Page 9 - Mid Valley Times 5:21:20 E-edition
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Thursday, May 21, 2020 | A9 | Mid Valley TiMes Eight SHS seniors receive scholarships
MEMORIAL DAY Continued from page A1
jazz band, which provide vital roles in the ceremony.
Sean Fedor, one of the event's organizers, said that li- ability issues also were a factor in the cancellation for this year. He said American flags are be- ing placed around the cannon in the veterans area, and the pub- lic (practicing social distanc- ing) is invited to a brief, infor- mal lowering of the flag to half staff and the playing of "Taps" beginning at 8 a.m.
Meanwhile, the annual Av- enue of Flags ceremony held on Memorial Day at Smith Mountain Cemetery has been canceled.
Dinuba veteran, George Madrid, who helps spearhead the event said it was the best thing to do.
"With what is going on, we had to call it off," he said. "We have a lot of older veterans and need to be safe."
Madrid said he still hopes to place a few flags at the cem- etery.
Foundation for Sanger Schools makes surprise presentation on May 19
MVT Staff Report
Sixty seniors from Sanger High School applied for grants through the Foundation for Sanger Schools schol- arships program. On Tuesday, May 19, eight of those students joined a Zoom party hosted by the foundation’s direc- tor, Cary Catalano.
“This was a big surprise for these students,” Catalano said of the video- conference session. “They were simply told to join us on the Zoom party but they weren’t told that they were a re- cipient.”
Among the eight recipients, three received scholarships in the amount of $1,500. Those students were Made- line Michaelson, Kyana Grunberg and Miguel Lire-Silvestre.
Two students, Amberly Sanchez and Audrey Cockrell, each received a schol- arship in the amount of $2,500.
The top three scholarships were awarded to Emily Hartsell ($3,000), Haidyn Washburn ($4,000) and Agapito Flores ($5,000).
Flores, who migrated with his fam- ily to the United States from El Salva- dor, has a 4.19 grade point average and ranks 21st in his class. He plans to ma- jor in Political Science and credits his parent’s sacrifice for he and his brother for his success.
“I hope to change the world because of the opportunities my parents gave me,” Flores said.
Washburn ranks 2nd in her class with a GPA of 4.536. She plans to at- tend California State University, Fres- no to earn a Bachelor’s Degree in both Forensic Criminology and Psychology. She then plans to pursue a Masters and Doctorate in Criminology.
In addition to her academic achieve- ments, Washburn has also been active in student government, water polo, the Sanger City Youth Council and FFA, to name a few.
Hartsell has a 4.326 GPA and ranks 7th in her class. She plans on attending
Grand Canyon University in Arizona to pursue a Master’s Degree in Christian Studies with an emphasis on World Mis- sions and a minor in Worship Leadership.
Her achievements go beyond the classroom as she has excelled in both sports and music. She participated in lacrosse, basketball, golf and volley- ball. In 2017, Hartsell was named Most Outstanding Musician for Sanger High School Band and an Outstanding Per- formance Award in the San Joaquin Jazz Festival.
“I believe that one of the most im- portant qualities anyone can possess is to simply show up,” said Hartsell.
Catalano said the foundation raises money through the Granville Home for Hope program, adding that 100 percent of proceeds from tickets purchased from Sanger Unified School District goes di- rectly to the foundation.
Last year the foundation was able to raise more than $50,000 but this year, due to the pandemic, approximately half of that, just over $25,000, was raised.
Pastor retiring after 38 years at Dinuba church
Tom Carter began stint at First Baptist Church in 1982
The Rev. Dr. Tom Carter, senior pastor of the First Baptist Church of Dinuba, is retiring Monday, June 1 after serving 38 years at the Dinuba church. He has served the church since 1982 and his tenure is re- garded as the longest of any pastor in the history of Dinuba.
When Carter arrived in Dinuba he was a “solo pastor” and in his first year his church’s aver- age attendance was well under 100. The church grew to an average at- tendance of 344 and hired three additional fulltime pastors. Hun- dreds of people trust- ed in Christ, followed Christ in the waters of baptism, and united with the church in member- ship during Pastor Cart- er’s years of service.
Pastor Carter earned a Bachelor of Arts de- gree in Psychology from the University of Idaho, a Master of Divinity de- gree from Fuller Theo- logical Seminary, and a Doctor of Ministry de- gree from Westminster Theological Seminary in California.
Among the highlights of Carter’s ministry in Dinuba were the merg- er of the First Baptist Church and the Calva- ry Baptist Church, the construction of a 30,000 square-foot new facility on the Corner of Lincoln and Nebraska Avenues, which was debt-free in five years, the raising
COVID-19 Continued from page A1
combined in Orosi and Cutler.
