Page 7 - Reedley Exponent 11-22-18 E-edition
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Section | Thursday, November 22, 2018
The next virtual swim challenge is here
Reedley (Fresno County) CA 93654
The View From Here
I would like to take this time to say I hope everyone has a wonderful Thanksgiving. I look forward to spending the holiday with family, friends, and creating some great memo-
Juanita Adame
Speaking of Thanksgiving, I
had the opportunity to meet Dr. David Carter last week, and he had on the best Thanksgiving tie, I noticed it while I was interview- ing him.
For those who don't know him, Dr. Carter is a local eye doctor. He has his practice here in Reedley andhealsohappenstobe anavid swimmer.
He told me all about the next virtual swim challenge and how he is looking forward to having locals who aren't avid swimmers to come out and participate.
Dr. Carter said there are many benefits to swimming. Not only is it a good physical exercise but it's also easy on the joints especially if one has joint pain. He said the wa- ter is heated so that further helps alleviate those troubled areas.
I highly suggest for those who are considering the challenge but haven't really made up their minds to go and sit in during a lap swim. Dr. Carter said he'd love to have people come out and just watch the swimming events as they take place, this helps those who may feel a little intimidated by the whole process, you never know what you're capable of until you try. The virtual swim chal- lenge seems to be popular here in Reedley, its especially inspiring to read about those like Ted Loewen who never considered himself a swimmer and ended up finishing in first place!
Congratulations to him and also congratulations to the next first place winner, will it be you? Challenge begins Nov. 26.
Juanita Adame / The Exponent
ABOVE: A copy of the City of Reed- ley's 'Virtual Swim Log' that partici- pants will fill out during the chal- lenge. Also pictured is a group log. The logs will be posted on a bulletin board at the complex, swimmers will mark their progress after each swim. The latest challenge will be a virtual swim from Pine Flat Dam to Reedley Beach.
By Juanita Adame
The water temperatures in the Kings River near Fresno County can average anywhere from a chilly 49 degrees all the way up to 60 de- grees, water too cold, too swift, and too dangerous for anyone to swim in.
The temperature in the swim- ming pool at the Reedley Aquatics Complex however, is a comfortable 83 degrees and perfect for anyone wanting to take a swim, even during the coldest winter days.
"That water is so clean," said Dr. David Carter on Nov. 14 as he described the pool at the Reedley Aquatics Complex.
"I'm sitting there on one end of this 15 meter pool and can look across all the way underneath the water. I can see the tiles on the other side- it's amazingly clean."
Carter is a local optometrist and the man behind a program called Swim Reedley. He said their next swim challenge is set to begin on
ABOVE: The sparkling blue pool located at the Reedley Aquatics Complex.
PhotoContributed/ ReedleySwimFacebookPage
“This is a virtual swim, it's from Pine Flat Dam to Reedley Beach."
– David Carter Swim Reedley
Nov. 26, and they are asking resi- dents who are interested to come out and participate.
"This is a virtual swim, so this one is from Pine Flat to Reedley
Beach," he said. "Anybody can par- ticipate and this is more of an indi- vidual competition, a little bit like who will make it first?"
Carter said swimmers can par- ticipate individually or as a group and all the swimming is done at the complex.
"These logs will be posted on the bulletin board at the aquatics com- plex, so you finish swimming," he said. "You go over and you mark your stuff and you mark this and then go home, and then the next time you mark how many and so on."
Back on Sept. 06, 2017, nine par- ticipants completed the Virtual Swim Challenge "at" Lake Tahoe.
That challenge consisted of two options: Lake Tahoe's 22-mile north- south distance and the 12-mile east- west distance. It was also held at the Complex.
Seven swimmers completed the 22-mile distance: Jennifer Deibert, David Carter, Brandon Pursell, Lisa Frueh, Cindy Carter, Ted Loewen and Philip Gaede.
Ted Loewen, a 67-year-old who participated and ended up taking first place, never considered himself a swimmer prior to the challenge swim.
“I’m not really a swimmer,” Loewen said in a previous Exponent article. “I just kept plugging away, I was surprised."
Carter added that sometimes people are intimidated to join the swim challenge but stories like Loewen's inspires him to continue putting the call out to residents.
"There are also many benefits, first of all the exercise, it motivates you to get out and do something - it's easier on your joints, it's safe, it's clean, you got lifeguards there and the water is just right," he said. "There are social benefits too, you get out and meet people."
For more information on the vir- tual swim challenge, contact Swim- or visit Swim Reedley on Facebook.
The tree is chosen
Photo Contributed
ABOVE: Erik Valencia, Executive director for the Reedley Chamber of Commerce and Jose Plascencia, Chamber board chairman stand in front of the selected tree that will be displayed in downtown Reedley during the holiday season.
Broncos perform for school board members
Juanita Adame / The Exponent
ABOVE: Great Western's ASB president addressed the school board during the Nov. 13 meeting and went over recent accomplishments that have taken place on campus during the month of November including the recent paint job to the school cafeteria.
LEFT: Broncos performed several musical numbers for board members during the Nov. 13 meeting, several students also recited poems.
See BRONCOS page B8