Page 8 - Reedley Exponent 5-23-19 E-edition
P. 8

The Reedley Exponent A8 Thursday, May 23, 2019
A spirited spring ride
A group of about 30 motorcycle riders from Reedley and Kingsburg gathered the morning of May 11 outside theReedleyMennoniteBrethrenChurch and rode in a caravan up to Bass Lake in the moun- tains north of Fresno. The above photo shows the group traveling on Riverbend Road outside Sanger.
Reedley Police Department / Photos Contributed
Reedley Police Explorer Jazlyn Hernandez gave a thumbs up while donating blood at the annual Battle of the Badges blood drive at the Reedley Fire Department on May 17.
Battle of the Badges
has 22 blood donations
TOWN HALL Continued from page A1
area that you’re mentioning, because it’s been on our radar for awhile, the problem with that intersection is city does not own that intersection- it is county, and so we have been trying really hard to get the county to pay attention.”
“In fact, several of our council mem-
bers even have had [county supervisor] Buddy Mendes out. We drove him and his staff [to town], we showed him just how terrible that is because of the flood- ing,” Zieba continued.“We applied for a joint grant together, the county and the city, and we were not successful in get- ting that.”
The town halls are part of a series of informational meetings targeted at an-
Mark Kistler / Photos Contributed
swering questions residents may have on certain issues. The final town hall meeting is scheduled for Monday, June 24. The topic will be titled “drought, con- tamination and your front lawn” and will be about the water quality and quantity in Reedley.
The town hall will start at 6 p.m. in the Senior Room in the Community Cen- ter. Everyone is invited to attend.
The Reedley Fire De- partment, Reedley Police Department and Sequoia Safety Council participated in Reedley’s portion of the 18th annual Central Cali- fornia Blood Center’s North Valley Battle of the Badges blood drive last week.
A total of 22 people do- nated blood during the May 17 at the Reedley fire sta- tion. Donations were dedi- cated to one of the three emergency service agen- cies of the donor’s choosing.
John Agueda represent- ed Reedley Fire, Nick Fri- esen represented Sequoia Safety Council and Cyndee Trimble-Friesen represent- ed Reedley PD.
SHOOTING Continued from page A3
exchanged some words and then the man pointed a gun at the two men and fired multiple shots. Ybarra-Ro- driguez was the only person struck by bullets.
A motive for the shoot- ing has not been deter- mined. Detectives are look- ing at the possibility of it being gang-related.
Reedley Police Liaison Officer Cyndee Trimble-Friesen and Se- quoia Safety Council Life Safety Officer Wesley Miller stood to- gether during the event.
This remains an ongo- ing investigation. Anyone with additional information on the suspect(s) in this case is asked to contact the Sher- iff’s Office at (559) 600-3111 or Detective Carl Chalmers at (559) 600-8207.
You also may contact Crime Stoppers at (559) 498- 7867 or valleycrimestoppers. org. You will remain anony- mous and may be eligible for a cash reward.
CRASH Continued from page A3
believed a silver sedan was heading west on Dinuba Av- enue and failed to see the stop sign at the Lac Jac in- tersection and collided with a van heading southbound on Lac Jac.
Freeman said the inter- section is notorious for ac- cidents and they’ve experi- enced several in the years they’ve lived at their home.
“In 20 years, I’ve seen 15 accidents here, some of them
really bad,” she said. “We went to Judy Case, [then] Fresno County Supervisor, and we begged and they said there was no money for fund- ing to do a study.”
According to Exponent news archives, a car lost control and crashed through the fence of Freeman’s home on the evening of March 28, 2016. A separate news re- port indicated that on June 9, 2013, an unlicensed driver ran the stop sign at Dinuba and slammed into a deputy’s patrol car.
COLLEGE Continued from page A1
10-year marks while seven employees with five years service also were recog- nized. Student Services awards went to Eunji Seo (accounting instructor) for full-time faculty and Nancy Rodriguez (counselor) for adjunct faculty.
A complete list of em- ployees honored will run in a future issue of The Ex- ponent. For a list of the 12 retirees, see editor Jon Ear-
nest’s column on Page A4. Reedley College’s 91st annual commencement cer- emony will recognize the Class of 2019, and begins at 6:30 p.m. Friday, May 24, on the lawn area south of the
Distinguished alumna
speaker is Yammilette Ro- driguez, senior director with the Youth Leadership institute. Degrees will be awarded to 824 students while another 782 will re- ceive certificates of com- pletion.

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