Page 8 - Reedley Exponent 1-31-19 E-edition
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TheReedleyExponent B2Thursday,January31,2019
Youth & Education
St. La Salle CRUSADERS News
Eagles News
January 24 – 30
Campus Days Are Com-
ing- Interested in learn- ing more about Immanuel Schools? Register for our Campus Days! Ask all your questions and experience ev- erything we have to offer. El- ementary is Friday, February 1st and Jr High/High School is Thursday, February 7th.
Both events are from 11am-2:45pm, and lunch will be provided! Sign up at im- day, or contact Corinne Hall at 559-638-2529 ext 7101.
Athletics This Week- To- day, our basketball teams will be competing at Dinuba High. Girls JV at 3:00, and Varsity at 6:00pm, Boys JV at 4:30, Varsity at 7:30. Girls Soccer is also competing at Dinuba High at 6:00pm. On Saturday, Varsity Girls Basketball trav-
Continued from page B1
I grew up as an only child. I was always by myself, the only ones who would keep me company were my dogs.
They were always there,
els to Tulare to play against Strathmore at 1:45pm.
What’s New in FFA- Our Fruit Tree Pruning team is competing on Saturday at Reedley College, after plac- ing first in their last compe- tition. AND we are excited to announce our 1st.
Annual Donkey Basket- ball Game against Kings- burg High on March 11th- Tickets are $5.
First Ever New Truck Raffle- One lucky winner will win a brand new 2019 Crew Cab Silverado LTZ from Martens Chevrolet in Reedley. Tickets are $100 each (or 6 for $500 or 12 for $1000). Only 1,000 tickets are going to be sold! Purchase tickets at the Immanuel School District Office and Marten's Chevrolet (1050 I Street)
*Details/Rules/Restric- tions online at Immanuel-
they never judged me or made fun of me. I guess that's why I have such a connection with dogs.
I really hope the shelter and the city can work out an agreement. I know it can be difficult, as both sides have legitimate concerns.
St. La Salle Celebrates Catholic Schools Week 2019
Celebrating 66 Years of Catholic Education.
January 27 – February 1, 2019.
“Catholic Schools Learn. Serve. Lead. Succeed” is the national theme for Catholic Schools Week 2019 (CSW). St. La Salle School, the parish school serving St. Anthony’s Church and the neighboring Catholic communities, will be celebrating Catholics Schools Week and 66 years of Catho- lic education with the follow- ing activities:
Sunday, Jan. 27 – Catho- lic Schools- Celebrating our parish. 11 a.m. - The entire parish celebrates the supe- rior education of our values- oriented school with the Holy Mass at St. Anthony’s Church.
This Mass offers a time to reflect on the lasting value of Catholic Education and its role in fostering the faith, knowledge, service, and dis- cipline that will prepare the youth of the parish for a life of service to their families, their communities and the church.
The Liturgy is followed by an Open House from 12:15pm to 1:30 pm. Meet our Students, Faculty and staff. A reception will follow in the School Hall. Students of different grades will share some of their best songs for
parents and friends. Alumni are welcomed in a special way. Registration packets are available.
Students wear Mass uni- form- Monday, Jan. 28- Cath- olic Schools: Celebrating our community 8 a.m. - A prayer service honoring commu- nity members, friends and students will be held at the School. This day celebrates the solidarity that St. La Salle holds with the community. The school and the commu- nity work hand-in-hand to educate the next generation
of citizens. The community benefits the school’s con- tribution to excellence and choice in education. Students send Thank You notes to all the people that support St. La Salle. A special recognition will be given to the Mayor, Mr. Betancourt.
10 a.m. - Students will vis- it various community sites, including the Community Center, Sierra View and Palm Village to entertain the senior citizens, and thank various members of the community. The Student Body will pres- ent their collected canned goods to the St. Anthony’s Food Center as a gesture of commitment to community service, especially for the less fortunate.
11 a.m. - Sixth, Seventh and eighth graders will clean up the Rails to Trails of Reed- ley. Students wear school uni- form
Tuesday, Jan. 29 – Catho- lic Schools: Celebrate our stu- dents
To date, we have 66 years of Catholic Education to cel- ebrate. When we provide stu- dents with a Catholic Educa- tion, we make an investment in the future. We strive to equip them with the essential elements they need to lead fulfilling lives of love and service: faith, knowledge, morals and discipline. This day celebrates our students’ achievements. 8 a.m. - Prayer Service to thank God for our Students. 9 a.m. - Talent Show 10 a.m. -Games, activities, and snacks. 11:30-12:30 p.m. - Stu- dents lunch with their favor- ite friend across the grades.. 1:30pm-2:30pm- Music per- formance. Students Wear Pa- jamas & no homework
Wednesday Jan. 30– Cath- olic Schools: Celebrating the nation- Today marks the high point of the Catholic Schools Week. It is National Apprecia- tion Day for Catholic Schools. It recognizes the important role our elementary and sec- ondary schools play in pro- viding comprehensive, qual-
ity education to thousands of students.
