Page 2 - Mid Valley Times 9-19-19 E-edition
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Alice Acevedo
Alice R. Acevedo of Dinuba died Sept. 9 in Clovis. She was 89.
Mrs. Acevedo is sur- vived by four sons, four daughters, 15 grandchil- dren, 38 great-grand- children and six great- great-grandchildren.
A combined rosary and funeral mass will be at 10 a.m. Friday, Sept. 27, at St. Catherine's Catholic Church in Di- nuba. Burial will follow at Smith Mountain Cem- etery in Dinuba.
Robert Garcia
Robert Garcia of Reedley died Sept. 14 in Reedley. He was 74.
Mr. Garcia worked as a realtor.
He is survived by his wife Maria Garcia, three daughters, one son and 15 grandchildren.
A rosary will be at 9:30 a.m. and mass at 10 a.m. Monday, Sept. 23, at the old St. Anthony of Padua Catholic Church in Reedley. Burial with Army military honors will follow at Smith Mountain Cemetery in Dinuba.
Richard Gomez
Richard Gomez of Sanger died Sept. 11. He was 42.
Mr. Gomez worked as a cook.
He is survived by his parents, one sister, two aunts, two uncles and many cousins.
A funeral mass was held Sept. 17 at St. Mary's Catholic Church in Sanger.
Garry Gregory
Garry Daron Grego- ry of Sanger died Sept. 8. He was 70.
Mr. Gregory worked as a gardener.
He is survived by one daughter, one sister and one niece.
A graveside service was held Sept. 17 at Sanger Cemetery.
Lila Minson
Lila Minson of Sanger died Sept. 8. She was 83.
Mrs. Minson worked as a clerk for Tom Gong. She is survived by one son, two daughters, six grandchildren and four
Thursday, September 19, 2019 | A2 | Mid Valley TiMes
Deadline to submit nominations for
A memorial service will be held at 11 a.m. Saturday, Sept. 21, at the Church of Christ in
Ovidio Ochoa
Ovidio "Ray" Ochoa of Sanger died Sept. 11. He was 70.
Mr. Ochoa worked as a meat cutter for Vons.
He is survived by his wife Amelia "Amy Ochoa, one son, three daughters, one broth- er, three sisters and 12 grandchildren.
A rosary and funeral mass will be held at 10 a.m. Thursday, Sept. 19, at St. Mary's Catholic Church in Sanger.
Eugene Routson
Eugene Victor Rout- son of Squaw Valley died Sept. 2. He was 42.
Mr. Routson worked as a security guard for G4S Secure Solutions USA.
He is survived by his parents and his former wife.
A graveside service was held Sept. 12 at Clo- vis Cemetery District.
James Salcido
James "Jimmy" Sal- cido of Reedley died Sept. 16 in Reedley. He was 60.
Mr. Salcido worked as a fisherman.
He is survived by two sons, one daughter, three brothers, one sister and five grandchildren.
A rosary and mass were held Sept. 18 at the old St. Anthony of Padua Catholic Church in Reedley. Burial was at Reedley Cemetery.
Larry Sanchez
Larry Nicanor San- chez of Parlier died Sept. 9. He was 34.
Mr. Sanchez worked as a self-employed tat- too artist.
He is survived by one son, one daughter, two sisters, one god- daughter, his mother, six nephews and one niece.
A wake service will be at 6:30 p.m. Thurs- day, Sept. 19, at Wallin's Parlier Funeral Home. Chapel service will be at 10 a.m. Friday, Sept. 20, at Wallin's Parlier Funeral Home.
Reedley Fiesta King-Queen is Sept. 24
MVT Staff Report
There is less than a week to submit nominations for the Kings and Queen to reign over the 54th Annual Reedley Fiesta next month.
Applications are available at the Greater Reedley Chamber of Commerce Office.
The King and Queen will be selected at the end of the month,
and crowned at Pioneer Park dur- ing the Fiesta on Friday, Oct. 11 at 6:45 p.m. Their duties include pro- moting the Fiesta, serving as an Ambassador to the City of Reedley and riding in the Fiesta Parade.
To nominate the royal couple, submit an application that lists five (5) points as to why the nominees should receive the recognition. The nominees must have resided in the Reedley area for the past 15
years and been active in civic and community affairs. Past Kings and Queens along with members of the Reedley Lion’s Club will select this year’s winners.
Nominations must be submit- ted to the Chamber Office, 1633 11th St., Reedley or emailed to in- no later than Tuesday, Sept. 24, at 5 p.m.
For more information, contact Pete Perez at (559) 916-3613.
RC Constitution Week kicks off
MVT Staff Report
The public is invited to partic- ipate in Reedley College's sixth annual Constitution Week Con- ference taking place on Thursday and Friday, Sept. 19-20, at the col- lege.
Six presentations are sched- uled for Sept. 19, beginning with opening ceremonies at 9 a.m. fea- turing remarks by new Reedley College President Jerry Buckley. The week's activities began on Sept. 16 with a lunch hour Q&A session featuring 21st Congres- sional District Rep. T.J. Cox (D- Fresno) at the college's Forum Hall. The freshman congressman answered questions about his job and current political issues af- fecting the Central Valley.
