Page 3 - Reedley Exponent 12-7-17 E-edition
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The Reedley Exponent A3 Thursday, December 7, 2017
Lights & Sirens November 16-November 22
Police arrest man accused in
downtown hit-and-run Nov. 30
Staff Report
Police arrested a Reed- ley man in connection with a morning hit-and-run Nov. 30 that injured a 14-year-old boy walking at G and 12th Streets.
Nicolas Cisneros Cruz, 43, was arrested after police tracked him down with the as- sistance of eyewitnesses who followed Cruz’s vehicle after the incident, according to a news release from the depart- ment.
Police said that officers responding to the hit-and-run just before 8 a.m. talked to the teenager, who suffered a leg injury, the release stated. Witnesses told police that the driver left the scene. Some witnesses followed the vehi- cle before losing track near Manning and Columbia av- enues.
The witnesses were able to give a license plate num- ber to police, who searched the car’s plates and found an address, according to police. Cruz no longer lived at that residence, but police located a second address and arrest- ed him there. Cruz’s car was found inside a closed garage
at the residence.
Police said Cruz admitted
to officers that he was driving the vehicle. He was arrested on suspicion of felony-hit-and- run and felony DUI. He was
booked into the Fresno County Jail, and his status was un- known as of Dec. 5.
Police said the teen was not seriously injured and is expect- ed to make a full recovery.
Thursday, Nov. 23
• Assault, 1200 block of East Springfield Avenue, 9:51 a.m. • Assault, 1400 block of South Avenue, Orange Cove (Orange Cove Police Depart- ment), 10:58 p.m.
Saturday, Nov. 25
• Drug equipment violations, 600 block of I Street, 11:46 p.m.
Sunday, Nov. 26
• Drug/narcotic violations, 900 block of F Street, 1:15 a.m.
• Residential burglary, 18100 block of East Floral Avenue (Fresno County Sheriff’s De- partment), 6:20 a.m.
• Drug equipment violations, 1100 block of I Street, 8:26 a.m.
• Drug/narcotic violations, East Evening Glow Avenue
and South Hemlock Avenue, 12:46 p.m.
• Disturbance/disorder, 1500 block of North Hope Avenue, 6:20 p.m.
• Aggravated assault, 1400 block of East Cypress Av- enue, 9:19 p.m.
Monday, Nov. 27
• Impersonation, 700 block of East Jefferson Avenue, 11:41 a.m.
• Counterfeiting/forgery, 1700 block of East Manning Avenue, 12:08 p.m.
Tuesday, Nov. 28
• Drug equipment violations, South Buttonwillow Avenue and East Evening Glow Av- enue, 10 a.m.
• Larceny/agricultural, South Anchor Avenue and East Manning Avenue (Fresno County Sheriff ’s Depart-
ment), 5 p.m.
• Drunkenness, 900 block of East Springfield Avenue, 10:40 p.m.
• Commercial burglary, 900 block of East Manning Av- enue, 11:38 p.m.
Wednesday, Nov. 29
• Vehicle theft, 800 block of East Lingo Avenue, 11:47 a.m.
• Vehicle burglary, 1500 block of East Manning Av- enue, 5:25 p.m.
• Residential burglary, 10th Street and E Street, 11:59 p.m.
(Crime reports from the Reedley Police Department are available online at cri- Unless noted, the Reedley Police Depart- ment handled the calls.)
Abundant Life Ministries of the Valley Web Page: WWW.ALMV.US
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RHS at Santa Cruz
Forestry Challenge
Deacon Melinda Barrow
Ten students from Reedley High School participated in the 2017 Santa Cruz Forestry Challenge last month. The Nov. 15-18 event at Redwood Christian Park near Boulder Creek in Santa Cruz County drew 107 high school students from 14 schools in the Santa Cruz and Central Cali- fornia regions. Students visited a redwood forest that’s soon to be harvested using single-tree selection. Teams participated in field training and a field test to assess their technical forestry knowledge.
ABOVE LEFT: This is the Reedley High team. In the front row, from left, are Jessica Bustos, Bryan Solis and Stephanie Rios. In the middle row, from left, are Robert Reitz, Maria Lemus and Drew Luther. In the back row, from left, are Gerardo Garcia, Jonah Chapa, team adviser Kathryn Connolly, Vanessa Barragan and Lorena Orozco.
ABOVE RIGHT: Maria Lemus uses a 100-foot tape during field testing at the forestry challenge.
Photos Contributed
Website -
Email - Facebook - @churcho hegoodshepherdreedley
Worship Time 10:00 AM Sundays
Mission: “To proclaim Jesus as the way, the truth and the life; to know Him and make Him known.”
Come and join us as we grow in the knowledge and love of Jesus Christ.
