Page 3 - Reedley Exponent 4-11-19 E-edition
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Lights & Sirens March 28-April 3
A fire captain’s journey of public service and dedication
The Reedley Exponent A3 Thursday, April 11, 2019
Friday, March 29
• Shots fired/shooting victim, 900 block of East Springfield Avenue, 1:25 p.m.
Saturday, March 30
• Domestic disturbance, 1400 block of East Carolyn Av- enue, no time given
• Commercial burglary, 900 block of West Manning Av- enue, no time given
Sunday, March 31
• Stolen vehicle/pursuit, But- tonwillow Avenue and Dinu- ba Avenue, no time given
• DUI arrest, Columbia Av- enue and Evening Glow Av- enue, no time given
• Outstanding warrant ar- rests, no location or time given
Monday, April 1
• Disturbance, 900 block of
SHOOTINGS Continued from page A1
them both.”
“At that point we needed
to divide our resources,” Ale- man continued. “And we in- vestigated both cases simul- taneously.”
Detectives soon discov- ered the individual at the Sunset and Duff location died from a self-inflicted gunshot wound.
“We were getting some phone calls and very limited information from the involved parties in both incidents,” Aleman said. “Detectives then tracked down another involved party and also veri- fied and corroborated that it was a self-inflicted gunshot wound. That person also told us where the weapon had been stored prior to the arrival of law enforcement.”
A person initially had been reported running from the ar- ea following the shooting.
That person turned him- self into police the following day.
“He admitted that he was
East Manning Avenue, no time given
• Theft of license plate, 1000 block of East Springfield Av- enue, no time given
• Attempted fraud, 1100 block of K Street, no time given
• Outstanding warrant arrest, 1300 block of South Church Avenue, no time given
Tuesday, April 2
• Theft of beer/arrests, 500 block of South I Street, no time given
• Disturbance/arrest, 1100 block of C Street, no time given
• Residential burglary, 800 block of East Evening Glow Avenue, no time given
• Prowler reported, 300 block of East Olson Avenue, no time given
• Outstanding warrant ar-
rests, no location or time given
Wednesday, April 3
• Vehicle vandalism, 900 block of East Evening Glow Avenue, no time given
• Driving without license, Buttonwillow Avenue and Di- nuba Avenue, no time given • Bicycle theft, 2000 block of East Jefferson Avenue, no time given
• Theft/arrest, 400 block of South Maple Drive, no time given
• Outstanding warrant arrest, no address or time given
(Crimes reported are from the Reedley Police Depart- ment. The crimereports. com website has been down, which is why there are no reports from Fresno County Sheriff’s Office, Orange Cove Police or Parlier Police.)
By Juanita Adame
It was the summer of 1994 and Martin “Marty” Ro- driguez — now a fire captain with the Reedley Fire Depart- ment — was 18 years old and fresh out of high school, but already knowing exactly what he wanted out of life.
“The adrenaline rush, we were excited to get into the field,” said Rodriguez on the afternoon of April 1. “I mean who doesn’t want to be a fire- fighter as a kid?”
Rodriguez, an Orange Cove native, attended Reed- ley High School along with his twin brother, Albert.
He said their parents taught them hard work and integrity.
“Both my parents lived in the projects. My mom worked in a packing house, [and] my dad was a custodian,” said Ro- driguez.
“They were really hard on us, and they taught us that work ethic. They told us either we would have a choice, fol- low in our footsteps or you’re going to do better for your- selves.”
Both he and his brother did just that, and now both work in public service.
Marty became a firefight- er and went on to work sev- eral years with both Orange Cove Fire and Reedley Fire.
Albert soon followed and then became an EMT with Se- quoia Safety Council. He now works as firefighter with the Selma Fire Department.
Marty’s fulltime job out- side the Reedley Fire Depart- ment is working as a regis- tered nurse.
“I am a clinical lead for the emergency room at Selma Hospital.” he said. That is just such an awesome job, it’s the best of both worlds.”
The two brothers have of- ten worked on scenes together and have even crossed paths in hallways of the hospital’s emergency room, something that Marty said has left a few patients perplexed.
