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Doraeen E. Anderson Doraeen E. Ander-
son of Sanger died July 22. She was 92.
Mrs. Anderson was a self employed farmer. She is survived by one son, Keith An- derson of Sanger, and one daughter, Kath- leen Smithson, also of Sanger. She is also survived by five grand- children, 10 great grandchildren and one great-great grandchild. No services were held. Wallin’s Sanger Funeral Home is han- dling funeral arrange-
Porfirio Garcia
Porfirio "Pete" Gar- cia of Dinuba, died July 22. He was 43.
Mr. Garcia worked in sanitation.
He is survived by two daughters, his par- ents, three sisters and six grandchildren.
Visitation will be held from 2 to 9 p.m. Tues- day, Aug. 18, at Sterling & Smith Funeral Home in Dinuba. Funeral mass will be at 9 a.m. Wednes- day, Aug. 19, at St. Cath- erine’s Catholic Church in Dinuba.
Jose Krummel
Jose Rene Krummel of Sanger died July 20. He was 72.
Mr. Krummel worked as a forklift driver for Sunnyside Packing.
He is survived by his wife, Margarita P. Krummel of Sanger, one brother and two sisters.
A private service was held.
Evangelina Montemayor Evangelina Mon-
temayor of Visalia died July 31. She was 88.
She was a farm worker.
She is survived by five daughters, two brothers, five sisters and 24 grandchildren.
Funeral mass will be at 9 a.m. Thursday, Aug. 13, at St. Mary’s Catho- lic Church in Cutler.
Robert Pampaian
Robert Douglas Pampaian of Reedley died Aug. 9 in Reedley. He was 79.
Mr. Pampaian was a farmer.
He is survived by one son, two daughters, seven grandchildren and three great-grand- children.
Delfina Ramirez
Delfina Ramirez of Parlier died Aug. 5 in Hanford. She was 75.
Mrs. Ramirez worked as a fruit packer.
She is survived by
four sons, two daugh- ters, 21 grandchildren and six great-grandchil- dren.
No funeral services were listed.
Ernie Ramos Jr.
Ernie Peter Ramos Jr. of Reedley died July 27 in Fresno. He was 49.
Mr. Ramos worked as a music producer.
He is survived by his wife Jennifer Ramos, two sons, one daughter, two sisters and three brothers.
Services were pri- vate.
Loretta Thomas
Loretta Helen Thom- as of Fresno died July 21. She was 85.
Mrs. Thomas worked as a legal secretary for the law office of Donald Hazel.
She is survived by two sisters.
A private burial ser- vice was held Sanger Cemetery.
Magdalena Valencia Magdalena Valencia
of Fresno died Aug. 5 in Fresno. She was 65.
Ms. Valencia is sur- vived by one brother and one sister.
No services were listed. Dopkins Reedley Funeral Chapel handled the arrangements.
SALONS Continued from page A1
amount will be covered by Reedley's allocation of 2020 CARES Act Coro- navirus Relief funding.
City Manager Nicole Zieba said it was impor- tant for the city to help out the hair shops and nail salons, which under the new state mandate could only remain open by con- ducting business outdoors under strict guidelines.
"Those guidelines are so burdensome, that very few salons and bar- bershops have figure out how to make that work," Zieba said. The biggest handicap for salons is the inability to have water transported outside for hair coloring, shampoos and similar services.
Zieba told the council that the city reached out to businesses to get their preference for what aid they could receive.
The Cutler-Orosi Joint Unified School District welcomed 15 new ad- ditions to the district's faculty and staff for the 2020-2021 school year.
TOP PHOTO: District student services staff. Front row (from left): Sandra Ambriz and Yolanda Arce. Back row: Chris Juarez, Catalina Quezada and Melina Ortega.
MIDDLE PHOTO: El Monte Middle School. Front row: Cynthia Garcia, Alexa Quezada. Back row: Colette Reed and Christopher Velasco.
BOTTOM PHOTO: Orosi High School. Front row: Esias Delgado, Blake Kelley, Mandi Bernal. Back row: Kathryn Walther, Rachel Cepeda and Isaak Gomez.
Photos Contributed
"Resoundingly, busi- nesses asked for another utility and streetscape [for downtown business- es] forgiveness relief to get by," she said.
Many of the business- es eligible for the relief will be spared having to pay city utility bills (wa- ter, wastewater and solid waste) for five months, starting back in April. This latest three-month program will cover util- ity bills through August.
The majority of the council voiced support before the vote. "Any- thing we can do to help these businesses, I think it's great," said Council Member Ray Soleno.
Zieba also told the council that the city plans to share with them at the Aug. 28 regular meeting the breakdown of doling out the $320,001 of CARES Act Coronavi- rus relief funds.
So far, the city has spent $37,000 in the ini- tial utilities bill relief resolution from May, and now will spend $25,000 on this action. The dis- persal of the CARES Act money will be spread out over six months.
Thursday, August 13, 2020
A2 | Mid Valley TiMes
Newest staff additions to
Cutler-Orosi Joint Unified
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