Page 18 - Mid Valley Times 9-16-21 E-edition
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The Bureau of Reclama- tion’s California Great-Basin Region announced on Sept. 10 the selection of Levi Johnson as the Deputy Manager for the Central Valley Operations Office. CVO oversees water and power operations of Rec- lamation’s Central Valley Proj- ect, one of the world’s largest
and most complex water stor- age and delivery systems. The CVP comprises 19 dams, 18 reservoirs, 11 powerplants, and more than 500 miles of canals and aqueducts within California’s Central Valley, including Fresno County.
Johnson will support the CVO Operations Manager with day-to-day CVO per- formance, focusing on the
Central Val-
ley Automated
Control System
and diverse
water storage
projects cur-
rently in devel-
opment. CVO
works closely
with other fed-
eral, state, and local agencies; water and power users; the
environmental community; and stakeholders to deliver efficient and equitable water solutions.
Johnson served as the Wa- ter Resources Branch Chief for the Central California Ar- ea Office since February 2018, supporting the management of the American River, Stan- islaus River, and Nimbus Fish Hatchery. Johnson began his
career with Reclamation in 2016 in Sacramento as a Proj- ect Manager with the Central Valley Project Improvement Act program. Before joining Reclamation, Johnson worked for the East Columbia Basin Irrigation District in the Co- lumbia Basin Project as an engineer and coordinator of an extensive groundwater re- placement program.
More from Sanger 9-11 event
COVID-19 update
The Sanger VFW Post 7168, along with American Legion Post 23, AMVET Post 98, Association of US Army Chapter 6105, the Sanger Chamber of Commerce and the city of Sanger hosted a 9/11 remembrance event in downtown Sanger on the 20-year anniversary of the Sept. 11, 2001 attacks on America. Pastor Patrick Niemeyer of VFW Post 7168 was the keynote speaker.
ABOVE: Representatives with the veterans groups looked on as a ceremonial flag re- tirement burning was conducted. A new American flag replaced the former flag.
RIGHT: Veterans saluted while the Ameri- can flag was lowered to half mast and "Taps" was played in remembrance of the Sept. 11 attack of America on the 20-year anniversary.
Sanger VFW Post 7168 / Photos Contributed
Through the Sept. 14 update, Reedley (including immediate surrounding rural areas) shows 4,484 cases (3,800 in the city proper) and 73 deaths; Parlier was at 3,178
A total of 53,993 people (92.2 percent) in Tulare County were listed as recovered as of Tuesday, Sept. 14.
SHOOTING Continued from page A1
that investigation, there was an officer involved shooting that took place in the neighborhood just behind us.”
Mark Ediger, a com- mander with the Reed- ley Police Department, said that when officers arrived at the business, one of the man was on the roof and somehow ran across Manning Ave- nue to the nearby homes.
Purshell said police
did not specify why the officer fired his gun at the suspect, or if the man had a weapon. Po- lice also did not specify if the man who was shot was involved in the bur- glary. However, the man is expected to survive his injuries and Purshell also added that no of- ficers were hurt during the incident.
“We are working this part with the Reedley Po- lice Department until we can apprehend the sus- pect who is still outstand-
ing,” Purshell said at the scene. “We don’t have a lot of information that we can give out just yet.”
Shortly after Purshell addressed the media on the update — at about 7:15 a.m. — the man was found by a Reedley Po- lice K9 in a nearby home and taken into custody.
That man’s name had not been released as of Sept. 14.
By Jon Earnest
Mid Valley Times
Overall coronavirus cases continued their summer pileup in the Central Valley, but ap- peared to be showing a bit of a downward curve and a slight de- cline in active cases and hospitalizations this past week.
According to num- bers from the Fresno and Tulare counties departments of pub- lic health released on Sept. 14, active positive cases of COVID-19 did decline some in the sev- en-day period.In Fres- no County, the active seven-day count slipped from 2,608 to 2,577,and in Tulare County active cases went from 3,798 to 3,703. While hospitals in general were still feeling
the crunch on capacity because of COVID pa- tience, numbers dropped by 30 for the week in Fresno County and three in Tulare County.
Also starting to turn around were the star- tling daily cases per 100,000 in population, that had shot up to late winter 2020 numbers in the past month. The Fresno County region started the week at 44.1 per 100K, but by Sept. 14 had declined to 37.9. In Tulare County, that ration dropped from 48.2 to 39.9,a possible sign that vaccinations and recoveries from the Delta variant are begin- ning to take hold.
Vaccinations con- tinued increasing at a slower, steady pace. By Sept. 13, 1,065,993 initial doses had been admin-
istered (64.1 percent of residents, 52.8 percent of population). On Sept. 13, officials with the Fres- no County Democratic Party called on Fresnoh Mayor Jerry Dyer to re- quire that all medically eligible city employees be vaccinated. Newly-in- stituted City Hall COVID protocols require masks be worn inside by unvac- cinated patients along with symptom testing and COVID testing.
Vaccinations in Tu- lare County reached 401,025 on the county website, with 223,452 people fully vaccinated as of Sept, 12. Mean- while, total COVID cas- es in Dinuba surpassed the 5,000 mark this past week, reaching 5,088 cases counted since the start of the pandemic in March 2020.
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Thursday, September 16, 2021 | A18 | Mid Valley TiMes
Reclamation tabs Johnson as Central Valley
Operations deputy manager
Levi Johnson
As of the most recent update on Tuesday, Sept. 14, there had been 122,650 confirmed cases (37.9 daily cases per 10,000 population) of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID- 19) out of 1,623,209 tests in Fresno County, with 1,853 deaths and 371 hospitalizations (80 in ICU).
(2,600 in city) cases with 41 deaths and Orange Cove had 1,600 (2,959 regional) cases and 13 deaths. Del Rey increased to 324 cases (975 in region) while Fowler had 1,378 cases (1,100 in the city) and 22 deaths through Sept. 14. Dunlap and Miramonte continued with 384 total cases on the new data surveillance website through Sept. 14.
Among Mid Valley Times cities in the county through Sept. 14 (Fresno County's new dashboard surveillance has provided updates for regions rather than cities; and the first updates in weeks were reported last week), the Sanger region remains with the most total overall positive cases with 6,721 (4,900 in the city proper) and 67 deaths in data on the Fresno County Department of Public Health website.
In Tulare County, there was an adjusted total of 58,579 confirmed cases (3,703 active, a decrease of 95 for the week) of COVID-19 with 883 deaths and 174 people hospitalized (24 in ICU) as of Tuesday, Sept. 14. Breakdowns by cities/regions through Sept. 14 show 5,088 total cases in Dinuba, 1,722 in Orosi, 856 in Cutler, 310 in Traver, 86 in the rural area south of Reedley and 33 in the area southeast of Orange Cove.
Case numbers remain on rise, but increase slowing

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