“There are constantly people who have seen me one
From left, Reedley Police Detectives Robert Vasquez and Cesar Cardenas examine a magazine from the recovered firearm at the Duff and Sunset location.
on scene and shared his ver- sion of events, which again began to corroborate what the medical staff had stated —
See SHOOTINGS on page A6
Juanita Adame / The Exponent
minute and I’m wearing an EMS uniform, the next you know I’m in scrubs,” he said. “People will say, ‘I just seen you in a different uniform, how did you change so quick- ly?’ Or where people will tell me, ‘I just seen you on the sev- enth floor, how are you now on the first floor?’”
He said he’ll just laugh and respond, “I don’t know what you mean.”
Nonetheless, Marty said
he’s enjoyed working along- side his brother and giving back to the community they grew up in.
His favorite part about working in an emergency room? He said it’s helping someone and giving them an- other chance at life.
“It doesn’t ever get old. There’s always someone com- ing in the ER. I learn some- thing new every single day,” he said. “And then I come to do this, my whole life has re- volved around public service, it took me a long time to real- ize that, a couple years ago, I thought to myself ‘wow this is all I do, and I love it.’”
Juanita Adame / The Exponent
Marty Rodriguez is a captain with Reedley Fire, he also works as a registered nurse at the Selma Hospital. He lives in Reedley with his wife Jennifer and their three children, Matthew, 7, Michael, 5, and Melanie, 2.
Part of an occasional series profiling local public safety officials
When “That will never happen
to me” happens.
I’m ready to help.
There’s never a good time
for an accident to happen. But when it does, you can count on me to be there quickly so you can get your life back to normal. GET TO A BETTER STATETM. CALL ME TODAY.
VSO’s are coming to assist with your transition from the military to civilian or to help with any disability claims and bene ts.
Saturday, April 13th Location: Reedley Armory at 601 E. 11th St. • Reedley From: 0800-1600
Food will be provided by Rincon Americano from: 11 a.m.- 1 p.m.
FULL GOSPEL TABERNACLE 519 E. 11th Street, Reedley
Pastor: Ron Robertson
Sunday Growth Classes: 9:30am Children’s and Youth programs
Sunday Worship: 10:30am – Service; Children’s Church, ages 4-11 5:30pm Prayer – Evening Service 6:00pm
Wednesday Dinner served at 6:00pm
Wed. Family Night at 7:00pm (Adults, Youth Children) Food Give away – the third Saturday of the Month at 9:00am Basketball – Monday 7:00pm; Wednesday 8:00pm
For more information, call the church at 559-638-2739 All are welcome to attend
FAITH COMMUNITY CHURCH 314 W. Manning Avenue • Reedley, CA 93654 638-2730
Pastor: Dr. Ernie Williams Sunday Worship: 10:45 a.m. Children’s Church for ages 3 thru 3rd grade Nursery available
We are deeply grateful for the kindness and compassion you extended to us, the Garza family, during this most dif cult time of losing our only child, Justin.
Whether you kept us in your thoughts, prayed for us, sent some lovely  owers, gave to the memorial fund, brought food to our family or performed other acts of kindness, YOU, have forever touched our hearts.
We especially wish to thank the following friends/businesses
❖ ALL my Savemart family
❖ Our church family Living Word Fellowship - Dinuba ❖ Aleman Realty/Banquet Hall - Hector & Jamilla Aleman ❖ The Pub - Mike, Donna & Michelle Boss
❖ Valentino’s- Martin & Dawn Barcellos
❖ Ortegas Taqueria - Reedley
❖ Baked by Daisy - Daisy Rivera-Ramey
Our Reedley community outpouring of love for us and our son  lls our hearts with gratitude!
Sarah & Joey
Christ Lutheran
1254 N Frankwood Ave. Reedley 559-638-2112
Join us for worship Sundays at 9:30am All are welcome!
Aarne Kela & Jason Awbrey
Evangelical Lutheran Church in America
God’s work. Our hands.
03558 03566

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