Page 15 - Reedley Exponent 1-25-18 E-edition
P. 15

Felicia Cousart Matlosz / The Exponent
Friends Carolyn Leesch (left) and Yvonne donaldson regulary participate in the adult color- ing sessions at the Reedley Library on Thursday evenings.
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Donaldson, who had done
some coloring with her grandson, said she loves it because it is re- laxing. And, she said, “it’s just nice to get out and make new friends and visit.”
New participants on Jan. 18 included Yvette Fischer and her husband, Greg, and their son, Ethan. Yvette said she had just found out about the sessions last week, and it fit in with her fam- ily’s longtime interest in the activ- ity. Whether they’re at home or on vacation or in a coffeehouse, “we take our books and sit somewhere and color.”
Yvette’s eye for color was im- pressive. For example, the colors she was using for her design con- veyed an art deco style in hues of golds and dark jades. She was
modest about her ability and said she just enjoys that it’s something her family can do together. She said they plan to come back.
“It’s just fun,” Yvette said.
Sue Ekberg also was at the session and also exhibited a strik- ing eye for colors. She, too, was modest about her ability.
“I don’t know. It’s just the beauty of the colors, how you put them together. It just turns out,” she said.
And putting colors to paper is relaxing, she said. When Thiessen mentioned that if you don’t like how a design is turning out, then toss it, Ekberg agreed. The point of coloring, she said, is to just let yourself go.
“I can’t draw anything. All I can do are stick figures,” Ekberg said, with a laugh. “But I can col- or.”
When the sessions began, Thiessen started them with small- er images, such as book mark de-
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youngsters from third grade up to high school seniors.
Youngsters must be stu- dents in the Kings Canyon Unified School District. For the auditions, they need to bring sheet music and have memorized the song.
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Salle makes an investment in the future. The school strives to equip students with the es- sentials needed to lead fulfill- ing lives of love and service: faith, knowledge, morals and discipline. This day celebrates their achievements.
At 8 a.m., a prayer service will be held to thank God for our students. At 9 a.m., we’ll have a talent show, followed at 10 a.m. by games, activities and snacks. From 11:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m., students will have lunch with a favorite friend from across the grades. From 1:45 to 2:30 p.m., a music per- formance will be presented.
• Wednesday, Jan. 31, Cel- ebrating the Nation – This is the high point of the week, with National Appreciation Day for Catholic schools. It recognizes the important role that Catholic schools have in providing a comprehensive, quality education to thou- sands of students. St. La Salle celebrates the role of Catholic schools, including the reduc- tion of education costs that
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Pro and Creed at Minarets High School. The next chapter meeting will be held at lunch on Tuesday, Jan. 30.
Junior High Updates
Girls and boys junior high basketball on Tuesday, Jan. 30, will play at home against Kings River Schools. Games will begin at 3 p.m.
Elementary Updates
Our students are work- ing hard on memorizing their
“The Little Mermaid Jr.” will open Friday, April 13, and play selected dates through Sunday, April 22, at the PAT.
The musical follows the story of the hit 1989 Disney animated movie “The Little Mermaid,” based on the Dan- ish fairy tale of the same name by Hans Christian An- dersen. The music and lyr- ics – which includes the song
otherwise would be borne by states and local public school districts. Catholic educators say statistics show Catholic schools save U.S. taxpayers “almost $20 billion a year” in such costs. We also will cel- ebrate and advocate for par- ents’ rights to choose where and how their children learn.
At 8 a.m., a prayer service for our nation will be held. At 10:15 a.m., a flag ceremony and pep rally will be held, fol- lowed by lunch with students’ grandparents.
• Thursday, Feb. 1, Cel- ebrating Vocations – This is Vocation Appreciation Day for the clergy, religious and parents. It celebrates the many ways people can serve God. We will thank those who have made service to God their life’s work, particularly in our schools and parishes. St. La Salle will recognize our priests for helping us grow in our faith.
At 7:30 a.m., the school’s staff will greet parents and of- fer sweet treats as they drop off their children at school. This is done in appreciation to them for choosing St. La Salle. At 8 a.m., the school will
Math Facts so they can build an ice cream sundae, based on what levels they have passed. They will get to build their sundaes on Valentine’s Day.
Some of our students are performing at the Palm Vil- lage Retirement Community on Thursday, Jan. 25. They will sing songs from their re- cent Christmas program “All About That Baby.” Our sixth grade class will present Cha- pel on Friday, Jan. 26. Have a great week and go Eagles!
Enroll Your Student
Are you looking for a
“Under the Sea” – are by Alan Menken and Howard Ashman. Their collaborations also in- cluded the songs for Disney’s acclaimed 1991 animated film “Beauty and the Beast.”
This will be the first RHS musical presented under Wiebe's direction. For more information about the audi- tions, send an email to Wiebe at
salute its parents and priests with a prayer of thanksgiving, followed at 9 a.m. with a rosa- ry for vocations. At 11:15 a.m., students will have lunch with parents and parish priests. And, at 2:45 p.m., a bake sale will be held to support a semi- narian in the diocese and an aspirant to the religious life.
• Friday, Feb. 2, Cel- ebrating Faculty, Staff and Volunteers – Without our teachers, our school would be little more than a building and classrooms full of disap- pointed students. On this day, we honor our Catholic school teachers, staff and volunteers who devote their careers to teaching students and infus- ing them with the hallmarks of a Catholic education.
At 8 a.m., a prayer service and a salute to teachers will be held. At 10 a.m., the week ends with a school Mass for students, parents and friends. There will be early dismiss- al at 12:30 p.m., followed at 12:40 p.m. by an Appreciation Lunch for teachers and staff sponsored by the Parent- Volunteers. That evening, 7-9 p.m., a Family Dance (semi- formal attire) will be held.
change in your child’s edu- cation? Consider Immanuel Schools.
Enrollment packets can be picked up in the district office at 1128 S. Reed Ave. in Reedley (zip code 93654). Or, visit our website at immanu- to download the information, schedule a campus tour, or register for Campus Day 2018.
Call us at (559) 638-2529, ext. 7101, for more informa- tion on Immanuel Schools, where the difference is life changing.
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The Reedley Exponent B7 Thursday, January 25, 2018 COLORING
signs. (She herself also has made small gift card envelopes.) They also used reference materials, such as a color wheel, to under- stand what colors go together and other aspects, such as shading.
Coloring may not sooth every- one. But Scott M. Bea, a clinical psychologist for the Cleveland Clinic said on the facility’s web- site that coloring can be effective because “it is a simple activity that takes us outside ourselves.” And when a person is focused on a simple activity, the brain tends to relax, he said.
Thiessen said they welcome more people to try the coloring sessions at the library. She talked about the appeal of the activity and the broad range of colors that can be used.
“It’s more than a rainbow,” she said.
For more information about the sessions, call the Reedley Li- brary at (559) 638-2818.
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