In Fresno County, the Sanger re- gion's positive cases (stretching north of Highway 180 into the foothills) in- creased to 105 cases while Reedley had 78 cases as of 4 p.m. May 19. Steady growth also continued in Or-
Not meeting at the church facilities for now but our messages will be posted on our website: If you need prayer or assistance, call 559-643-6208.
We welcome you to join us
For more information: Pastor Ron Robertson • Pastor Frank Pinon
Christ Lutheran Church
1254 N Frankwood Ave. Reedley | 559-638-2112 | We are closed right now due to COVID-19. | All are welcome! Pastor Virgil Miller is Preaching | Musicians: Aarne Kela & Jason Awbrey Facebook: Christ Lutheran Church ELCA
First Baptist Church of Dinuba
A church for people on the grow!
600 E. Nebraska Avenue, Dinuba • Phone: 591-0234
Photo Contributed
Rev. Dr. Tom Carter, senior pastor at First Baptist Church of Dinuba, is pictured with his wife, Mary. Carter is retiring Monday, June 1 after 38 years of service at the church.
of $800,000 for an ad- ditional building on the same property and the launching of a Spanish- language ministry on the First Baptist campus.
Pastor Carter is the author of more than a dozen Christian books, some of which have been translated and published in Korea, Brazil, Nige- ria, and India. Two of his books—2200 Quota- tions from the Writings of Charles H. Spurgeon and They Knew How to Pray were each the First Alternate Selection for Book of the Month in the Evangelical Book Club as soon as they were published. Pastor Cart- er has also authored ar- ticles in Christian maga- zines and journals.
Carter’s wife of 38 years, Mary, has served on the church’s wor- ship team, children’s
ministry, and several other areas. They have three children and eight grandchildren.
For more than 25 sea- sons, Carter coached Di- nuba youth sports teams in baseball, basketball, and soccer.
Pastor Carter’s life work of more than 1,500 sermon manuscripts is on his website, HYPER- LINK "http://www.Tom-" www.TomCarterSer-
The church is plan- ning a retirement dinner and weekend celebration months from now, after the pandemic has run its course.
Rev. Rick Foddrill, the associate pastor of the church for the past seven years, will suc- ceed Carter as the se- nior pastor on Monday, June 1.
Website: Facebook: DinubaFirst Baptist
Senior Pastor: Dr. Tom Carter Associate Pastor: Rev. Rick Foddrill Youth Pastor: Nick Gomez
Director of Children’s Ministry: Natalie Zuniga
Ministerio en Español : Sunday: 9 a.m. Contemporary Worship: Sunday: 9 a.m. Contemporary Worship: Sunday: 10:45 a.m. Traditional Worship: Sunday: 6 p.m. Awana Children’s Ministry:
Wednesday: 6:15 p.m.
ange Cove (58) and Parlier (52), with Fresno County reporting 1,287 con- firmed cases including 17 deaths and 399 recoveries.
The good news is, an adjustment to reopening requirements last week by Gov. Gavin Newsom, has made the path a bit easier for Fresno and Tulare counties to eventually reopen non-es- sential businesses.
Welcome!! We are just ordinary folks with an extraordinary God.
We are Christ-followers, who love the Lord Jesus and want to bless this community and see the Kingdom of God come here in Dinuba. Come, join us!
First Lutheran Church an LCMS congregation
961 E. Elizabeth Way, Dinuba, CA 93618 • Phone: (559) 591-0375
9:45 Bible Study • 11:00 Worship
Jesus said, “You did not choose me, but I chose you and appointed you to go and bear fruit...fruit that lasts” (John 15:16) In response, First Lutheran Church holds values of Bible Centered Preaching and Teaching, Strong Families, and Godly Servant Leadership. A church where God gives and we receive.
1518 Cherry Street (Corner of “P” Street) Sanger, CA 93657
519 E. 11th Street, Reedley
First Baptist Church lives to glorify God by leading people to Christ, helping them grow in Christ, and training them to minister for Christ.
Dinuba Presbyterian Church
1250 E. Nebraska Ave. (at Hayes Ave.) Phone: 591-6610
Ladies’ Bible Study: Monday 9:30-11:00 a.m. Sunday Morning Worship Service at 10 a.m. Men’s Bible Study: Friday 6:00-7:30 a.m.
We will begin ESL classes
Jan 21-Feb 25 from 7-8pm.
For more info contact Isa Irvine 595-4296.
SUNDAY - Bible Study 9:30 a.m. Worship 10:30 a.m. Evening Worship 6:00 p.m.
Wednesday - Bible Study 7 p.m. CLASES EN ESPANOL - 9:30 a.m.c Call 875-8270 / 960-8982 Para Espanol
You may list your Church Announcement on this page for $15 per week. Including Church name, address, phone and service times with additional 50 words for announcement. Deadline for Church News is 12 p.m. Friday.
For more information call, Reedley 638-2244, Dinuba 591-4632, Sanger 875-2511.