Page 12 - Mid Valley Times 11-14-19 E-edition
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COUNCIL Continued from page A1
“Where are the audi- tors?” Ontiveros ques- tioned.
After not getting a re- sponse, he added, “This looks horribly bad on the city.”
It was then explained that the Citizens Over- sight Committee, who accepted the audit report 4-1 on Oct. 1, did have the opportunity to speak to the auditors.
The report was subse- quently approved by the Sanger city council with the votes of Mayor Pre Tem Daniel Martinez and council members Hum- berto Garza and Maribel Hurtado. Mayor Frank Gonzalez was absent. On- tiveros abstained.
Ontiveros also ab- stained from a vote on a new city ordinance that would amend the city’s authority to award con- tracts and make pur- chases.
Under the previous ordinance, the city could spend up to $15,000 be- fore having to receive council approval. The new ordinance (No. 2019-08) will allow city officials to spend up to $29,500 for goods and services before having to go to a formal bid.
Ontiveros took excep- tion to the new ordinance and said, worried there would be less oversight over city spending.
“I don’t want this to get out of hand,” Ontive- ros said. “We don’t have a great history of transpar- ency.”
Concerned there would be no account- ability, Ontiveros went so far as to call the new ordinance a matter of ‘la- ziness’.
“I want accountabil-
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ity,” he expressed.
But the matter of ac-
countability was clarified by Mayor Pro Tem Mar- tinez, who asked, “Isn’t that what the warrant register is for?”
Chapa then explained to the council that the entirety of city expenses is listed on the warrant register, which is pro- vided to, and approved by, council members at each council meeting. He also mentioned that staff could, if so directed by council, provide a di- rect accounting of any purchases made using the new ordinance but also advised that doing so would require more administrative work.
The city manager also reiterated that the new ordinance would al- low flexibility, ultimately making the city more ef- ficient and competitive in its purchasing.
Chapa also addressed Ontiveros’ ‘laziness’ com- ment, saying, “We have a lot of people who work very hard at what they do in the city. Laziness, I think some might take offensetothat.”
In the meeting’s pub- lic hearing, the council heard an amendment to the city’s High Den- sity Family Residential Zones, or RM-1 districts. The amendment will keep the city in line with state mandates by ensur- ing that such districts have a minimum of 20 units per acre.
Being in compli- ance, according to city of Sanger’s Community Development Director, Tom Navarro, will allow
Rick Curiel / Mid Valley Times
Sanger Police Chief Silver Rodriguez, right, introduced three new Sanger Police Officers to the Sanger City Council at the Nov. 7 meeting. The officers, who were installed on Oct. 23, are (left to right) Gilbert Gonzalez, CullenHazeltonandBaudelioOrnelas. ItalsowasannouncedattheNov.7meetingthatthecityofSangeris currently in the recruiting process for a new police chief, as Chief Rodriguez will be retiring on Jan. 15.
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New officers added to Sanger's police force
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the city to apply for more state grants.
And the city coun- cil approved a safety analysis report by city engineer Josh Rogers. The report was recently conducted in an effort to evaluate public safety on roadways in the city of Sanger. The analysis took into consideration traffic collisions in relation to public safety.
Because the report will also be used as a means to secure state
funding for road im- provements, the report needed to prioritize pro- posed projects based on their potential for return on investment. Rogers determined that the best return on investment would involve improving the Jensen Avenue corri- dor by adding new light- ing, signage and eliminat- ing two crosswalks on the east side.
Under the propos- al, current crosswalks would be made more vis-
ible while others might be altered to make them safer. But the biggest hurdle for some Jensen residents and business owners would be the possibility of eliminating some street-side parking.
Approving the report only authorized the city to submit the report to
Caltrans for approval and does not force the city to commit to any project. The matter will be brought back to the council at a later date, when the council and public while get further information on what di- rection the city is look- ing to take.
Sanger District Chamber of Commerce presents The nation’s Christmas Tree City’s
Countdown to Christmas
4 36th AnnuAl tree lighting & Cheer for SAntA’S ArrivAl
Wed., Dec. 4th 6:30pm - 8pm
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4 72th AnnuAl toylAnd pArAde Sat., Dec. 7th at 11am
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