Page 2 - Reedley Exponent 3-22-18 E-edition
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The Reedley Exponent A2 Thursday, March 22, 2018
KCUSD hires Guzman to oversee educational programs
By Felicia Cousart Matlosz
Jose Guzman, a veteran admin- istrator in the Fresno Unified School District, has been hired for a top-lev- el position in the Kings Canyon Uni- fied School District.
Guzman, 42, will be administra- tor for educational programs, effec- tive July 1. He succeeds longtime KCUSD administrator Sheila Wiebe, who is retiring. The KCUSD trustees approved his appointment at their March 13 governing board meeting.
Guzman currently is the princi- pal of Ahwahnee Middle School in Fresno Unified. He’s been principal there since 2012. He’s worked in a variety of positions in Fresno Uni- fied since 1999.
Guzman said after the meeting that he loves his job at Ahwahnee and appreciated all the “many won- derful experiences” he’s had in FUSD.
“When this position became available, I knew that it was the per- fect opportunity for me to utilize those experiences and support the
great things that Kings Canyon is doing,” Guzman said. “I have been blessed to be men- tored by several current and former Kings Canyon Uni- fied leaders.
“I have known of the jewel that is this district. Getting to be a part of the leadership team in Kings Can- yon is a tremendous chance for me to learn alongside many people I ad-
mire in support of the students and families of our district.”
The position is one of several “cabinet” level jobs in KCUSD that work with the superintendent. The duties for this particular position include overseeing state and federal categorical funds and making sure the district meets those funds’ re- quirements. Other responsibilities include oversight of special educa- tion programs, coordinating state testing programs, and assisting in the development of required annual plans, such as Local Control Account-
ability Plans.
Superintendent John Campbell
said after the meeting that Guzman brings “a wealth of knowledge and ex- periences at both the site and district level.” He said throughout the vetting process that “we did not come across one person who didn’t rave about Jose and his many attributes.”
“His passion for the work and belief in putting students first is genuine and will be a valuable ad- dition to our district. Jose places
See GUZMAN on page A3
Jose Guzman
Javier Farias
Javier Farias of Orosi died March 13 in Orosi. He was 69.
Mr. Farias worked as a handyman.
He is survived by his wife, five sons, two daugh- ters, three brothers, three sisters and 15 grandchil- dren.
A Rosary was held March 20 at Sterling & Smith Funeral Home in Di- nuba. A Funeral Mass was held March 21 at St. Cath- erine’s Catholic Church in Dinuba. Burial was at Smith Mountain Cemetery in Dinuba.
Virginia George
Virginia Jane George of Reedley died March 11 in Reedley. She was 96.
Mrs. George worked as a home economics teacher.
She is survived by one son, two daughters, nine grandchildren and 32 great-grandchildren.
Visitation will be from 5 to 8 p.m. Thurs- day, March 22, at Dop- kins Funeral Chapel in Dinuba. A graveside service will be at 11 a.m. Friday, March 23, at Smith Mountain Cem- etery in Dinuba.
Tommy Kawano
Tommy Tamotsu Kawa- no of Dinuba died March 13 in Fresno. He was 82.
Mr. Kawano worked as an engineer for Caltrans.
He is survived by his three brothers, two sisters and numerous nephew and nieces.
Visitation will be from 2 to 8 p.m. Friday, March 23, at Dopkins Funeral Chapel in Dinuba. Services will be at 9 a.m. Saturday, March 24, at Dinuba Buddhist Church. Burial will be at Smith Moun- tain Cemetery in Dinuba.
Antonio Sandoval
Antonio Cervantes Sandoval of Reedley died March 14 in Reedley. He was 79.
Mr. Sandoval worked as a truck driver.
He is survived by two sons, one daughter, one brother, one sister, 21 grandchildren and one great-grandchild.
Visitation will be from 5 to 8 p.m. Thursday, March 22, at Sterling & Smith Fu- neral Home in Dinuba. A Funeral Mass will be at 11 a.m. Friday, March 23, at St. Mary’s Catholic Church in Cutler. Burial will be at Smith Mountain Cemetery in Dinuba.
Rotary Auction action
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The Rotary Club of Reedley hosted its
36th annual Rotary Auction and Dinner
on March 17 at the Reedley Community Center. More than 60 items were auctioned off to raise money for a variety of projects supported by the Rotary Club. The club will release the amount of money raised at its next scheduled meeting. There also was live music in addition to the live and silent auctions.
TOP: Auctioneer Todd Croissant stands on stage announcing bids and prices while Rotary members Pete Penner (left), Eric Warkentin ( behind Penner) and Rod Harms (right) show off the items.
UPPER LEFT: Stacie Melikian raises an auc- tion card as she bids on one of the items at the live auction.
LOWER LEFT: Rotary Club members served dinner to guests before the auction.
Denny Mason / Photos Contributed
FRED HALL ............................................................................. Publisher JON EARNEST..............................................................................Editor CHRIS AGUIRRE .............................................................. Sports Editor FELICIA COUSART MATLOSZ..................................Panorama Editor DEBRA LEAK........................................................................Marketing JANIE LUCIO.....................................................................Advertising DUBY TREVINO..............................................................Graphic Artist CLINTON ANTONIO......................................................Graphic Artist TOM MONTIJO..............................................................Graphic Artist KATE ISAAK................................................................ Classified Sales STACY HAWKINS .............................................................Accounting ROSEMARY OCHOA........................................................Accounting
The Reedley Exponent (USPS 458-860) is published weekly on Thursdays for $20 a year, $24.50 other areas and $26.50 out-of-state by Mid-Valley Publishing Inc., 1130 G St., Reedley, CA 93654. Periodicals postage paid at Sanger, CA 93657. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to The Reedley Exponent, 1130 G St., Reedley, CA 93654
The Reedley Exponent is one of Fresno County’s oldest newspapers. It was established in March, 1891, in the Knauer residence on the corner of what now is F and 11th streets. In about 1893, it moved to the building where it is still located. The newspaper’s office is at 1130 G St, Reedley, CA 93654, Phone (559) 638-2244.
Edwin D. Ratzlaff
April 23, 1923 - March 15, 2018
Edwin D. Ratzla , a resident of Sierra View Homes in Reedley, CA. passed away peacefully on  ursday, March 15, 2018, at the age of 94. Ed was born in Garden City, Kansas to Jacob B. and Gertrude Ratzla  on April 23, 1923. He graduated from Reedley High School in 1941. Ed worked as a carpenter and then became a build-
ing contractor and built 200 homes in Reedley, also homes in Dinuba, Kingsburg, and Selma.
He was preceded in death by his  rst wife, Esther, sons, Loren and Larry Ratzla , sisters,
Anne Ratzla , and Kathryn Ediger.
Ed is survived by his wife, Marjorie; daughter, Janice (Florin)
Landseadal; Daugher-in-law, Judy Ratzla ; sons Tony (Susan) Isaak, Jerry (Cindy) Isaak; 11 grandchildren, and 14 great grandchildren.
A memorial service will be held at Reedley Mennonite Brethren Church on Saturday, March 24, 2018, at 11 a.m.
In lieu of  owers, donations may be made to Hartland Christian Camp or Sierra View Homes.
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