Page 7 - Mid Valley Times 6-11-20 E-edition
P. 7
Thursday, June 11, 2020
The View From Here
Since we started the “Photo of the Week” series, we’ve re- ceived some interesting and in this week’s case, historic pho- tos.
Juanita Adame
Mid Valley Times
More than 50 students from Immanuel Junior High School were promoted on the afternoon of June 4 as the school was the first and only in the area to have a live grad- uation ceremony.
With plenty of precautions in place, including social dis- tancing requirements for graduates and their families, the junior high promoted a total of 55 eighth graders as loved ones looked on from the stands.
The graduation ceremony was held at Immanuel's sports complex, the County Line Sta- dium.
Immanuel High School principal, Phil Goertzen, said in an interview on May 28 that they would try to do everything possible to allow their families a graduation
Juanita Adame / Mid Valley Times
Students from Immanuel Junior High practiced social distancing requirements during their promotion ceremony on June 4. The live graduation ceremony was held at the County Line Stadium.
The photo we received this week was sent by Julia Rodriguez and shows her grandparents posing for a photo in the grape vine- yards.
Julia identified her grandparents in the photo as Jovita and Mateo Rodriguez. The photo was taken some- time in the 1970s.
A few weeks ago I’d writ- ten in my column about vis- iting the Sanger Cemetery on Memorial Day. I’d em- phasized in the column about what life was like living in a different era.
My curiosity was also sparked when I saw the photo of this couple. What was life like for them in the 1970s? Jovita is shown in the photo holding up two large bunches of table grapes. It makes one wonder what prompted the idea for the photo? Were they just wrap- ping up the day or had their day just started?
Now, let's fast forward 50 years to last week. June 4, 2020 a group of junior high students were celebrating their promotion from Im- manuel Junior High School.
These students were some of the first to be able to attend a live graduation cer- emony following the shelter in place order back in March due to coronavirus concerns.
We came across a vin- tage Reedley Exponent ar- ticle dated Nov. 21, 1918. On the front page, in large black letters are the words "Remove some restrictions in Reedley." The article de- tailed the reduced number of influenza cases and how the epidemic was "now well under control.”
Sandwiched in time be- tween the 1918 Spanish Flu pandemic and the 2020 CO- VID-19 pandemic was Mateo and Jovita Rodriguez.
The couple probably had little information about the 1918 pandemic, and I can't imagine they thought about the year 2020.
It's interesting to read about history and present day events.
It's true that parts of his- tory are repeated.
The COVID situation is slowly calming down ac- cording to some reports.
Other reports indicate the numbers are on the rise. Either way, I believe we are now coming to a close from the last couple of
strange months.
“For us, our families don’t
want a virtual ceremony,” he said on May 28. “They don’t want to get together like that, they don’t want a pre-record- ed or recorded graduation.”
The ceremony included valedictorian speeches from several students including Wesley Thiessen.
“I’m honored to be leaving eighth grade as a valedicto- rian, for many students this seems the ending to eighth grade but I like to think of this as more of the next step to a new start,” he said dur- ing his speech.
“Sometime’s it’s hard for me to move on and take that next
Immanuel Junior High celebrates promotions By Juanita Adame
"Our parents did
not want a virtual graduation or pre- recorded ceremony."
- Phil Goertzen Immanuel High Principal
KCUSD bus driver surprised with birthday parade
Photos by Juanita Adame / Mid Valley Times
From left, firefighters Chantel Sanchez and Marco Solis of the Reedley Fire Department as well as fam- ily and friends of Anthony Cortez posed for a photo in front of the city's ladder truck on the afternoon of June 7.
By Juanita Adame
Mid Valley Times
It was quite the surprise for Reedley local Anthony Cortez on the afternoon of June 7 as several first re-
sponder vehicles as well as family and friends held a drive by parade to celebrate his 52nd birthday.
“I felt really grateful when I realized everyone was here for me, for my birthday,” said
Cortez. “I love this city, I love the school district.”
Cortez, originally from Parlier worked as a paid call firefighter for the Reedley Fire Department.
Anthony Cortez smiled as family and friends drove by his home in Reedley on the afternoon of June 7.
quoia Safety Council as an EMT before becoming a bus driver for the Kings Canyon Unified School District.
“He’s the best, he does ev-
See CORTEZ on Page A8 Photo of the week
He then worked for Se-
Sanger Police welcomes new officer to force
Photo Courtesy of Sanger Police Facebook Page
A brief swearing in ceremony was held for Rosario Guillen, a new of- ficer to join the Sanger Police Department. Guillen is a Sanger High Alumni and is happy to be working for his home town.
A photo of Reedley couple Jovita and Mateo Rodriguez display- ing a bunch of freshly picked grapes was sent in by the couple's granddaughter Julia Rodriguez. The photo was taken circa 1970. Have a photo you'd like featured? Email juanita@midvalleypub-