Page 16 - Mid Valley Times 8-13-20 E-edition
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COVID-19 Continued from page A1
Sanger Unified is one of the later districts to start — first day of in- struction is scheduled for Thursday, Aug. 20. All region districts who initially planned "blend- ed" learning schedules (a combination of online and live on-campus in- struction) will be able to do so only when the state removes Fresno and Tu- lare counties from the state watch list.
Reedley College also began predominantly- online instruction this week, with the first day of the Fall 2020 semester beginning on Aug. 10. There were sparse num- bers of students on cam- pus, visiting the student bookstore, cafeteria and food pantry. There was limited on-campus learn- ing with lab instruction. The college also had aca- demic support services
Jon Earnest / Mid Valley Times
Yuliana Buendia, left, a sophomore plant science major at Reedley College, picks up food supplies from student worker Gloria Lopez at the college pantry on Aug. 10. The Reedley resident is one of three RC students in her family. The college had its first day of mainly online instruction Aug. 10, and some labs are being held on campus.
down to allow the return of through traffic on the main downtown thor- oughfare.
City Manager Nicole Zieba said the barri- cades on 10th Street will remain in place for the three businesses along
that stretch of street. She added that in the fu- ture, there may be some additional barricades put up for restaurants so that they can provide outdoor dining, but the city will not be closing streets.
Thursday, August 13, 2020
| A16 |
Mid Valley TiMes
COVID-19 update
and six positive cases, respectively. The county reported that 7,276 of the positive cases (41.5 percent) had recovered. In Tulare County, there were 11,549 confirmed cases (1,563 active) of COVID-19 with 198 deaths and 86 hospitalized as of 11 a.m. on Tuesday, Aug. 11. Breakdowns by cities/ regions show 1,320 cases in Dinuba, 457 in Orosi, 244 in Cutler, 62 in Traver and less than 11 each in rural areas south of Reedley and east of Orange Cove.
As of 5 p.m. Tuesday, Aug. 11, there had been 17,978 confirmed cases (10,030 active) of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) out of 151,188 tests (11.6 percent) in Fresno County, with 191 deaths and 273 hospitalized.
Among Mid Valley Times cities, the Sanger region continues to have the most positive cases with 881 while Reedley jumped to 870 cases, Parlier climbed to 728 cases and Orange Cove had 418 cases. Del Rey was at 75 cases while Fowler had 161 cases. Squaw Valley and Dunlap have seven
A total of 9,788 people had recovered from the virus in Tulare County.
available via Zoom, on- line or by phone.
A few restaurants in the region continued providing outdoor ser- vice to comply with state mandates, although the lack of indoor dining op-
tions continued to take a toll on business. Some eating establishments had outdoor tables set up on sidewalks or in park- ing lots with shaded and open areas.
Reedley's two down-
town gyms, Gnardog Crossfit and Fitness Quest Health Club, will have less space avail- able for outdoor exer- cise as of Friday, Aug. 14. The barricaded area on G Street will be taken
George M. Villagrana / MVT
New York Pizza and Grill owner, George Singh, is pictured delivering dinner for residents of Emperor Es- tates on Aug. 4. The Tulare County Economic Development received a grant from Southern California Gas Company to help provide free din- ners to facilities in the county.
Continued from page A1
weeks ago as meals have been provided for facilities in Visalia, Porterville, Exeter and Tulare to name a few.
The initial goal is to provide approximately 500 meals week- ly for 13 weeks, totaling 6,500 meals throughout the duration of the program. All meals are being provided on Tuesdays during din- ner time and are to be purchased only from local restaurants to help stimulate the economy. The TCEDC matches local restau- rants with care facilities in their community and will also coordi- nate scheduling between the res- taurants and care facilities.
Saldana said depending on
the funds available, they plan on going for another seven or eight weeks.
“We have a budget limit of $15 a plate,” he said. “We don’t want to be bringing the same food every week. It has been very diverse and real positive.”
Karin Ford of the TCEDC said Emperor Estates and New York Pizza and Grill are the first in Dinuba to participate. She hopes to contact a few more fa- cilities.
“I’d like to have at least one more,” she said. “Some of them are interested, others have de- clined and have their own chefs. Even though some of the other facilities have chefs, the chefs have been working with the res- taurant to tailor a meal.”
George M. Villagrana / Mid Valley Times
Pictured from left to right are: Patty Alcala, manager of Emper- or Estates; Jaclyn Singh; Herman Singh; Neveah Singh; Dinuba council member Linda Launer; George Singh, owner of New York Pizza and Grill; Dinuba Mayor Kuldip Thusu, and Colby Wells, public affairs officer for Southern California Gas Company.

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