Page 10 - Reedley Exponent 7-12-18
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File Photo / The Exponent
The Immanuel High Eagles girls golf team will open their season on Tuesday, Aug. 14, against San Joaquin Memorial.
Reedley Little League Facebook
The Reedley Little League 9- to 11-year-old All-Star team will open play in the Central California State Tournament on Thursday, July 12, against the winner of the game between Delano and Porterville. The team will have to win two games to advance to the State Tournament which will be held in Sacramento later in July.
Continued from page B3
Liberty High School on Aug. 15, before holding their home opener on Aug. 21 against Hanford High.
The Eagles also have non-league games on their schedule against Sierra High, Yosemite High, Tulare West- ern High and Lindsay High.
Immanuel will participate in the Clovis Girls Volleyball Challenge Aug. 31 and Sept. 1 in Clovis.
The Eagles open Cen- tral Sequoia League play on Sept. 4 against Kingsburg High at Immanuel High School.
The Eagles have won two straight Central Section Championships (D-V in 2016 and D-IV in 2017).
A full preview of the Eagles will be published in a future edition of The Expo- nent.
Girls Tennis
The Immanuel High girls tennis team start their sea- son on Aug. 16, hosting San Joaquin Memorial at the Im- manuel Sports Complex.
The Eagles will play Si- erra High School on Aug. 21 in Reedley.
Immanuel then will start CSL play on Aug. 28 against Kingsburg High School at the Immanuel Sports Complex.
They also will play Exeter High, Dinuba High, Selma High, Hanford West High and
Central Valley Christian High in CSL play.
Cross Country
The Immanuel High School cross country teams will open the 2018 season on Aug. 25 competing in the Di- nuba Invitational. They then will participate in the Kings- burg 2-Mile on Sept. 8, before competing in the CSL Tune- Up 2-Miler on Sept. 18.
They will run in the Mas- ters University Invitational on Sept. 29 and then the Si- erra Pacific Milky Way Invi- tational on Oct. 5 in Hanford.
Immanuel then will com- pete in the CSL Cluster Meet on Oct. 17 and the Clovis North Twilight Invitational on Oct. 19.
Girls Golf
The Eagles girls golf team open their season on Aug. 14 against San Joaquin Memo- rial High. They then will play Chowchilla Union High on Aug. 23, before competing in the Lemoore High School Girls Golf Tournament on Aug. 27 in Lemoore.
The Eagles open defense of their CSL Championship on Sept. 6 hosting a CSL mini tournament at Ridge Creek Golf Course in Dinuba.
Morrison earns Gold Glove honors
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Photo Contributed
Cooper Morrison, Reedley College Tigers baseball outfielder, earned the 2018 ABCA Gold Glove award from Rawlings. Morrison was an All-American, All-Region and All-State selection in 2018. Morrison will play at UC Davis in the fall.
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Continued from page B3
The 14's lost to Madera 8-2 on July 8 to fall into the losers side of the bracket in the double-elimination tour- nament. David Pimentel had one RBI.
On July 9, Reedley de- feated San Benito 6-4 to keep their chances to win the tournament alive.
Bowdie Eastham and Brown each had two RBIs. Wang and Gagnon each had one RBI.
After San Benito took a 1-0 lead after two innings, Reedley scored two runs in the bottom of the fourth in- ning to take a 2-1 lead.
Reedley scored when San Benito committed an error, allowing Ocejo and Wang to score.
San Benito scored a run
in the top of the fifth inning to tie the game at 2-2, before Reedley responded with a run in the bottom of the fifth to teak a 3-2 lead.
Wang singled to center field which scored Gagnon who had singled earlier in the inning.
San Benito once again tied the game by scoring a run in the top of the sixth inning.
Reedley pulled away in the bottom of the sixth in- ning by scoring three runs to take a 6-3 lead.
Vargas scored on a bases loaded walk, while Eastham singled to left field later in the inning. This scored Brown and Estala.
Reedley lost an elimina- tion game to Santa Maria 9-6 later on July 9 which ended their season.
Wang had two RBIs, while Pimentel, Ocejo and Ganon each ended with one.
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TheReedleyExponent B4Thursday, July12,2018
Reedley Little League
Chris Aguirre / The Exponent
Mike Rios, Reedley Babe Ruth 14-year-old All-Star, was the start- ing pitcher in the 14's 6-5 win over Santa Maria on July 7.
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