Page 14 - Mid Valley Times 10-3-19 E-edition
P. 14

                   By Jim Dueck
As we get older, we can change. The adage, “you can’t teach an old dog new
tricks”, is only true if you have made up your mind to never change. I believe we
can change and learn from past experiences. We can become wiser,
kinder, more pa&ent and more
loving. We can develop be’er habits, learn more quickly from
mistakes and make changes to how we treat others. We all make mistakes but
that doesn’t mean we need to keep making
the same mistakes over and over.
Seniors have had a life&me of experiences to consider. In looking back through the
years, try to remem- ber the good &mes you had and this will likely give you a good
feeling. Smile at
everyone that comes within ten feet of you and you will likely get
a smile in return. Do this for a month and trytomakeitanew habit.
We change through- out our lives. Just because you have been doing some things
the same way most of your life doesn’t mean you can’t make changes now. Look
for the good in peo- ple and smile as o-en as you can and you are likely to have a
great day.
Thursday, October 3, 2019 | B4 | Mid Valley TiMes
ealth &Fitne
ealth &Fitne
   How to change for the better as you age
E-cigarettes May Be Leading to Lung Disease Epidemic
By Trudy Lieberman,
Rural Health News Service
Are e-cigarettes becom- ing the next public health hazard?
Increasingly, health offi- cials seem to think so, and in early September the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention suggested that Americans stop vaping until health officials know more about an epidemic of lung disease that has made some 450 people sick and caused three deaths. A study just published found that more than 80 percent of the pa- tients said they used THC,
the psychoactive ingredi- ent of marijuana, but more than half also used nicotine, the culprit in conventional cigarettes.
Although no one device, product or substance has been linked to all these cases, CDC official Dana Meany-Delman warned, “While this investigation is ongoing, people should con- sider not using e-cigarette products” and should not buy products off the street or modify them in any way.
There is still much that is not known about e- cigarettes. The New York
State Department of Health just identified Vitamin E acetate, an oil found in some marijuana-based vaping products, as the likely cause of the recent outbreak of vaping-related lung disease. But many other questions remain.
Health agencies, regula- tors, and anti-smoking groups are worried that more Americans – especially teenagers – will be enticed into a long-term smoking habit by the thousands of flavors such as gummy bear, cherry, and cinnamon that make vaping so popular.
A study reported in the British Medical Journal noted that by early 2014 buyers could choose from 466 brands and more than 7,000 unique flavors of e-cigarettes. The newer brands were more likely to claim they were healthier and cheaper than cigarettes and were good substitutes where smoking was banned.
If you tire of gummy bear and cherry, there are always new flavors to hook you to the smoking habit. And that may be what the e-cigarette industry is banking on.
With such a yummy edge,
it’s not hard to see why these products have become a marketing success story, especially among young people trying tobacco for the first time.
In New York City, where I live, and in my neighbor- hood near the New York University campus, e-ciga- rette smoking is so prevalent on the sidewalks it reminds me of the old days when use of old-fashioned cigarettes was in vogue and smokers were everywhere.
“A long and tragic history has taught us that nicotine addiction often begins as a pediatric disease,” former FDA Commissioner David Kessler recently wrote in
a New York Times op-ed. Kessler was the commis- sioner in the 1990s and found deficiencies in Amer- ica’s regulation of tobacco products. Congress eventu- ally gave the FDA authority to regulate both traditional
cigarettes and e-cigarettes. Twenty-five years ago, Kessler’s FDA investigated
the tobacco industry to better understand nicotine. He argues that if the co- founder of Juul Labs (the maker of e-cigarettes) is se-
rious that the company has no incentive to see minors use its products as it claims, then it needs to change the e-cigarette’s design, and if it doesn’t, the FDA should reject it as a new product.
Whether the company will make any changes or whether the CDC’s warn- ing will tamp down sales is anyone’s guess right now.
State and local govern- ments are also pushing back. More than 200 jurisdictions have put limits on selling flavored e-cigarettes. Several states have raised the age at which tobacco products can be purchased. The aim, of course, is to discourage teen vaping.
A newly enacted San Francisco city ordinance bans all sales of e-cigarettes, including online purchases delivered to city addresses, until the products go through an FDA review.
Juul seems to want it both ways. It is supporting efforts to raise the minimum age to buy its products but is fight- ing local laws to curb the marketing of such products,
E-cigarEttEs... continued on Next H&F Page
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