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Choices that will help you LiveWell                                                                                                                                                Physical

            Make Your Preventive Care a Priority

            It is important to schedule your annual appointments for routine care and screenings and address your concerns.
            Identifying problems early helps you protect your health and save money in the long run.                                                                           Well-being

            Annual preventive care visits are covered at 100% with an in-network doctor every calendar year. This includes annual
            physical exams and age-appropriate screenings such as mammograms and colonoscopies. You do not necessarily need
            to wait 12 months from your last appointment to have another visit.
            Adhere to your prescribed medications. This includes both taking your medications consistently and not running out of
            them. To assist with adherence, you will be required to transition your maintenance medication prescription(s) from a
            30-day supply to a 90-day supply to be filled at your local CVS Pharmacy or through mail order. The cost of the 90-day
            supply is only two co-pays rather than three co-pays.

            Seek Help for Your                                    Maintain Financial Health
            Conditions and Concerns                               While Taking Care of Yourself

            Plymouth Rock offers many ways to assist in managing   The choices you make for your health and well-being
            emotional and medical conditions. Care has become     can have a direct impact on your finances now and in the
            more convenient and there are many ways to see        future.
            specialists, including therapists, virtually in addition to   Participate in a Health Savings Account. If enrolled in
            in-person visits.                                     the Consumer Choice HSA medical plan, contribute pre-
            Cigna’s behavioral health line (800-433-5768) can help   tax money to use on qualified medical, dental and vision
            you find the appropriate in-network therapist for your   expenses now or in retirement.
            needs.                                                Stay in the network.  While  some  plans  offer  out-of-
            The Employee Assistance Program (EAP)  (800-          network benefits, you will pay less if you visit providers
            311-4327) is available 24/7 to all employees and their   and facilities within the carrier’s network. This applies to                                                                                                                PHYSICAL WELL-BEING
            dependents and can help alleviate life’s challenges.  medical, dental and vision plans.
            AccessHope offers a cancer support line  (844-935-    Visit independent labs. On average, LabCorp and Quest
            4673) and will have an expert oncologist conduct an   Diagnostics cost 75% less than doctor’s office or hospital
            advisory review of your diagnosis and treatment plan to   labs and they are of equal quality.
            provide you with a second opinion and peace of mind.  Know emergency room alternatives. Identifying your
            The Diabetes Care Rewards Program through Good        nearest urgent care, calling Cigna’s nurse line (800-244-
            Health Gateway provides an action plan for managing   6224) or using MDLIVE can help you avoid an evening or
            your disease. By getting your exams and bloodwork     weekend trip to the emergency room.
            completed, you can receive diabetes medications and   Use tools to research quality providers. Cigna offers
            supplies for free. Get started by calling 800-643-8028.  tools like to get estimates for health care

            Hinge Health creates a personalized treatment plan to   costs and to find quality providers.
            help conquer back and joint pain, recover from injuries,     Use generic medications whenever possible. Generic
            prepare for surgery or stay healthy and pain free.    medications have the same ingredients and strength as
            MDLIVE provides convenient access to board-certified   brand-name medications, at a fraction of the cost.
            physicians who can prescribe medication by phone or   The Virgin Pulse Wellness Program offers many ways
            video chat. Register at           to earn up to $400 annually by participating in healthy

            Cigna Health Coaches are available to assist in managing   activities.
            conditions such as heart disease, smoking, addiction or
            stress. If you are high-risk or have been diagnosed with a
            condition, you may receive a call from a Cigna coach. You
            can proactively contact a coach by calling 855-246-1873
            to get support for your goals of healthier living.

                                                                                                                                   Mystic, CT
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