We will celebrate the con- tributions of our schools to America. Including the reduc- tion of the educational burden otherwise borne by states and local public school districts. In fact, current statistics show that Catholic Schools save the nation almost $20 bil- lion a year in education costs.
Furthermore, it is a time to celebrate and advocate the right of parents to choose where and how their children learn. Choosing the right school is the first step toward helping your child achieve their greatest potential in life.
Today grandparents are invited to have lunch with their grandchildren. This is a day of giving back to Catholic Schools, Many Gifts One Na- tion: A Day of giving to catho- lic schools.
8 a.m. - Prayer service for our Nation 10:15 a.m. - Flag Ceremony and Pep Rally, Lunch with students’ grand- parents will follow. Students wear red, white and blue free dress to honor our Nation.
Thursday, Jan. 31- Catho- lic Schools: Celebrating Voca- tion. (Vocation Appreciation Day for the Clergy, Religious, Parents)
On this day, we explore the many ways people can serve God. We also take time to recognize and thank those who have made service to God their life’s work, par- ticularly in our schools and parishes. We recognize our priests for their role in help- ing us grow in our faith
7:30AM- The St. La Salle staff will greet the parents and offer some sweet treats and as they drop off their children at school. This is a sign of appreciation to them for choosing this school for their children.
8 a.m. - St. La Salle salutes its parents and priests with a prayer of thanksgiving.
8:30 a.m. - Rosary for vo- cations
11:15 a.m. - Lunch with
Parents and Parish Priests 2:45 p.m.- Bake Sale to support a Seminarian of the Diocese and an Aspirant to the religious life. Students
dress in their Sunday best.
Friday, Feb. 1 - Catholic Schools: Celebrating our Fac- ulty, Staff and Volunteers
Without its teachers, our School would be little more than a building and class- rooms full of disappointed students. Today we honor our Catholic School teachers, staff and volunteers who de- vote their careers to teaching students and infusing them with the faith, knowledge, morals, and discipline that are the hallmarks of Catholic education. The work they do today is an investment in the future of our church and com- munities. Thank you to all our volunteers for the tremen- dous support that they give to our teachers and students.
8:00AM- Prayer service and salute to teachers Salute to Teachers.
10:00AM- CSW closes with a School Mass for the students, parents, and friends.
12:30PM- Early Dismissal
12:40PM- Appreciation Luncheon- for teachers and staff sponsored by the Parent- Volunteers 7:00-9:00 PM-Fam- ily Dance-semi formal attire
Students wear Mass uni- forms
Saturday, Feb. 2 School Benefit Auction- Tickets on sale now!- St. La Salle School is pleased to announce the 28th Annual Benefit Auction to be held on Saturday, Feb- ruary 2, 2019 at the Reedley Community Center. This year the auction promises to be another memorable one, filled with lots of fun all for a great cause! Doors open at 5:00pm, come out and enjoy a Luxury Buffet, Delicious Desserts, No-Host Cocktails, a live auction, a silent auction and a $5,000 raffle. Please feel free to call the school of- fice for more information at (559) 638-2621
ABOVE: Students at St. La Salle Catholic School point to one of the auction items for the 28th annual benefit event that will be taking place on Feb. 2.
Council #10264
Valentine’s Dinner & Dance Date: Saturday February 9, 2019
“DJ By Request”
Place: St. La Salle, Reedley CA. Time: 6 p.m. to 11 p.m. Dinner, Dance, Music & Silent Auction/Open Bar Included
ED’S Barber Shop Reedley Ca.
Andy Ochoa (559) 250-3559 • Rick Gonzalez (559) 999-0459
We Accept: or
Photos Juanita Adame / The Exponent
ABOVE: Jayden Pena and Maria Palafox display mission projects the students are in 4th grade at St. La Salle School.
Juanita Adame / The Exponent
ABOVE: Jersey Reynoso held up her Mission San Diego de Reynoso project. Jersey said she is proud of her project.
ABOVE: Isabel Loredo shows off her mission project. Isabel said it took her several days of hard work to finish the project.
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