Page 16 - Reedley Exponent 6-13-19 E-edition
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The next monthly Bingo is scheduled for Thurs- day, June 20.
Christina Ontiveros
Join us on Friday, June 28 at 12:30 p.m. for special bingo day. We will play until we have 5 winners. See you there!
City of Reedley Presents Movies at the Reedley High School Pool - This event is for
all ages. Bring chairs and pool floatation devices to enjoy a movie night in the water or on the pool deck. There will be snow-cones, nachos and other yummy snacks. Movies begin at 8:15 p.m.
Pre-Movie activities 30 minutes before movie. Fri- day, July 12, Ralph Breaks the Internet and Friday, July 26, Finding Dory. Kids and se- niors $3, adults $3.50
Exercise Class
Join our exercise Class on Monday and Wednesday at 10 a.m. in the California Room and the Friday exercise vid- eo class will meet at 10 a.m. Thank you Shirley Festejo for instructing our class that is geared for seniors
Lunch at the Senior Center
Meals taste so much bet- ter when you can enjoy them in the company of others! Join us in the Phil Hudson Senior Room at the Community Cen- ter weekdays at 11 a.m. (ex- cept holidays) for a nutritious lunch and a good time. This program is partially funded by the Fresno-Madera Area Agency on Aging. If you are 60 or older, a suggested dona- tion of $2 is appreciated, how- ever, not required. Reserva-
tions must be made by 11 a.m. the weekday before you plan to attend. Call (559) 637-4207 for your reservation today.
La Ciudad de Reedley les invita a visitar y participar en los programas de personas mayores. En el edificio del centro de la comunidad hay un cuarto especial para ustedes. Si tienen preguntas y necesi- tan informacion y asistencia les podremos ayudar de 9:30- 11:30 a.m. los dias de lunes a viernes Please note: if you may know a Spanish speak- ing person please pass this information on to them and encourage them to join us for lunch daily at 11 am. We are a Spanish speaking friendly center. Ask them to call the Center and ask for Christina. Thank you!
Tai Chi Class
Come join us Monday’s from 12:30 to 1:30 p.m. Tai Chi will give you benefits for bal- ance/fall prevention, increase your circulation and improve your mind and breathing. Cost $10 per month. Stop by the Community Center office to register and pay for the class.
Auto • Comercial • Shower Doors Mirrors • Screens
• Energy Efficient
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Registration is now open for new and return- ing students! For Pre-School, TK and Kindergar- ten through 8th grade is underway! Visit us at 404 E. Manning Ave. Reedley, Ca. 93654 or call (559) 638-2621 to schedule a visit! Also please visit our website for more info. at stlasallereed-
Preschool-Register your child in the month of July and get your registration fee waived. Who is Eligible for Preschool? Child must be 3 or 4 years old at the time of enrollment. For the 2019 – 2020 school year a child must have their 3rd birthday on or before September 1st. Child must be toilet trained. Required docu- ments needed at the time of registration. Birth Certificate for preschool student Immunization Record for preschool student must include the following. 3 Polio, 4DTaP, 1 HIB, 3 Hepatitis B, 1 MMR (on or after 1st birthday), 1 Varicella. Current Physical for preschool student dated
within 1 year Call St. La Salle School Office (559) 638-2621 if you would like to schedule an appointment with the school director. Breakfast will be served from 9am to 10am and Lunch will be served from 12pm to 1pm, Monday through Friday.
We Are Hiring
St. La Salle School is in need of a Preschool Teacher! Qualifications, Must have a high school diploma or equivalent. Must have an AA Degree and/or meet NCLB requirements (have 48 college units) with 12 units in early childhood education.AA degree preferred in early child- hood education. Must have Child Development Teacher Permit. Proof of NCLB compliance and 24 units in early childhood education must be provided to be considered.
Dates to remember Dennis Uniform @ St. La Salle School-August 2. First Day of School- August 13.
If you are interested in hav- ing lunch and playing bingo, call (559) 637-4207 by 11 a.m. on Wednesday, June 19. Ev- eryone will walk away with a prize! Come join the fun.
Ice Cream Social
Social de Halados
Come join us for delicious ice cream on Wednesday, June 26, following lunch. You can build your own sundae with a wonderful assortment of top- pings to chose from. All you need to bring is yourself and a friend. Call the day before to make a lunch reservation by 11 a.m. Thank you to Golden Living Center for providing ice cream and toppings.
Ven a únite a nosotros pa- ra un Social de Helados. Todo lo que necesita es traer a ti mismo y un amigo. Propor- cionaremos helado sin azúcar gratis, coberturas y golosinas. Este evento se llevará a cabo despues de lonche el miér- coles 26 de junio en la Sala Principal Phil Hudson. Venga a refrescarse y disfrutar de la visita con los amigos. Gracias al Oro Centro de Vida por pa- trocinar nuestros sociales de helados
Special Bingo!
St. La Salle Catholic School in Reedley will be offering a "free summer food program" in support of students during the summer months.
The school is working to- gether with the Fresno Eco- nomic Opportunities Commis- ion or Fresno EOC and has also partnered with other local com- munity organizers.
No registration or docu- mentation is needed from families of the children. The meals, prepared and delivered by Fresno EOC Food Services, meet strict United States De- partment of Agriculture (US- DA) and California Department of Education (CDE) nutrition guidelines. Meals are provided to anyone between the ages of 1-18 years of age, starting June 3 through July 26.
Free Estimates
Se Habla Español
C-R-J Large Eggs
Limit 1 Per Coupon Per Family
18 Pack
Senior Center nEWS
Youth & Education
Food program offered at St. La Salle
Open 8am tO 9pm Seven DayS a Week
228 NORTH “L” ST. DINUBA • 595-1959
Sale priceS effective at “r-n parlier Only”
Wed, June 12 thru Tue, June 18, 2019
USDA Choice Beef
Thin Slices Teriyaki
Boneless/ Skinless Chicken Breasts
Camaronazo Tomato & Shrimp Cocktail 32 Oz.
Nescafé Clasico Coffee 10.5 Oz.
Fresh Pork Steaks
Foster Farms Corn Dogs 42 Oz.
Embasa Whole Jalapeños 26 Oz.
Jalapeño 3/ ¢
$ 99 69 1
Sugar 4 Lb.
Tomato Ketchup 24 Oz.
Kool-Aid Jammers
2 $ 29
$ 49
$ 99
$ 49 4
¢ 69
98 Essential 1
$ 49 +CRV
$ 99 4
Criso Oil
48 Oz.
Everyday Granulated$ 59
The Reedley Exponent B8 Thursday, June 13, 2019
St. La Salle CRUSADERS News
with these specials
In fairness to all our customers, we reserve the right to limit 10 pkgs.... OF any item for sale except where noted. Sale items not available to
commercial dealers or wholesalers. And to correct all printed errors.
$39 79¢ 1
10 Pack, 6 Oz.
Fresh Cello Lettuce
2/ ¢

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