Page 8 - Mid Valley Times 7-23-20 E-edition
P. 8
Thursday, July 23, 2020 | A8 | Mid Valley TiMes
Garden Checklist: Keep water away from tree trunks
The Garden Check- list is filled with tips and tricks for local gar- deners who wish to keep their greenery, flowers, and herbs looking beau- tiful all year long.
Forget the guilt about what’s going on outside. It’s not your fault that it’s hot!
Tasks for this year include checking sprin- klers and adjust timers weekly if necessary.
Remember to pre- irrigate to soften the ground for tilling in preparation for fall gar- dens.
When the lawn needs mowing, mow cool-sea- son grasses, such as tall
fescue, to 3 inches and bermudagrass to 1 inch. Mowing shorter than these levels will encour- age weeds and a shallow, less drought tolerant root structure.
Prune apricot, ole- ander and olive trees during dry weather to reduce future disease problems.
When fertilizing, cut back on fertilizer when water is limited and landscape plants re- main in drought survival mode.
Planting, avoid plant- ing annuals and perenni- als unless it is absolutely necessary.
Bulbs, corms, tubers: autumn crocus. A few winter vegetables may
be planted from seed. Consult the California Garden Web for more information.
Enjoy now, annuals and perennials: fibrous begonia (Begonia sem- perflorens), vinca (Cath- aranthus), cockscomb (Celosia), morning glory (Convolvulus tricolor).
Bulbs, corms, tubers: dahlia. Trees, shrubs, vines: trumpet vine (Campsis), hydrangea, morning glory (Ipo- moea). Fruits and veg- etables: eggplant, fig, garlic, grapes, onion.
Things to ponde, keep water away from trunks of trees and crowns of plants.
A good drought tip is to reserve the largest cli-
Continued from page A7
pened in Fresno. Two toddlers drowned in their neighbors pool.
These types of sto- ries never get any eas- ier. They are the types of stories that make us wonder, why did it hap- pen? How can we pre- vent it from happening again?
Many would argue that gates and gate alarms are lifesavers in situations like these. I am sure they are.
It's not known if the home on F Street had a gate around their pool.
Continued from page A7
need school, support is not our reason to get up and start our day.”
The county of Fresno remains on the watch- list for positive COV- ID-19 cases and must be
mate appropriate plants in the landscape. Mature trees and large shrubs may take many years or even decades to re- place, while groundcov- ers, lawns, flower beds and vegetable gardens can be re-established in a season or two.
Source: Adapted from “A Gardener’s Companion for the Cen- tral San Joaquin Valley,” 3rd edition, currently available from Fresno County Master Garden- ers for $30.
Gardening Questions answered at (559) 241- 7534. Prepared by Judy Parker, Fresno County Master Gardener.
I do know that the home in Fresno had a gate. And those two te- nacious children were able to maneuver them- selves around the gate and make entry into the pool anyway.
How do we as jour- nalists tell these types of stories when we our- selves don't understand why things like this hap- pen?
The family of that baby is in my thoughts. I can't ever say any- thing to make that pain go away, the only thing I can say is we are here to listen and support in any way we can.
removed from list for a consecutive 14 days be- fore schools are allowed to reopen.
No action was taken during the meeting.
For more information on the Sanger Unified School District's return plan, visit sanger.k12.
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