Page 2 - Reedley Exponent 12-13-18 E-edition
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The Reedley Exponent A2 Thursday, December 13, 2018
Wreaths for Veterans ceremony on Saturday at cemetery
Staff Report
The upcoming Wreaths for Reedley Veterans Ceremony is closer to having stainless steel hang- ers to go with wreaths adorning the graves to about 1,800 veterans at Reedley Cemetery.
This year’s fifth annual wreaths ceremony is scheduled for 10 a.m. on Saturday, Dec. 15, at the Memo- rial Service building at the cem- etery. Organizer Susan Lusk said
Judith A. Lack
Judith A. Lack of Dinu- ba died Nov. 24 in Visalia. She was 72.
Ms. Lack worked as a dietary supervisor. She is survived by one sister. No services were scheduled.
Gilbert Martinez Sr.
Gilbert Martinez Sr, an owner / operator from Di- nuba died Dec. 4 in Dinu- ba. Visitation will be held on Dec. 13 from 2 p.m. to 5:30 p.m. with Rosary at 3 p.m. at St. Catherine’s Catholic Church.
Services will be held Sterling & Smith Funeral Home in Dinuba. Inter- ment will be at the Smith Mountain Cemetery fol- lowing service.
Mr. Martinez is sur- vived by a son, and a daughter as well as two brothers and two sisters, and five grandchildren.
Delbert Lewis Fraser
Delbert Lewis Fraser, a PG&E supervisor of Dinu- ba, died in Fresno on Nov. 25. He was 91. Graveside
volunteers are needed to transport wreaths and lay out wreaths right after the ceremony as well as pick up and bag wreaths in January.
Lusk said the Valley Iron, Inc. of Fresno has donated the metal need- ed to create the remaining stainless steel hangers needed to go with the wreaths, Organizations and com- panies assisting in the project are Fowler High School FFA, Immanuel Fab Shop, the Knights of Columbus and O’Neill Vintners and Distillers
of Parlier.
The tentative schedule is to
transport the wreaths from the storage at the Reedley Armory to the cemetery at 8:30 a.m. on Dec. 15. They will be laid out just after the 10 a.m. ceremony. Wreaths will be picked up from the cemetery on Saturday, Jan. 5, and returned to the Armory. Wreaths will be bagged for storage the following Saturday, Jan. 12.
Lusk said donations from vol- unteers are welcome to assist in ongoing costs of replacing wreaths,
ribbons and hangers as well as pro- viding the metal. Donations can be made to the Reedley Area Veterans nonprofit (write “Wreaths for Reed- ley Veterans” on memo line if mak- ing out a check). Donation informa- tion also is available by contacting Andy Ochoa at (559) 250-3559.
Anyone wishing more informa- tion or looking to volunteer can con- tact Lusk at (559) 859-2865. At least 10 to 12 trucks are needed to pick up and transport the wreaths.
Thomas Junior Llewellyn
August 9, 1936 - December 4, 2018
omas Junior Llewellyn was born August 9,
1936 in Checotah, OK. omas was the 10th
of 12 children born to omas and Lillian Llewellyn. While at- tending elementary and high school, omas helped his family sustain themselves on the family farm. Following his high school graduation, he enlisted in the Armed Forces, where he served in the United States Air Force. For just over 2 years he was stationed in Newfoundland.
While on leave with his cousin, Tom traveled to California where he met his rst love, Joanne Hicks. ey were married in 1958 in Dinuba, where they settled and raised their family. Soon a er their marriage, Joanne started baking cakes as a hobby - which quickly turned into a full-time business, e Cake Lady. Tom helped Joanne with the baking as well as delivering and setting up of wed- ding cakes a er he had nished working his full-time job as an engineering technician. Tom worked for New Holland in Fowler for 25 years, up until their closing in 1983.Tom then went on to work at Sequoia Forest Products and Salwasser Manufacturing before retiring in 2000. His beloved wife of 39 years, Joanne, passed away suddenly in November of 1996. During their married years, Tom made time to coach his sons Little League teams, as well as lead their YMCA Indian Guide and Maiden groups. Tom made sure his children knew their family in Oklahoma by taking them each sum- mer to visit relatives.
Following Joanne’s passing in 1996, Tom met and married Betty Baker in November 1997. He proudly took on the extended family and o en told people that he had two wonderful families. A er
his retirement, Tom and Betty were very active volunteering at the Central California Blood Bank, e Reedley Senior Center and Christ Lutheran Church. When TL Reed school opened in 2004, he took on the Crossing Guard duties at T.L. Reed every morning and most a ernoons for 6 years. Tom’s love for farming continued into his retirement through a senior gardening class at Reedley Col- lege where he grew vegetables and berries along with persimmons and blackberries at his home, all of which he graciously shared. Everyone loved his dried persimmons and persimmon cookies along with his many other baked goods. Jams and jellies became an annual donation of Tom and Betty’s with funds going to sponsor Senior Center activities and interests. Tom served on the board
of directors at CLC where he was a member for 22 years and was currently serving on the e Reedley Senior Commission board. He was also a member of the Reedley American Legion. His travels through the Senior Center took he and Betty on local day trips as well as cruises where they traveled to Hawaii, Panama, Alaska and Ireland. Before Betty’s passing in October of 2015, their annual road trip to Oklahoma was always much anticipated.
is 2018 anksgiving, Tom traveled for nine days with family to Dallas, Texas and then to Broken Arrow, Oklahoma to be with 42 family members that traveled from 6 di erent states to visit with him. Tom returned home to Reedley and nine days later passed away at home on December 4th, just in time to spend this Christ- mas in heaven. He was preceded in death by his parents omas and Lillian, loving wives Joanne and Betty, siblings Dora Jackson, Henry, Dan, Warren, James, Donald Llewellyn. Surviving are broth- ers Eustace, Harold, and Windsor Llewellyn; and sisters LilaMae Mann and Gladys Burge. His sons Michael (and Tina) Llewellyn, Richard (and Prisca) Llewellyn; daughters Tamara (and Anthony) Stegall and Joyce onesen. His unconditional love will also be
missed by 11 Grandchildren and 12 Great-Grandchildren.
