Page 13 - Reedley Exponent 7-12-18
P. 13

TheReedleyExponent AB73Thursday,July12,2018
• Mini Track Bobcats • Tractor W/Disc
• Skid Steers
• Track Bobcats
• Trenchers, Tillers • Back Hoes
small engine repair
We have replacement engines... Briggs: Authorized Warantee & Service Honda: Authorized Warantee & Service Echo: Authorized Warantee & Service
130•Professional Services
151•Help Wanted
151•Help Wanted
151•Help Wanted
172 S Lingo Circle
Sat July 14th 7am-2pm Clothes, dishes, plants, maple trees, guayabas trees, diVios, and much much more.
Yard Sale
188 Peck Colony Rd (Cross Street Spring eld ave) Fri-Sun July 13th-15th 8am Lots of baby boy clothes, shoes,
youth clothing, and lost more.
Yard Sale
1286 W. Eymann ave
Sat July 14th 8am Toys, clothes, shoes,  sh/reptile tank, and
Yard Sale
1227 K Street
Sat July 14th 7:30am Clothes, toys, shoes, baby items, and
Yard Sale
682 E Myra ave
Thurs-Sat July 12th-14th 7am-? Name brand clothes, shoes,
much more.
misc items.
purses, jewelry, set of tires, and misc items.
Moving Sale
1091 E Evening Glow
Sat-Sun July 14th-15th 7am Dresser, twin bed frame, dishes,
clothes, shoes, tools, household items, and much more.
Large Multi Family Yard Sale
1412 Concord ave (Behind TL Reed School) Sat July 14th 7am-11am Cat tower, speakers, baby items,
clothes, some tools, and lots of misc items.
2 Party Yard Sale
565 N acacia ave
Sat July 14th 6am-11am Some furniture, clothes, suitcases,
knick knacks, and misc items.
Yard Sale
625 W. Ponderosa
Sat July 14th 8am NO clothes, NO shoes, NO toys. Household
items and garage items. W. Ponderosa Ave near the college.
Yard Sale
765 E. 11th Street
Sat July 14th 7am-2pm Clothes, toys, furniture, and misc items.
Moving Sale
657 W. Parlier ave.
Fri-Sat July 13th-14th 7am Sofas, princess house, queen bed,
home decor, clothes of all sizes, shoes, toys, strollers, and lots more 559-743-5366 for more information.
3 Family Yard Sale
927 E Street
Sat July 14th 7am Clothes, shoes, furniture, toys, household
items and lots more.
DINUBa YaRD SaLES Community Yard Sale
May thru September 3rd Saturday of the month.
7:30am-12:00pm $15.00 a space. Dinuba Veterans Memorial Building 249 S. Alta Produce and craft vendors welcome. Contact Sandi at 559-638-1490 to rent your space now.
Large Yard Sale 39747 Rd 74, Dinuba Fri-Sat July 13th-14th 9am.
Yard Sale
5685 ave. 397 Delf Colony,
Thurs-Sat July 12th-14th 8am Clothes, plants, and misc.
830 Milsap ave. Dinuba.
Thurs-Sat July 12th-14th Tv stand, 32 inch tv., toys, shoes,
handbags, and lots of clothes for adults and children for $1 or less, & much more!
MONDAY 10:00 AM Advertise in both Dinuba & Reedley M ore coverage = M ore $$$ BIGGER, BOLDER Yard Sales! Add a description up to 20 words!!!
concrete NEW 1.75 Yard Trailers, 3 Yard
Concrete Delivery Truck To Serve You.
DRIVERS NEEDED. Classes, A, B, & C. Must have 2yrs com- mercial driving ex- perience. Seasonal. Call from 2pm-4pm only 559-859-0949
SPECIALTYTRANS- FER truck driver wanted. 2 years ex- perience minimum. Fax resume to (559) 638-3599
GROUNDS MAINTE- NANCE WORKER I, part-time: $15.84/ hr. APPLY: City of Dinuba Human Re- sources, 405 E. El Monte Way, Dinuba, CA 93618, ph. 591- 5900, by 5:00 p.m. on 7/17/18. www.di- EOE
THE CITY of Orange Cove is now accept- ing applications for the position of City Manager. Bi-lingual candidates are en- courage to apply. Please email cover letter and resume to June V. Bracamon- tes, City Clerk jvb@ cityoforangecove. com . Salary $120,000. Recruit- ment is open until the position is  lled.
Cleaning lady
Move outs, deep cleaning. De- tailed house or of ce cleaning, vacation rentals, maintenance cleaning, etc. Complete detailed top to bottom. Supplies provided, 13+ yrs exp. References avail. English speaking. For quote call or
text Melissa 559-704-6030
67•Lost & Found
LOST: Passport- Mohammed Khled Saleh-Yemeni. Pass- port # 05674713. In Fresno on Nov. 1, 2017. If found call (559) 761-9867.
