Page 16 - Reedley E-edition 12-28-17
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Toys for Tots
ABOVE: The many volunteers at the Dec. 21 Toys for Tots program at the Reedley Community Center in- cluded these Reedley High School students who are in the Sports Medicine program. They're seen with Kirby Kauk, a RHS science teacher who oversees the Sports Medicine program. Inthefrontrow(fromleft)areLorenaOrozco,Elizabeth"Lizz" BienvenueandXiadaniGuzman. Inthebackrow(fromleft) areCynthiaDelgado,IsabellaClaxton,Kauk,AnnieAyersandJonahChapa.
Photos by Felicia Cousart Matlosz / The Exponent
LEFT: The Reedley Sun- rise Kiwanis Club always is part of the event. In this photo, club mem- bers Larry Wilder (left), Marvin Crum (center) and Gordon Todd (right) are seen with volunteers whoassisted themthis year. They are Adrienne Chakerian and Lance Burnham, store man- ager for the Save Mart supermarket in Reedley.
St. La Salle Christmas program
Silas Bartsch honor
The Reedley Exponent B10 Thursday, December 28, 2017
Felicia Cousart Matlosz / The Exponent
Silas Bartsch School was recognized on Dec. 12 for having the most participants in this year's Rabobank Fiesta Walk/Run. The presentation was made at the Kings Canyon Unified School District governing board meeting.
The children representing the school were (from left) fourth-grader Stephanie Ruiz, who won her girls division at the walk/run; Bella Agabo, first grade; Joshua Alcaraz, a fourth-grader who won his boys divi- sion at the walk/run; and Valeria Agabo, also a fourth-grader. Behind them are (from left) Lee Martinez, learning director; Rodney Cisneros, principal of Silas Bartsch; and Sarah Reid, superintendent of the Reedley Community Services Department.
By Felicia Cousart Matlosz
There are only two names on the perpetual plaque recognizing the local school that has the most par- ticipants in the annual Rabo- bank Fiesta Walk/Run – Silas Bartsch School and Jefferson Elementary School.
In 2017, Silas Bartsch took the honor with 79 stu- dents involved in the event held Oct. 14 in Reedley.
Sarah Reid, superinten- dent of the Reedley Commu- nity Services Department, announced the award winner at the Dec. 12 meeting of the Kings Canyon Unified School District governing board.
She also announced the campus that earned the School Spirit Award – that prize went to Orange Cove High School.
“I am happy to announce we had over 500 participants and over half of them came from the district,” Reid said. “We do truly appreciate this partnership and the work
that goes into it because I know it’s not easy to coordi- nate getting students there. Staff give up their Saturdays, and we appreciate the sup- port that we continue to get.”
Reid also expressed ap- preciation to John Quinto, KCUSD’s assistant superin- tendent for business servic- es, for his assistance in get- ting her into principals meet- ings to talk about the event.
Each winning school was given a pizza party.
The representatives from Silas Bartsch included Prin- cipal Rodney Cisneros and Lee Martinez, the school’s learning director. Also there was fourth-grader Joshua Al- caraz, who won first place in the boys 8- to 9-year-old divi- sion, and Stephanie Ruiz, also a fourth-grader. She won first place in the girls 8- to 9-year- old division.
Reid commented that the Bartsch students not only participated but showed up in festive face paint, head gear and other fun accessories.
“It really puts on a show, and it just adds character to
our race. So we greatly ap- preciate it very much,” she said.
Meanwhile, Orange Cove High participants chiefly came from the OCHS volley- ball and cross country teams, according to Cheyenne Bal- derama, the schools’ varsity volleyball coach.
She thanked the city of Reedley and all the part- ners who made the “positive, healthy event” possible.
And, Balderama said, it was rewarding “to see the motivation, that camaraderie, that teamwork and that self- motivation, empowerment they get just from seeing that accomplishment.”
Cisneros said he also ap- preciated the partnerships that made the event possi- ble. Martinez said the annual walk/run was a fun happen- ing for the students and par- ents and staff.
And, Martinez said, what really matters is that “stu- dents are participating and out in the community. It’s a good opportunity for them.”
Photo Contributed
St. La Salle Catholic School’s students in transitional kindergarten to eighth grade presented their Christ- mas program to families and friends on Dec. 10 in Reedley High School’s Performing Arts Theatre. (The school’s preschool youngsters presented their Christmas program on Dec. 14 at the new St. Anthony of Padua Catholic Church.)
ABOVE: These kindergarten students performed in the Dec. 10 program. They are (from left) Mia Mar- tinez, Jordyn Cuevas, Izaiyah Gomez, Matthew Gallardo, Attalena Garcia, Amelia Barajas (seen behind Attalena), and Alfredo Cervantez.
Fresno State’s fifth annu- al Helping Hams campaign raised $7,795 to purchase hams for families in need this holiday season.
The goal this year was to raise $7,500. That amount bought 250 hams. The addi- tional $295 will be distributed to the Fresno State Student Cupboard, which provides
free food and hygiene to stu- dents currently enrolled at the university.
“Supporting the Help- ing Hams campaign is a meaningful way to help feed hungry families during the holiday season,” Mitchell Metzler said in a prepared statement. He is president and CEO of RCO Ag Credit, Inc., an agriculture finance
company based in Fresno. The company was the largest contributor to the this year’s campaign, with a
$3,500 donation.
Hams were given to cam-
pus-related organizations, such as the Bulldog Pantry, and Fresno-area agencies, such as the El Dorado Park Community Development Corporation.
FSU's Helping Hams aids families