qualifying life event, as described below.
Social Security Card Name & Number
The Crawdads will provide 1095-C tax forms that include the employee enrolled in a medical plan annually. Employees
must provide family members’ name and social security number as it appears on their Social Security Card, if enrolled
in a medical plan annually.
Deadline How Effective Date
to Enroll to Change of Change
*New Hire, Rehire or Workday The first of the month
Promotion to Full-time 30 Days from Hire Life Event following the month you
Status were hired or promoted
Family Status Change 30 days from Event Date the change occurred
Life Event
Loss of Dependent 30 days to Cancel Workday Date the change occurred
Eligibility Life Event
*Annual Enrollment As Communicated January 1 Annually
Open Enrollment
*Employees are REQUIRED to make plan choices even when the enrollment choice is ‘No Change’
All Life Event required documents (as outlined on the next page) must be uploaded in Workday before the Life Event
can be processed.
2022 Hickory Crawdads Benefit Guide Page 3