EDDIE’S HEATING & COOLING “Great Customer Service” 10% discount on any repair for all Military and 1st responders. Habla Espanol. (559) 394-7014
Fred’s PLUMBING Residential Plumbing Service 591-3398
TRIPS: Disney Land Sat Aug 4th. For more info call 638- 5295
Help Wanted Winery Workers
Fresno and Reedley locations!
Hiring for general wine workers, racker blenders, process operators.
Must have experience in heavy production or machine operating. Must be willing to work overtime and weekends, and all shifts.
Must not be afraid of heights and pass basic math assessment Willing to submit to criminal background check and drug screen.
Apply at Placement Pros 7014 N Cedar Ave, Suite 104. Fresno CA 93720 between 9am-4pm Mon-Fri
FOR SALE 2013 Chevy Volt gets ap- proximately 100 miles per gallon $12,000 call 859-1841
FOR SALE travel trailer toy hauler w/ solar 2013 26 ft. Call 859-1841
COMPARE our prices $$$$ and DISTRIBUTION
to the
There is NONE!!!
Only $ 90 Run a
Classified Display Ad in
The Dinuba Sentinel or Reedley Exponent
you will be reaching OVER 60,000 homes! 591-4632 or 638-2244
to your mailbox
to your mailbox
at home or
at home or
on your device!
Commercial Space For Rent or Purchase. Downtown Reeldey and Dinuba. 559-859-9252
I have access to several thousand
yards of carpet!
I will carpet your living room & hall in 100% nylon high- low earthtone carpet for $594! based on 40 yrds. Price includes carpet, pad & installation! Do your whole house, living room, hall & 3 bedrooms for $1188. Based on 80 yrd. Savings in other price ranges in other styles.
732-0126 or 582-4155
Cordova’s Lawn Service Free Estimates Weed Service Clean Outs and Junk Hauling Call 859-3195
Summer Sale
43125 Rd. 80 Dinuba
(559) 638-2266 Lic.#10120999
Support Your Community Shop Locally
on your device!
Order a subscription
Sanger Unified
School District 1905 7th St. • Sanger
Campus Safety Officer - Sal Rg: $15.81 - $20.18/hr. Requires a HS dip. or equiv. and one year exp. in youth activities and programs. Req. CPR and First Aid Cert. Deadline 7/18/18.
Apply at or Sanger Unified District Office (559) 524-6521 EOE
LookforPotential Employers atMidValley Classi eds
“Come join our team at Palm Village Retirement Community. We are accepting applications for the following positions:
Housekeeping -
P/T housekeeper. Must be available to work
a variable shift, week- ends and holidays.
Laundry Aide -
P/T Laundry Aide Must be available to work a variable shift, weekends and holidays.
FT/PT RN/LVN. AM, PM, and NOC shifts available.
Quali ed applicants should have a valid nursing license for the State of California.
Dietary Aide -
FT/PT dietary
aide. Quali ed applicant should be
a dependable, team player with exceptional customer service skills. Must be willing to work a variable shift, weekends and holidays.
Quali ed applicants apply in person, online ,email or fax resume to the following:
701 W. Herbert Ave Reedley, CA 559-638-8463 kristinarocha@palmvil- Website: https://palm- Kristina Rocha Admin. Assistant/Pay- roll Palm Village Retire- ment Community 703 W. Herbert Ave Reedley, CA 93654 559-638-6933 Ext. 254
Refrigeration Manager:
Sun Paci c® is seeking a refrigera- tion manager for its packing and cold storage facility in Reedley, CA. Will be responsible for all maintenance, troubleshooting, and repair of facility, its refrigeration system and its surrounding property, such as but not limited to admin- istrative of ce, sepa- rate structures, facili- ties/utilities, storage, and security. Must be a self-starter, cost-effective/budget focused, have excel- lent communication skills, and work inde- pendently with little supervision. 5+ yrs exp maintaining Am- monia refrigeration systems, knowledge of PSM/Cal-ARP, HACCP, food safety, and related facility compliance require- ments. Competitive compensation/ben- e ts package. Send resume to oleal@
130•Professional Services
Words Of Truth And Soberness... “For The Wages Of Sin Is Death, But The Gift Of God Is Eternal Life Through Christ Jedus Our Lord.” Romans 6:23
183•Shells, Trailers, aCC
Name __________________________________________________________ Address ________________________________________________________ Phone Number ____________________________________________________
Prices: Fresno/Tulare Counties - $25.00 • Out of State - $31.50
Other counties and
Mail To
The Dinuba Sentinel
145 S. L Street, Dinuba CA 93618
Senion Citizen (55 & Over) Take $2.00 Off Above Price
Please make check payable to Mid-Valley Publishing (Sentinel)
Call Today!

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