Page 6 - Reedley Exponent 11-22-18 E-edition
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The Reedley Exponent A6 Thursday, November 22, 2018
Drone photos of ‘Paint the R’ activities
One of the Reedley Police Department’s drone cameras flew up to Campbell Mountain on Nov. 10 to shoot photos of volunteers working on the “Paint theR”project. Morethan100peoplespentachunkofthedayhikingup and painting the boulders before descending.
ABOVE LEFT: Volunteers standing on the boulders forming the R give per- spective to how large and complicated the project is.
TOP RIGHT: The drone snapped a photo from straight overhead while work- ers painted the rocks white.
ABOVE:Volunteers sat in an area where the rocks had been vandalized with red paint.
LEFT: Volunteers posed for a picture taken by the drone camera.
Reedley Police Department / Photos Contributed
THANKSGIVING Continued from page A2
in more than a decade.
New this year, to capture the diversity in
Thanksgiving meals across the U.S., American Farm Bureau also checked prices on a 4-pound bone-in ham, 5 pounds of Russet potatoes and 1-pound of frozen green beans.
“Adding these foods to the classic Thanks- giving menu increased the overall cost slightly, to $61.72 or about $6 per person,” said Newton.
Fresno County farmers and ranchers pro- duce many of the food items that appear on Thanksgiving dinner tables around the nation.
“The San Joaquin Valley grows a cornu- copia array of fruits, vegetables, nuts, meats, milk and fiber products that take center stage this time of year,” said Ryan Jacobsen, Fresno County Farm Bureau CEO. “This region should take tremendous pride in what we do to feed our nation.”
A total of 166 volunteer shoppers checked prices at grocery stores in 37 states for this year’s survey.
The AFBF Thanksgiving dinner survey was first conducted in 1986. While Farm Bu- reau does not make any scientific claims about the data, it is an informal gauge of price trends around the nation.
SIHOTA Continued from page A3
dollars with state and fed- eral funds to support Fresno County’s growing transporta- tion needs.
Sihota started in the trucking industry in 1980 as a driver. He currently is the owner and operator of Smart- way Express, and farms al- monds and grapes.
Sihota said he under- stands the value of hard work and wants to serve on the FCTA to ensure Fresno County continues to improve its transportation system in each of the county’s 15 cities.
“The Fresno County Transportation Authority is committed to addressing the transportation needs of the Valley and as I join the board, I couldn’t be more committed to furthering its mission,” said Sihota. “As a local busi- ness owner for over 35 years,
I look forward to bringing my experience in the transporta- tion industry to the board as we work to serve all citizens of Fresno County.”
Sihota will attend his first FCTA board meeting at 9 a.m.
on Wednesday, Dec. 12. The public is welcome to attend; FCTA meetings are held in the Fresno Council of Gov- ernment Boardroom, located at 2035 Tulare St. #201, Fres- no, CA 93721.
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