Page 31 - Hickory Crawdads 2022 Flipbook
P. 31

For more than 20 years,                       How WIN Helps You Build                                    Your Family Building Starts with
                                              Your Family                                                3 Simple Steps:
WINFertility has been a trusted
partner to patients, physicians               THE RIGHT TEAM                                             1 G ET INFORMATION AND
and large insurance payers,                                                                                     THE RIGHT SPECIALIST
linking those struggling with                 WIN’s friendly Nurse Care Managers and
infertility to those who can help.            professionally-trained Patient Specialists form a 24/7     Visit WINFertility’s website or call WIN’s Patient
                                              team around you, supporting you through every step         Specialists for more information about the WINFertility
WIN has managed hundreds of thousands         of your fertility journey. They are guided by a dedicated  approach. WIN matches you to the WINFertility
of infertility cycles for large healthcare    Medical Advisory Board of leading reproductive             network fertility specialist best suited to your needs and
purchasers, and now WIN is offering           endocrinologists, further ensuring that WIN’s patients     helps arrange an appointment. WIN will answer your
patients without fertility insurance the      receive the most appropriate and effective care.           questions about the program and how WIN’s rates
same type of quality care and affordability,                                                             compare to other options in your area.
thanks to WIN’s breakthrough ‘Treatment       THE RIGHT PHYSICIAN
Bundles’SM. WIN manages the entire                                                                       2 GET A PLAN, A PRICE
treatment process, serving as your expert     WIN has a network of proven fertility physicians who              AND FREE SUPPORT
coach every step of the way. Now, in          offer a full spectrum of treatments. WINFertility’s
cooperation with Highmark Blue Cross          network of fellowship-trained physicians have achieved     When the WINFertility network physician and
Blue Shield, we’re offering Highmark          documented success rates that are among the top in         you agree on your best course of treatment, WIN
members, having no or exhausted infertility   each market they serve.                                    will prepare your customized price quote for the
coverage, the same type of quality care and                                                              ‘Treatment Bundle’ SM that includes both the medical
affordability.                                THE RIGHT PRICE AND PLAN                                   services and drug therapies that your physician
                                                                                                         prescribes to help you have a baby. You will also have
                                              WIN provides lower than market-rate ‘Treatment             access to WINFertility’s Nurse Care Managers to
                                              Bundles’ SM, which combine medical services for a single   answer your questions, provide education and support
                                              IVF treatment and medications at a reduced “pay-as-        you during treatment.
                                              you-go” price, versus a multi-cycle option where you
                                              must purchase multiple treatments you may never            3 GET STARTED WITH A
                                              use in order to get a discount. WINFertility requires no          TRUSTED PARTNER
                                              clinical or age qualifications to participate.
                                                                                                         If you decide that WIN’s program is right for you, you
                                              THE RIGHT FINANCIAL HELP                                   will make one payment to WINFertility and WIN will
                                                                                                         take it from there. WIN will order your medications,
                                              If you need assistance financing your treatments, or       make sure you know how to take the drugs and answer
                                              prefer to pay for your ‘Treatment Bundles’ SM over time,   your questions 24/7. Everything that is included in your
                                              WIN works with some of the most reputable financial        custom ‘Treatment Bundle’ SM price quote is handled by
                                              companies in the nation that offer attractive rates and    WIN – reducing your stress. Now you can simply focus
                                              payment terms. And, because WIN also serves patients       on having a positive outcome.
                                              with limited insurance, or those who have exhausted
                                              their benefits, the company is able to adjust pricing      Hope. Believe. Conceive. Achieve.®
                                              accordingly to coordinate with your own coverage
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