Page 16 - Reedley Exponent 12-14-17 e-edition
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ABOVE: This holiday door – to the classroom of Alejandra Tabares, a Spanish teacher – earned second place in the annual RHS contest. BELOW: This is a partial view of the door to art teacher Connie Wiebe's classroom. BOTTOM. Wiebe's entry tied for third with this holiday door (a partial view seen here) to the Monte Vista School program's room.
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technician, won the contest five years in a row.
The student judges were Kyndall Murray, Jor- don Chavez and Alexandra Moncada.
Art teacher Smith said he was “pleasantly surprised” to be awarded sweepstakes honors.
Once he got his idea, he worked on it and added LED lights underneath the silver tinsel that frames the door. Students liked what they saw, telling him “that’s cool.”
After he was done, Smith said his teacher’s aide, Betsy Mendoza, helped him hang the panel on the door. He said special day class students made the paper ornament decorations for the tree in the image as well as the drawings of gift boxes.
Smith has taught at RHS for three years. Before that, he taught at Orange Cove High for 10 years.
He’s participated in the contest because he said it’s fun and adds a bit of flair to the campus. He’s created en- tries the previous two years and earned a second place in 2016.
But Smith said he was surprised because his door illustration isn’t a traditional holiday offering. The “Door Wars” idea reflects his holi- day experiences when he was growing up in western Ken- tucky. Part of their Christ- mases included watching a movie.
When he saw the new “Star Wars” poster, it struck him that an older Mark Hamill as Luke Skywalker with a graying beard kind of resembled Santa Claus.
“As soon as I saw the post- er, a light bulb went off in my head,” he said of the movie connection.
“Anything I do, I want it to be kind of personal. This is something I love and did when I was a kid,” Smith said.
“It’s not just about the presents. It’s about being with family and going to see a movie with them. That’s something I always enjoyed.”
Continued from page B2
ward to the fun of being Cap- tain America. As many of his friends and colleagues know, Valencia has been an actor for Reedley’s River City Theatre Company and, most recently, for the Good Company Play- ers in Fresno in their produc- tion of the musical comedy, “The Drowsy Chaperone.”
“Give me a costume, and I’m in character and ready to have fun,” he said.
Entrants for the 2017 pa- rade included the Cruising for Jesus Ministry, which always goes all out when it partici- pates in the event. They em- braced the superhero theme, with adults and children dressed as all kinds of super- heroes, from Superman to Je- sus Christ.
And, Nancy Lopez, a min- istry member, noted the most important superhero there: “Jesus is the hero of human- ity.”
Felicia Cousart Matlosz is Panorama Editor and can be reached at felicia@midvalley-
ABOVE: The Reedley High School Associated Student Body/Student Council float (partially seen here) featured about1,300balloons,beatinglastyear'seffortofalittlemorethan1,000.Paradeannouncers said it took five days to complete this year's float, which had the theme of superhero Frozone from the Pixar animated film "The Incredibles."
Photos by Felicia Cousart Matlosz / The Exponent
This rendition of a Christmas tree was on the float for the On Pointe Dance Company.
The skirt is made from tulle, the bodice from silk and the waist from a white boa. A gold star is the "tree" topper.
The Reedley Exponent B10 Thursday, December 14, 2017
Parade of lights
Photos by Felicia Cousart Matlosz / The Exponent
December 17th 2017 7am - 11am
At The Dinuba Verterans Memorial Hall 249 S. Alta Ave., Dinuba, CA 93618
Small Stack, Sausage and a Drink For $6 Or a Bowl of Menudo and a Drink for $8 Kids Under 10 Eat Free
Contact: Ruth Padilla (559) 696-0614 Frank Nunez (559) 970-5177
Tickets available at the door.
015728 015812

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