All conference presentations will take place in the student cen- ter next to the cafeteria. Here is the schedule of speakers:
Thursday, Sept. 19
• 9 a.m. — McGregor Scott, United States Attorney for the
Eastern District of California.
• 10 a.m. — Kendra Fowler, field representative for 22nd Con- gressional District Rep. Devin Nunes (R-Tulare) will answer questions. Nunes represents the district that includes Sanger,
T.J. Cox, representative
for the 21st Congressional District that includes rural areas outside of Sanger and Reedley, spoke to Reedley College students and com- munity members on Sept. 16 during the kick-of event for the college's annual Constitution Week Confer- ence. Cox participated in a Q&A session at the college's Forum Hall.
Jon Earnest / Mid Valley Times
• 11 a.m. — Robert Benson, assistant federal security direc- tor for the Transportation Safety Administtation, represents the Fresno/Bakersfield/Merced and Mammoth Lakes regions..
• Noon — George Lopez, se- nior supervisory resident agent for the Federal Bureau of Inves-
Reedley and Dinuba.
Reedley accepting applications from nonprofits for grants
The city of Reedley is accepting applications from nonprofit groups in the city for three $350 grants.
The grants are avail- able to nonprofits who provide recreational ac-
tivities to Reedley resi- dents or Reedley school- sanctioned youth groups or activities.
A representative of the organization will be required to be present at a Community Services Commission meeting at 4:30 p.m. Thursday, Oct.
24, at the Reedley Com- munity Center. There, grants will be reviewed and recommended and applicants will have an op- portunity to clarify any in- formation they submitted.
The commission's rec- ommendations then will be submitted to the Reedley City Council for approval.
Community Recre- ation Grant Guidelines and applications are available at the Reedley Community Center, 100 N. East Ave., Reedley and on the city’s website at The dead- line to turn in completed applications is 5 p.m. on Thursday, Oct. 17.
Glen Alan Pilkerton
June 9, 1966 - September 1, 2019
It is with a heavy heart that the Pilkerton Family grieves the loss of Glen Alan Pilker- ton. He was born in Fresno on June 9, 1966 and passed away too early in life on September 1st. Just months earlier, Glen was diagnosed with lung can- cer. He fought a brave battle throughout his many treat- ments.
Glen is survived by his daugh-
ter, Melissa S. Pilkerton of Tulare, mother, Myrna Pilkerton and older brother, Robert L.
Pilkerton, Jr. with wife, Pamela Golden-Pilkerton of Dinuba. Glen was a graduate of Dinuba High School, class of 1984. Upon graduation, Glen joined the sales team of Mathias & Bolinger Furniture at both its Visalia and Fresno locations where he worked as a furniture salesman for over 10 years till the company’s  nal closing.
Glen then became a longtime employee of the Alta Irrigation District manning and tending the irrigation lines throughout the area. During the irrigation season, Glen would work 12 hour shi s despite the heat to ensure the steady  ow of irriga- tion delivery to Alta District customers. Glen was known for much more than the work he did in his o cial capacity. To everyone up and down the irrigation ditches, he was the dog- rescuer. Everyone admired Glen for the compassion he showed to every dog he encountered. As soon as his regular hours were done, Glen would return to locate any dog he had spotted ear- lier.  ere was always a bag of dog-food & doggie treats in his truck to befriend the many unfortunate dogs abandoned along the ditch-banks. It was because of Glen that these dogs were res- cued into good, loving homes.
Glen spent his time-o  from work enjoying the company of
his daughter and family as well as his many rescued dogs. He was also an avid golfer and Giants & 49er fan. He will always be missed by his family, co-workers and his wide circle of friends. In lieu of  owers, the Pilkerton family requests that tax-deduct- ible donations be made in Glen’s memory to the Rural Com- munities Resource Center (RCRC), a 501(c)(3) nonpro t. Glen’s dogs, Peanut, Boo, Angel and Lemme, now have new homes through the e orts of RCRC located at 41760 Road, Orosi, CA 93647.
A celebration of Glen’s life will be held Saturday, September 21st at 10 am. It will be held at the Dinuba Presbyterian Church located at 1250 East Nebraska Avenue in Dinuba.
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MID VALLEY TIMES invites letters from the public on any topic of relevance. We reserve the right to edit letters for clarity or brevity, and we reserve the right to NOT publish them if they could be deemed libelous, slanderous, or profane. Letters from the same author may not be published more than once in a 30-day pe- riod. Letters should be 300 words or less and bear the author’s name, address, phone number and signature. Typed or legibly hand-written letters should be mailed, e-mailed or personally delivered to: Letters to the Edi- tor, Mid Valley Times, 1130 G St., Reedley, CA 93654.
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Serving our families with integrity and compassion since 1964
7942 S. Mendocino FD 1662
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