Page 16 - Mid Valley Times 1-20-22 E-Edition
P. 16
Danny Jimenez / Photo Contributed
Reedley High's Jose Magallon (5) hurdled a tackle attempt from Fresno High's Marco Rivas (8) as twilight descended on the Reedley Soccer Complex during the Pirates' 2-1 North Yosemite League victory over the Warriors on Jan. 11.
SOCCER Continued from page A9
Cruz Ledesma pro- vided Reedley's offense in the win over Fresno, tallying both goals. The senior later added a goal and assist, complementing Jose Magallon's two goals in the triumph at Hoover. Kevin Garcia and Alex Perez also scored goals.
The Pirates had match- es this next week at McLane and home against Sunnyside.
Reedley's girls fell to 2-12-3 on the season with a 2-0 shutout loss at Fresno High obj Jan. 12. The Pi- rate girls were scheduled
to host Hoover on Jan. 14, but the match was can- celed because of COVID issues. The girls were scheduled to return to ac- tion Jan. 19 at Roosevelt. Dinuba boys drop non-league matches
It was a strange week for the Dinuba High boys, who lost twice last week yet managed to remain unbeaten in Central Se- quoia League play.
The Emperors (5-8-2, 2-0) dropped a 6-0 non- league decision in Ba- kersfield to Garces High on Jan. 10, then fell 1-0 at home to Fresno Christian on Jan. 12 when the Ea- gles scored the lone goal
in the first 10 minutes of the second half.
Dinuba then had a home match scheduled with Central Valley Chris- tian on Jan. 14, but the match was postponed as dense fog in Visalia pre- vented the visitors from holding class instruction or participating that day in athletics or extracur- ricular activities.
The Lady Emps (6-7- 4, 3-2 CSL) got four goals from Diana Rico and one score from Krysta Casas in a 5-1 win over Fresno Christian on Jan. 12, be- fore dropping a 2-0 deci- sion the next day at Cen- tral Valley Christian.
Rapid at-home
COVID test
kits available
in Fresno Co.
The Fresno County Department of Pub- lic Health (FCDPH) announced on Jan. 14 that Fresno County was making more than 37,000 iHealth At-Home COVID-19 rapid anti- gen tests available to residents through a new program.
Fresno County resi- dents can now obtain at-home COVID-19 self- tests online through the FCDPH by visiting 19selftest.
The at-home test kits arrived in Fresno County on Jan. 14, and the FCDPH is distrib- uting them to residents in vulnerable zip codes throughout the county.
Continued from page A1
they did dip by seven on Jan. 18. An additional 22 people died from COV- ID-related issues for the week in Fresno County, with 11 more deaths re- ported in Tulare County.
The increased num- bers of COVID cas- es during this winter surged has prevented both counties from pro- viding timely weekend updates to the public. Tulare County wasn't able to fully update its numbers until Tuesday, making the significant jump even larger.
Last week, Fresno County was able to pro- vide an update in its 30- day incidence rates for individual communities and zip code areas in the county. The previ- ous update of incidence rates showed that many of those areas were un- der the 30-day incidence
requirements. Needless to say, the new updates changed all that.
With the exception of northwest Reedley, all re- gions of the city showed sharp rises in incident rates per 10,000 people. The steepest climb came in the Wahtoke/Navelen- cia area, which jumped from 43 to 81 per 10K as of the Jan. 16 update. Southwest Reedley was a 76, southeast Reedley at 73 and northeast Reedley at 57. The Lac Jac region west of the city climbed to 64.
Reedley's death toll also increased by four, to 91, since the pandemic began.
Sanger's incidence rates were the highest in the Mid Valley Times region of the coun- ty. Northwest Sanger climbed from 88 per 10,000 as of Jan. 12 to 144 per 10K for the Jan. 16 update. Southwest Sanger increased from
80 to 136. Northeast and southeast portions of the city also had large leaps; increasing respectively from 76 and 88 to 130 and 117 per 10,000.
Sanger's death toll in grew from 84 to 87 in the
latest statistics. Between the two cit-
ies, Parlier saw 30-day case incidence return in the northern por- tion, jumping to 75 per 10,000 from 32 to 47. The remainder of the
city increased from 32 to 47, and two additional deaths brought the city's total to 50.
Orange Cove's death toll from the pandemic continued at 20 in the latest update.
Thursday, January 20, 2022 | A16 | Mid Valley TiMes
As of the Tuesday, Jan. 18 update, there were 176,959 total cases of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID- 19) out of 2,222,295 tests in Fresno County, with 2,426 deaths and 447 people hospitalized (61 in ICU).
deaths. Del Rey was at an updated 449 cases (1,287 in region) while the Fowler region had 1,726 cases (1,500 in the city) and an updated 32 deaths through Jan. 18. Squaw Valley (an updated 231 cases), Dunlap and Miramonte had a total case number of 590.
Among Mid Valley Times cities in the county through Jan. 18, the Reedley region continued with the most total overall positive cases with 9,744 (an updated 5,200 in the city proper), and a jump to 91 deaths in data on the Fresno County Department of Public Health website.
In Tulare County, there was a total of 80,376 confirmed cases (8,058 active, an increase of 5,061 for the week) of COVID-19 with 1,192 deaths and 116 people hospitalized (13 in ICU) as of Tuesday, Jan. 18. Breakdowns by cities/regions show 6,502 total cases in Dinuba, 2,179 in Orosi, 1,101 in Cutler, 413 in Traver, 149 in the rural area south of Reedley and 42 in the area southeast of Orange Cove.
Through Jan. 18 with no recent updates, Sanger (including immediate surrounding rural areas) continued to show 9,556 cases (an updated 6,900 in the city) and 87 deaths; Parlier was at 3,600 cases (3,815 region) with 49 deaths and Orange Cove had 2,200 (3,694 regional) cases and 20
A total of 71,126 people (88.5 percent) in Tulare County were listed as recovered as of Tuesday, Jan. 18.
COVID-19 update