Page 8 - Mid Valley Times 6-11-20 E-edition
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Continued from page A7
erything, we have bar- becues here, family and friends come over,” said Briana Cortez.
Briana is Anthony’s daughter and said he is a great role model for the community.
“Everybody knows him,” she said. “He’s a softball coach, he works
for the bus yard all the kids know him on the bus.”
Anthony’s other daughter Desiree Gon- zalez said he left a last- ing impression on her life as well. “He taught me how to ride a bike, and I have the proof on my knee,” said Gonza- lez. “He’s also a wonder- ful grandfather, we love him very much."
Continued from page A7
step, for all of us how- ever, we have to make that important decision like where we will go to school next or what job we’ll pursue.”
School officials have not announced yet if stu- dents will return to cam- pus in the fall.
The students who promoted were: Lil- lian Atmanjian, Aliya Ayers, Sidney Azua, Faith Cantrell, Malachi Carrasco, Lucas Cords, Isabella Davila, Caleb Deaver, Mairah Decker, Ikeshwerdeep (Abhey) Dhaliwal, Sophia Dick, Anahi Escobar, Zachary Flaming, Kassidy Frueh, Aiden Gamboa, Elijah Garay, Athena Garcia, Brianna Goerzen, Chris-
tian Gutierrez, Dakota Hayes
Mackenzie Hernan- dez, Darah Hoff, An- nabeth Kroeker, Jade Laemmlen, Sarah Larg- er, Evaristo Lewis, Alma Lucero, Rohila Mamat- kulova, Sophia Marti- nez, Ella Moore, Leah Moreno, Tobin Moshier, Paige Mulligan, Kal- lee Myers, Havanah Pallares, Austin Pauls, Adrian Perez, Jalene Prado, Elena Ramirez, Ava Regier, Macie Rid- dle, Jacob Rios, Makay- la Rodriguez, Mattix Salmon, Jackson Scrog- gins, Sophia Scroggins, Alia Shamshoian, Paul Shanor, Jordan Solorio, Wesley Thiessen, Leah Thomas, Tad Tibbett, Meredith Torres, Aiden Vossler, and Allison Wood.
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Thursday, June 11, 2020 | A8 | Mid Valley TiMes
Garden Checklist: Take advantage of long summer days
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The Garden Check- list is filled with tips and tricks for local garden- ers who wish to keep their greenery, flowers, and herbs looking beau- tiful all year long.
June days are the lon- gest of the year, so now is the perfect time to take advantage of the extra hours in your garden.
Tasks for this time of year include, check- ing drip irrigation lines and emitters for leaks or clogs and adjust to pro- vide adequate moisture.
Thin fruit on stone and pome fruit trees.
Spider mites can be discouraged by rinsing dust from foliage.
Stake tall, weak-
stemmed flowers. When pruning, re-
member to cut spent canes to the ground af- ter harvesting berries. Attach new canes to the trellis for next year’s crop. Prune azaleas, ca- mellias and hydrangeas after bloom.
When fertilizing, re- member to reduce or eliminate fertilizer for landscape trees and shrubs, unless used to remedy nutrient defi- ciencies.
Do not feed plants if water stressed.
Limit planting during hot weather, as newly installed plants require frequent irrigation while root systems become es- tablished.
Enjoy now perennials:
Lily-of-the-Nile (Agapan- thus), aster, fibrous bego- nia (Begonia semperflo- rens).
Bulbs, corms, tubers: giant allium (Allium), canna. Trees, shrubs, vines: abelia, flowering maple (Abutilon).
Fruits and vegetables: fuji apple, apricot, beans, eggplant.
Things to ponder, adjust lawn mower set- ting to cut lawn higher. Setmowerto21⁄2to3 inches for tall fescue, 3⁄4 inches to 1 inch for com- mon bermuda, and 1⁄2 to 3⁄4 inches for hybrid ber- muda.
Use less toxic insec- ticidal products such as insecticidal soaps or neem oil. Drought tip: This year’s rainfall was
less than normal, deep- rooted trees and shrubs may have depleted soil moisture in their root zones.
Slow, deep irrigation once or twice a week during the heat of sum- mer can provide suffi- cient water and partially replenish soil moisture.
Source: Adapted from “A Gardener’s Compan- ion for the Central San Joaquin Valley,” 3rd edi- tion, currently available from Fresno County Master Gardeners for $30.
Gardening Questions answered at (559) 241- 7534. Prepared by Judy Parker, Fresno County Master Gardener.
Last weeks answers
Photo Contributed
Anthony Cortez, a KCUSD bus driver posed for a photo next to a small bus. Cortez celebrated his birthday on June 7.
Juanita Adame / Mid Valley Times
ABOVE: From left, Wesley Thiessen read his valedictorian speech while also practicing social distancing from vale- dictorian, Macie Riddle who spoke after him.
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