Page 9 - Reedley Exponent 5-23-19 E-edition
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The Reedley Exponent PB anorama
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Section | Thursday, May 23, 2019
Heritage quilts on display through June 19
Reedley Drama Club installs new officers
Reedley (Fresno County) CA 93654
ABOVE: The Heritage Quilt mem- bership has grown since it began, included in their quilt display is this historical textile dress.
Upgrade meeting for Camacho Park is tonight
The public is invited to attend a series of public meetings to dis- cuss grant opportunities for im- provements to Camacho Park.
"We welcome your attendance and input for what you feel the pri- orities should be," said Sarah Reid, the Community Services Director for the city of Reedley.
The next meeting will be to- day, Thursday, May 23, from 6 to 7 p.m., and will be held at the Reedley Community Center's Se- nior Room located at 100 N. East Ave.inReedley. Thefinalmeeting will be held on Saturday, June 1, from 9 to 10 a.m. That meeting will beheldatCamachoParkalso. For more information, contact (559) 637-4203.
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ABOVE: A quilt from the Heritage Quilters of Fresno. The group was formed in 2004 and honors the history of African American quilts and textiles. Since 2004, their membership has grown from the original 3 to 13 members of diverse cul- tures. The exhibit will be on display through June 19.
ABOVE: A colorful designed quilt is also on display at the Mennonite Quilt Center in downtown Reedley. Community activities include of the Heritage Quilters include donations of baby quilts to Fresno Community Regional Medical Center and scholarships to high school and college students interested in the textile field.
ABOVE: h rosemary Hernandez and Jeanine brown of educational teachers credit union is Guillermina Avila-Orozco, winner of a laptop computer. Guillermina was chosenforherperfectattendance. EECUhasadoptedkingscanyonhighschool and sponsors 4 attendance rallies per year.
ABOVE: Aaron Glapenske was the winner of a computer for achieving perfect attendance during the Kings Canyon High School attendance rally.
Honoring students' perfect attendance
Michael Franzen, president of Kiwanis Club of Reedley Sunrise, received the Distinguished Service Award in recognition of the club's contributions to the Kiwanis Inter- national's "The Eliminate Project." The award was presented at the Ki- wanis District 5 meeting in Fresno on May 11. Rocci Barsotti, current governor of Kiwanis Club's Cal-Nev- Ha District, presented the award to Franzen, co-owner and manager of
Dopkins Funeral Chapels in Reedley and Dinuba. Also present at the event was Tim Fortier, Kiwanis District 5 lieutenant governor.
Kiwanis officials presented an- other Distinguished Service award to Ron Pack, a non-member and Scout Master for Kingsburg Troop 392.
Kiwanis International has a goal of raising $110 million to fight the dis- ease. More information is available by going online to TheEliminateProject. org or
The Education Employees Credit Union's Reedley branch sponsored an attendance rally for Kings Canyon High School students to show appreciation for their at- tendance and dedication to school.
They provide refreshments and prizes. In addition to other prizes, they provided two lap-top computers at our most recent rally. Prizes were also provided by commu- nity sponsors and by Mike and Cindy Wooden. Recipients of Attendance prizes were; Araceli Andrade, Guillermina
Avila-Orozco, Jose Avila Hernandez, Jan Balallo, Christo- pher Calderon, William Campos Peredia, Jacob DelaCruz, Ana Delgado Ibarra, Aaron Glapenske, Justin Ibarra Ma- ta, Luis Lemus, Renee Lemus-Cortes, Haron Mahomoud, Alejandro Morales Lemus, Jonathan Muniz Ocejo, Luan Nguyen, Victor Orozco Rendon, Jorge Partida, Gerardo Salcido Ramirez, Francisco Rodriguez Ramirez, Ernesto Tapia-Ruiz, Joseph Vargas, David Velasquez, and Adriana Zavala-Pulido.
More Photos, page B8
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LEFT: The Reedley Drama Club met for their last meeting of the term at the Sanger home of member Penni John- son. The group was entertained by the Immanuel Chamber Choir and en- joyed a Hawaiian themed lunch. Of- ficers for 2019-20 term were installed. They are President, Connie Brooks; Vice President, Mary Thonesen; Secretary, Bethany Jost; Treasurer, Joyce Huebert.
Photo Contributed
Kiwanis Club winners
Photo Contributed
ABOVE: From left, Rocci Barsotti, Kiwanis Cal-Nev-Ha district governor; Michael Franzen, Reedley Sunrise recipient and Division 5 Lt. Gov. Tim Fortier.