Page 45 - Hickory Crawdads 2022 Flipbook
P. 45

Benefit                                                     Network                       Out-of-Network
                                                Therapy and Rehabilitation Services
      Physical Medicine                                        80% after deductible            60% after deductible
      Respiratory Therapy                                                  80% (deductible does not apply)
      Occupational Therapy                                     80% after deductible            60% after deductible
      Speech Therapy                                           80% after deductible            60% after deductible
      Spinal Manipulations                                     80% after deductible            60% after deductible
                                                                           Limit: 25 visits per benefit period
      Other Therapy Services (Cardiac Rehab, Infusion Therapy,   80% after deductible          60% after deductible
      Chemotherapy, Radiation Therapy, and Dialysis)
                                                  Mental Health/Substance Abuse
      Inpatient                                           100% (deductible does not apply)     60% after deductible
      Inpatient Detoxification/Rehabilitation
      Outpatient                                            100% after $20 copayment           60% after deductible
                                                            (deductible does not apply)
      Autism(4)                                                80% after deductible            60% after deductible
                                                        Other Services
      Allergy Extracts and injections                          80% after deductible            60% after deductible
      Assisted Fertilization Procedures                                           Not Covered
      Dental Services Related to Accidental Injury             80% after deductible            60% after deductible
      Diagnostic Services                                      80% after deductible            60% after deductible
        Advanced Imaging (MRI, CAT, PET scan, etc.)
        Basic Diagnostic Services (standard imaging, diagnostic   80% after deductible         60% after deductible
        medical, lab/pathology, allergy testing)
      Durable Medical Equipment, Orthotics and Prosthetics     80% after deductible            60% after deductible
      Hearing Care Services                                    80% after deductible            60% after deductible
                                                                       Limit: One hearing aid per ear per lifetime
      Home Health Care/Visiting Nurse(5)                       80% after deductible            60% after deductible
                                                                          Limit: 100 visits per benefit period
      Home Infusion Therapy                                                80% (deductible does not apply)
      Hospice                                                             100% (deductible does not apply)
      Infertility Counseling, Testing and Treatment(6)         80% after deductible            60% after deductible
      Private Duty Nursing                                                     80% after deductible
                                                                       Limit: $20,000 maximum per benefit period
      Skilled Nursing Facility Care                            80% after deductible            60% after deductible
                                                                          Limit: 100 days per benefit period
      Transplant Services                                      80% after deductible            60% after deductible
      Precertification Requirements(7)                                               Yes
                                                                         $250 penalty for non-precertification
                                                       Prescription Drug
      Prescription Drug Deductible                                               $150 Individual
                                                                                  $450 Family
                                                           (deductible limited to 3 members per family or an equivalent aggregate total)
                  The following cost-sharing provisions do NOT apply to self-administered chemotherapy medications, including oral
                                                    chemotherapy medications
      Prescription Drug Program(8)(9)                                    Retail Drugs – up to 31 day supply
      Soft Mandatory Generic                                                  $20 generic copayment
      Defined by the National Plus Pharmacy Network - Not Physician        $30 brand formulary copayment
      Network. Prescriptions filled at a non-network pharmacy are not    $60 brand non-formulary copayment
                                                                          Mail Order – up to 90 day supply
      Your plan uses the Comprehensive Formulary with an Incentive            $40 generic copayment
      Benefit Design                                                       $60 brand formulary copayment
                                                                         $120 brand non-formulary copayment
                                                Questions?  1-800-701-2324
      (1)  Your group's benefit period is based on a Calendar Year which runs from January 1 to December 31.
      (2)  The Network Total Maximum Out-of-Pocket (TMOOP) is mandated by the federal government, TMOOP must include deductible, coinsurance, copays, prescription drug cost share and any qualified medical
      (3)    Services are provided for acute care for minor illnesses. Services must be performed by a Highmark approved telemedicine provider. Virtual Behavioral Health visits  provided by a Highmark approved
        telemedicine provider are eligible under the Outpatient Mental Health benefit.
      (4)  Coverage for eligible members. Services will be paid according to the benefit category, i.e., speech therapy. Treatment for autism spectrum disorders does not reduce visit/day limits.
      (5)  The maternity home health care visit for network care is not subject to the program copayment, coinsurance or deductible amounts, if applicable. See Maternity Home Health Care Visit in the Covered
        Services section.
      (6)  Treatment includes coverage for the correction of a physical or medical problem associated with infertility.  Infertility drug therapy may or may not be covered depending on your group’s prescription drug
      (7)  BCBS Medical Management & Policy (MM&P) must be contacted prior to a planned inpatient admission or within 48 hours of an emergency or maternity-related inpatient admission.  Be sure to verify that
        your provider is contacting MM&P for precertification.  If not, you are responsible for contacting MM&P.  If this does not occur and it is later determined that all or part of the inpatient stay was not medically
        necessary or appropriate, you will be responsible for payment of any costs not covered.
      (8)  Prescriptions are covered as long as they are listed on the prescription drug formulary applicable to your plan. To obtain a prescription medication that is not included on this formulary, your provider must
        complete the 'Prescription Drug Medication Request Form' and return it to the Pharmacy Affairs Department for clinical review. Under the mandatory generic provision, you are responsible for the payment
        differential when a generic drug is available and you or your provider specifies a brand name drug.  Your payment is the price difference between the brand name drug and the generic drug in addition to the
        brand name drug copayment or coinsurance amounts, which may apply.
      (9)   Certain retail participating pharmacy providers may have agreed to make covered medications available at the same cost-sharing and quantity limits as the mail order coverage. You may contact Highmark at
        the toll-free number or the Web site appearing on the back of your ID card for a listing of those pharmacies who have agreed to do so.

           This is not a contract. This benefits summary presents plan highlights only. Please refer to the policy/ plan documents, as limitations and exclusions apply.  The policy/plan documents control in the event of
        conflict with this benefits summary.
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