Wallin’s Parlier
Funeral Home
CHASE Continued from page A1
were damaged.
“Good outcome,” Duran
The initial confronta-
tion took place on the 2400 block of Seventh Street af- ter police were dispatched to a disturbance, Duran said. He said the suspect
services will be held at the Smith Mountain Cemetery on Dec. 15 at 10 a.m.
Audelia Lizarraga De Chavez
Audelia Lizarraga De Chavez, a school teacher from Dinuba died on Dec. 10 at her residence in Di- nuba. She was 102. She is survived by her three sons; Manuel Chavez of Dinuba, Pablo Chavez of Reedley, and Pedro Chavez of Reed- ley, three daughters; Maria Antonieta Chavez Poceros of Mexicali, Olivia Bailey of Strathmore, and Edu- arda Ayala of Dinuba, as well as 24 grandchildren, 44 great grandchildren, and 27 great-great grand- children. Visitation will be held at the Dopkins Dinuba Funeral Chapel on Dec. 17 from 4p.m. to 8p.m. Wake Services will be held on Dec 17 at 6:30 p.m, Chapel Services on Dec. 18 at Dopkins Dinuba Funeral Chapel at 10 a.m. Interment at Smith Moun- tain Cemetery.
Administrator Bessey authored manuscript published nationally
Kings Canyon High School honored
Kings Canyon High School recently received national rec- ognition for their approach to working with students.
The Journal of At Risk Issues (JARI) is a national periodical published by the National Drop Out Prevention Organization.
The research manuscript, written by Randy Bessey, was entitled, “Resilient Doctoral Students in California: A Re- flective Study of the Relation Between Childhood Challeng- es and Academic Success.”
Happy 48TH Birthday,
Little Ricky!
12/17/1970 ~ 12/18/1970 Love, Mommie
The article discussed KCHS’s successful approach to help- ing students through relation- ships, rigor, relevance, and reflection.
Bessey, the author of the manuscript, is the pro- gram administrator at Kings Canyon High School for the Kings Canyon Unified School District. Bessey said he was pleased about the attention.
“It may surprise a lot of people that nearly 75 percent of students today have experi- enced some sort of childhood trauma,” he said “I am very proud of the Kings Canyon High School staff and their efforts in moving beyond trau- ma informed and working on becoming trauma skilled.
“I am blessed to work with such amazing people, at such an awesome school, and in such a great district.”
Bessey is a member of the Fresno Trauma and Resiliency Network and has been assist- ing educators throughout the Central Valley better serve at- promise student populations.
Kings Canyon High School / Photo Contributed
Randy Bessey. program administrator at Kings Canyon High School, held up a copy of the manuscript he authored that recently was pub- lished by the National Drop Out Prevention Organization.
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Tammy Lee Qualls Sanders
December 10, 1960 - November 20, 2018
Tammy began her journey on December 10, 1960 and unexpectedly passed away on November 20, 2018. Tammy was pro-
ceeded in death by her grandparents omas Martin Qualls, Louis B Qualls
and Opal Smith, her father omas Lee Qualls, and her son Robert Lee Qualls. She is survived by her daugh- ters Casey Croslin, Amber Reid, Talea Martin, Alexus Sanders, and
April Hawkins.
Tammy was free spirited and a force
to be reckoned with. She had a special gi of making people laugh and loved to sing. Tammy will be escorted by her loving
nephew omas Qualls to the celebration of life on December 15, 2018 at 2 p.m. at the Orosi Memorial Hall, 41645
Road 128 in Orosi, Ca. All family and friends are welcome to attend.
FRED HALL ............................................................................. Publisher JON EARNEST............................................................... Editor / Sports JUANITA ADAME ...................................................Panorama Editor DEBRA LEAK........................................................................Marketing JANIE LUCIO.....................................................................Advertising DUBY TREVINO..............................................................Graphic Artist CLINTON ANTONIO......................................................Graphic Artist TOM MONTIJO..............................................................Graphic Artist KATE ISAAK................................................................ Classified Sales STACY HAWKINS .............................................................Accounting ROSEMARY OCHOA........................................................Accounting
The Reedley Exponent (USPS 458-860) is published weekly on Thursdays for $20 a year, $24.50 other areas and $26.50 out-of-state by Mid-Valley Publishing Inc., 1130 G St., Reedley, CA 93654. Periodicals postage paid at Sanger, CA 93657. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to The Reedley Exponent, 1130 G St., Reedley, CA 93654
The Reedley Exponent is one of Fresno County’s oldest newspapers. It was established in March, 1891, in the Knauer residence on the corner of what now is F and 11th streets. In about 1893, it moved to the building where it is still located. The newspaper’s office is at 1130 G St, Reedley, CA 93654, Phone (559) 638-2244.
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