We are a Church in the Anglican Diocese of San Joaquin; and part of the Anglican Church of North America (ACNA);
FULL GOSPEL TABERNACLE 519 E. 11th Street, Reedley
Pastor: Ron Robertson
Sunday Growth Classes: 9:30 am Children’s and Youth programs
Sunday Worship: 10:30 am- Children’s Church, ages 4-11 5:30 pm Prayer- Evening Service 6:00 pm
Wednesday Dinner: served at 6:00 pm
Wed. Family Night at 7:00 pm (Adults, Youth Children)
Clase de estudio bíblico en español también
Food Give away every third Wednesday at 1:00 pm And every fourth Saturday at 9:00 am
Basketball Games periodically in the Basketball Court For more information, call the church at 559-638-2739 All are welcome to attend
FAITH COMMUNITY CHURCH 314 W. Manning Avenue • Reedley, CA 93654 638-2730
Pastor: Dr. Ernie Williams Sunday Worship: 10:45 a.m. Children’s Church for ages 3 thru 3rd grade Nursery available
FIRST SOUTHERN BAPTIST CHURCH 729 E. Manning Ave. (Corner of Manning & Sunset) (559) 638-3881
Sunday Bible Study 9:30 AM, Worship service 10:30 AM
Wednesday Prayer @ 6:30 PM, Choir practice @ 7:30 PM
Some people cross their  ngers for good luck but there’s a more meaningful Cross you can turn to when you are in need. God is there when you need Him most. Check us out and see how life has nothing to do with luck and everything to do with faith.
Join us for worship and bring the kids!
10:30am Sundays at the Immanuel Chapel
Pastor Horacio Aleman, Jr. | Associate Pastor Marcelo Rosales
PALM VILLAGE Continued from page A2
cent donations of each member of the Pa- cific District, the purchase and remodel of the first two-story home was complet- ed, with three wings added by 1955.
Pleasant View Manor, a remodel of the Sierra Kings Hospital in Reedley, was dedicated in June 1966. The original home was renamed Palm Haven.
In late 1981, the first resident moved
to an independent living patio home at the new campus. Palm Village Retirement Community and Patio Home construc- tion was completed in 1989. By 1985, the assisted living suites had been built and occupied to replace Palm Haven.
David Reimer, president and current CEO of the facility that includes 223 em- ployees, was instrumental in the creation of the Health Care Center in 1998, the ad- dition of 13 patio homes and the comple- tion of the assisted living memory care
suites by 2012.
It’s a remarkable 75-year history,
most easily described by the brick and mortar of the campus. Yet, the celebra- tion truly was of and for the people of Palm Village.
Residents and their families, staff, administration and volunteers who have continued the vision of the board of direc- tors from 1938 are the ones responsible for the endurance and well-being of Palm Village Retirement Community.
DRONE Continued from page A1
specifically prohibit drones from being used for random surveillance activities, view- ing areas where there is any expectation of privacy or no public access. A search war-
WREATHS Continued from page A2
During the three weeks wreaths are on display, volun- teers are needed to help move wreath stands when a funeral is scheduled so cemetery crews can access equipment. Volun- teers also are needed to remove and store the wreaths on Jan. 6.
rant or court order would be needed for any of these opera- tions.
The drones also are banned from nighttime use and the ability to fly above 400 feet unless the agency re- ceive previous authorization from FAA.
Lusk, a Reedley resident, is a Gold Star Mom. Her son, Joe F. Lusk II, died in a helicopter crash in Kuwait in 2005. Since his death, Susan Lusk has es- tablished the CPT Joe F. Lusk II Memorial Foundation to help veterans in need.
Volunteers willing to help with any part of the event can contact Lusk at (559) 859-2865.
Ediger said at the council meeting that the department was waiting to hear back from the FAA with a response to a letter City Attorney Scott Cross drafted and sent in late October to the federal agency. The letter declares the police
Josephine G. Dominguez Williams
department a public agency for flying drones and requires FAA approval.
Once the FAA approves the authorization, the police department can begin the training process with its em- ployees.
May 9 1932 ~ November 18, 2017
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Josephine G. Dominguez
Williams (Josie) born May 9,
1932 passed away at the age of 85
on November 18, 2017 in her home in
Reedley, CA, where she had lived for the past 20 years. She was preceded in death by her Husband Alfred Ruiz Williams, her Son Alfred R Williams Jr., Father Juan Dominguez, Mother Francis Gonzalez Dominguez, Brother Albert Dominguez and Sister Margaret Leyva.
She is survived by her Partner and Companion of the last 15 years Raymond Batey. One Sister and 3 Brothers of Yuma, AZ. One Brother of Guam. 11 of her Children. She also has 28 grandchildren, 58 great- grandchildren and 10 great-great grandchildren. She also has many in-laws, nieces and nephews.Services for Josephine will be on Saturday, December 9, 2017 in Yuma, AZ.
If you’re looking for a welcoming church that focuses on family and unity in Christ, come visit us this Sunday Participate in worship that honors God and communicates basic truths of Christian faith in a way that is practical and relevant for today. Kids of all ages are invited and welcome at LIFEhouse, where they will  nd a safe, caring and fun environment to learn about God. Join us!
Immanuel Chapel, 1128 S. Reed Avenue, Reedley, CA (559) 638-2200
Storyidea?Call 638-2244
You may list your Church Announcement on this page for $10 per week. Including Church name, address, phone and service times with additional 50 words for announcement. Deadline for Church News is 12 p.m. Friday. For more information, please call 638-2244.

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